1,935 research outputs found


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    The center of the city usually forms its image and uniqueness among the other cities of a country, and possibly among the cities of the whole world. Every city has its own landmarks; in Ukraine big part of them are of Soviet heritage. For example, in Kharkiv there is the Ordzhonykydzevskij region that was formed in the years 20-30s of ?? century. The most interesting thing is that there are several central districts between the side-street called “Peace” and boulevard of Frunze. The districts started to be built in 1930 as a so-called socialistic small town-satellite “New Kharkiv”. This socialistic town should have been a place for workers of recently built Kharkiv tractor factory to live in. According to the project all the houses in the districts should have been connected by transitions, which were planned to be built from the reinforced concrete and glass at the level of the second floor (it was not realized because of lack of money). Apartments in the “socialistic paradise” should not have had the specially equipped kitchens: all the inhabitants of “New Kharkiv” (planned number of about 50 thousand people) were to be fully served by establishments of public food consumption - so called “factory-kitchens”.Geographical Information System; Landmark; Town-planning; City.

    The white dwarf in dwarf nova SDSS J080434.20+510349.2: Entering the instability strip?

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    SDSS J080434.20+510349.2 is the WZ type binary that displayed rare outburst in 2006 (Pavlenko et al., 2007). During the long-lasting tail of the late stage of the outburst binary shown the two-humped or four-humped profile of the orbital light modulation. The amplitude of orbital light curve decreased while the mean brightness decreased, more over that occurred \sim 10 times faster during the fast outburst decline in respect to the late quiet state of slow outburst fading. There were no white dwarf pulsations detected neither 1 - 1.5 months prior to the outburst nor in 1.5 - 2 months after the 2006 outburst in this system. However the strong non-radial pulsations with period 12.6 minutes and mean amplitude of 0.05^m were first detected in V band with 2.6-m Shajn mirror telescope of the Crimean astrophysical observatory in ~ 8 months after the outburst. The evolution of pulsations over two years in 2006 - 2008 is considered. It is supposed that pulsations first appeared when the cooling white dwarf (after the outburst) entered the instability strip although the possibility of temporary lack of pulsations at some occasions also could not be excluded.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of 16th European White Dwarf Workshop (EUROWD08

    Jet-induced gauge field instabilities in the quark-gluon plasma: A kinetic theory approach

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    We discuss the properties of the collective modes of a system composed by a thermalized quark-gluon plasma traversed by a relativistic jet of partons. The transport equations obeyed by the components of the plasma and of the jet are studied in the Vlasov approximation. Assuming that the partons in the jet can be described with a tsunami-like distribution function we derive the expressions of the dispersion law of the collective modes. Then the behavior of the unstable gauge modes of the system is analyzed for various values of the velocity of the jet, of the momentum of the collective modes and of the angle between these two quantities. We find that the most unstable modes are those with momentum orthogonal to the velocity of the jet and that these instabilities appear when the velocity of the jet is higher than a threshold value, which depends on the plasma and jet frequencies. The results obtained within the Vlasov approximation are compared with the corresponding results obtained using a chromohydrodynamical approach.The effect we discuss here suggests a possible collective mechanism for the description of the jet quenching phenomena in heavy ion collisions.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetically ordered state at correlated oxide interfaces: the role of random oxygen defects

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    Using an effective one-band Hubbard model with disorder, we consider magnetic states of the correlated oxide interfaces, where effective hole self-doping and a magnetially ordered state emerge due to electronic and ionic reconstructions. By employing the coherent potential approximation, we analyze the effect of random oxygen vacancies on the two-dimensional magnetism. We find that the random vacancies enhance the ferromagnetically ordered state and stabilize a robust magnetization above a critical vacancy concentration of about c=0.1. In the strong-correlated regime, we also obtain a nonmonotonic increase of the magnetization upon an increase of vacancy concentration and a substantial increase of the magnetic moments, which can be realized at oxygen reduced high-Tc cuprate interfaces.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to J Supercond Novel Magnetism (ICSM12 conference contribution

    A search for lithium in metal-poor L dwarfs

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    The aim of the project is to search for lithium in absorption at 6707.8 Angstroms to constrain the nature and the mass of the brightest low-metallicity L-type dwarfs (refered to as L subdwarfs) identified in large-scale surveys. We obtained low- to intermediate-resolution (R~2500-9000) optical (~560-770 nm) spectra of two mid-L subdwarfs, SDSSJ125637.13-022452.4 (SDSS1256; sdL3.5) and 2MASSJ162620.14+392519.5 (2MASS1626; sdL4) with spectrographs on the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope and the Gran Telescopio de Canarias. We report the presence of a feature at the nominal position of the lithium absorption doublet at 6707.8 Angstroms in the spectrum of SDSS1256, with an equivalent width of 66+/-27 Angstroms at 2.4 sigma, which we identify as arising from a CaH molecular transition based on atmosphere models. We do not see any feature at the position of the lithium feature in the spectrum of 2MASS1626. The existence of overlapping molecular absorption sets a confusion detection limit of [Li/H]=-3 for equivalently-typed L subdwarfs. We provided improved radial velocity measurements of -126+/-10 km/s and -239+/-12 km/s for SDSS1256 and 2MASS1626, respectively, as well as revised Galactic orbits. We implemented adjusting factors for the CaH molecule in combination with the NextGen atmosphere models to fit the optical spectrum of SDSS1256 in the 6200-7300 Angstroms range. We also estimate the expected Li abundance from interstellar accretion ([Li/H]=-5), place limits on circumstellar accretion (10^9 g/yr), and discuss the prospects of Li searches in cooler L and T subdwarfs.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted to A&