3,156 research outputs found

    First observation of strong OZI rule violation in πN\pi N interactions

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    The data of the CERN WA56 experiment that triggered the fast proton produced in the π+p\pi^{+}p and πp\pi^{-}p interactions at beam momenta 20 GeV/c and 12 GeV/c, respectively, are used to analyse the final states pfϕ(ω)π± p_{f} \phi (\omega)\pi^{\pm}. A large excess (up to two orders of magnitude) of the ϕ/ω\phi/\omega cross sections ratio over the OZI prediction is observed


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    The paper is dedicated to decidability exploration of market segmentation problem with the help of linear convolution algorithms. Mathematical formulation of this problem represents interval task of bipartite graph cover by stars. Vertices of the first partition correspond to types of commodities, vertices of the second – to customers groups. Appropriate method is offered for interval problem reduction to two-criterion task that has one implemented linear convolution algorithm. Unsolvability with the help of linear convolution algorithm of multicriterion, and consequently interval, market segmentation problem is proved

    The impact of stress on the physical, psychological and behavioral health components of students

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    students, stress, health, студенты, стресс, здоровь

    Эпоха возрождения отечественной терапии

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    За более чем 100-летнюю историю своего существования Российское научное медицинское общество терапевтов переживало разные времена. К счастью, последние годы ознаменовались значительным подъемом активности деятельности Общества, как и всей отечественной терапии в целом. Поэтому, с одной стороны, закономерно, а с другой — весьма символично, что журнал «Архивъ внутренней медицины» начал издаваться именно сейчас. О прошлом, настоящем и о перспективах журнала, которого так долго ждали все терапевты нашей страны, рассказывает человек, внесший огромный вклад в развитие Общества терапевтов и создание «Архива внутренней медицины» — Андрей Александрович Спасский, врач высшей категории, доктор медицинских наук, генеральный секретарь Общероссийской общественной организации «Российское научное медицинское общество терапевтов»

    A mean-field model for nematic alignment of self-propelled rods

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    In this paper we develop a model for nematic alignment of self-propelled rods interacting through binary collisions. We avoid phenomenological descriptions of rod interaction in favor of rigorously using a set of microscopic-level rules. Under the assumption that each collision results in a small change to a rod's orientation, we derive the Fokker-Planck equation for the evolution of the kinetic density function. Using analytical and numerical methods, we study the emergence of the nematic order from a homogeneous, uniform steady-state of the mean-field equation.Comment: https://journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.106.03461

    Concerning Organization of Disinfection Activities at the Time of Large-Scale Flooding in the Amur Region

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    of epidemiologically significant territories, 63 centralized water supply systems, 111 wells, 3 animal burial sites, and 117 infrastructure facilities. It minimized flood aftermaths and provided for avoidance of epidemiological situation complications