14 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium dynamics of spin-boson models from phase space methods

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    An accurate description of the nonequilibrium dynamics of systems with coupled spin and bosonic degrees of freedom remains theoretically challenging, especially for large system sizes and in higher than one dimension. Phase space methods such as the Truncated Wigner Approximation (TWA) have the advantage of being easily scalable and applicable to arbitrary dimensions. In this work we adapt the TWA to generic spin-boson models by making use of recently developed algorithms for discrete phase spaces [Schachenmayer, PRX 5, 011022 (2015)]. Furthermore we go beyond the standard TWA approximation by applying a scheme based on the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon (BBGKY) hierarchy of equations [Pucci, PRB 93, 174302 (2016)] to our coupled spin-boson model. This allows in principle to study how systematically adding higher order corrections improves the convergence of the method. To test various levels of approximation we study an exactly solvable spin-boson model which is particularly relevant for trapped-ion arrays. Using TWA and its BBGKY extension we accurately reproduce the time evolution of a number of one- and two-point correlation functions in several dimensions and for arbitrary number of bosonic modes.Comment: 10+5 pages, 5 figure

    Non-equilibrium Quantum Spin Dynamics from 2PI Functional Integral Techniques in the Schwinger Boson Representation

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    We present a non-equilibrium quantum field theory approach to the initial-state dynamics of spin models based on two-particle irreducible (2PI) functional integral techniques. It employs a mapping of spins to Schwinger bosons for arbitrary spin interactions and spin lengths. At next-to-leading order (NLO) in an expansion in the number of field components, a wide range of non-perturbative dynamical phenomena are shown to be captured, including relaxation of magnetizations in a 3D long-range interacting system with quenched disorder, different relaxation behaviour on both sides of a quantum phase transition and the crossover from relaxation to arrest of dynamics in a disordered spin chain previously shown to exhibit many-body-localization. Where applicable, we employ alternative state-of-the-art techniques and find rather good agreement with our 2PI NLO results. As our method can handle large system sizes and converges relatively quickly to its thermodynamic limit, it opens the possibility to study those phenomena in higher dimensions in regimes in which no other efficient methods exist. Furthermore, the approach to classical dynamics can be investigated as the spin length is increased

    Emergent dark states from superradiant dynamics in multilevel atoms in a cavity

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    We investigate the collective decay dynamics of atoms with a generic multilevel structure (angular momenta F↔F′F\leftrightarrow F') coupled to two light modes of different polarization inside a cavity. In contrast to two-level atoms, we find that multilevel atoms can harbour eigenstates that are perfectly dark to cavity decay even within the subspace of permutationally symmetric states (collective Dicke manifold). The dark states arise from destructive interference between different internal transitions and are shown to be entangled. Remarkably, the superradiant decay of multilevel atoms can end up stuck in one of these dark states, where a macroscopic fraction of the atoms remains excited. This opens the door to the preparation of entangled dark states of matter through collective dissipation useful for quantum sensing and quantum simulation. Our predictions should be readily observable in current optical cavity experiments with alkaline-earth atoms or Raman-dressed transitions.Comment: 22+9 pages, 14+4 figures (like published version, except for minor editorial corrections