19,931 research outputs found

    Evolution of a curved vortex filament into a vortex ring

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    The deformation of a hairpin-shaped vortex filament under self-induction and in the presence of shear is studied numerically using the Biot-Savart law. It is shown that the tip region of an elongated hairpin vortex evolves into a vortex ring and that the presence of mean shear impedes the process. Evolution of a finite-thickness vortex sheet under self-induction is also investigated using the Navier-Stokes equations. The layer evolves into a hairpin vortex which in turn produces a vortex ring of high Reynolds stress content. These results indicate a mechanism for the generation of ring vortices in turbulent shear flows, and a link between the experimental and numerical observation of hairpin vortices and the observation of ring vortices in the outer regions of turbulent boundary layers

    Novel Azimuthal Asymmetries in Drell Yan and Semi-inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    We consider the leading and sub-leading twist TT-odd and even contributions to the cos2ϕ\cos 2\phi azimuthal asymmetry in unpolarized dilepton production in Drell-Yan Scattering. We estimate the contributions' effects at 500GeV500 {\rm GeV}, 50GeV 50 {\rm GeV}, and 25GeV25 {\rm GeV} energies in the framework of the parton model using a quark diquark-spectator model of the nucleon to approximate the soft contributions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Numerical simulation of vortex breakdown by the vortex-filament method

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    The vortex filament method was applied to the simulation of vortex breakdown. The principal vortex region was represented by multiple filaments, and an axial velocity component was induced by a spiral winding of the filaments. First, an accuracy check was performed for a cylindrical swirling flow with simple analytical expressions for the axial and theta velocities. The result suggests that the flow field is simulated to any accuracy by increasing the number of filaments. Second, an axisymmetric type vortex breakdown was simulated, with experimental data serving as upstream conditions. The calculated axial and theta velocity contours show the breakdown of the vortex, including a rapid change in the vortex core, followed axially by a recovery zone and then a second breakdown. When three dimensional initial data are used the second breakdown appears to be of the spiral type in correspondence with experimental observations. The present method is easily used to simulate other types of vortex breakdown or other vortex flows with axial velocity

    Numerical simulation of separated flows

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    A new numerical method, based on the Vortex Method, for the simulation of two-dimensional separated flows, was developed and tested on a wide range of gases. The fluid is incompressible and the Reynolds number is high. A rigorous analytical basis for the representation of the Navier-Stokes equation in terms of the vorticity is used. An equation for the control of circulation around each body is included. An inviscid outer flow (computed by the Vortex Method) was coupled with a viscous boundary layer flow (computed by an Eulerian method). This version of the Vortex Method treats bodies of arbitrary shape, and accurately computes the pressure and shear stress at the solid boundary. These two quantities reflect the structure of the boundary layer. Several versions of the method are presented and applied to various problems, most of which have massive separation. Comparison of its results with other results, generally experimental, demonstrates the reliability and the general accuracy of the new method, with little dependence on empirical parameters. Many of the complex features of the flow past a circular cylinder, over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, are correctly reproduced

    A "partitioned leaping" approach for multiscale modeling of chemical reaction dynamics

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    We present a novel multiscale simulation approach for modeling stochasticity in chemical reaction networks. The approach seamlessly integrates exact-stochastic and "leaping" methodologies into a single "partitioned leaping" algorithmic framework. The technique correctly accounts for stochastic noise at significantly reduced computational cost, requires the definition of only three model-independent parameters and is particularly well-suited for simulating systems containing widely disparate species populations. We present the theoretical foundations of partitioned leaping, discuss various options for its practical implementation and demonstrate the utility of the method via illustrative examples.Comment: v4: 12 pages, 5 figures, final accepted version. Error found and fixed in Appendi

    Accurate implementation of leaping in space: The spatial partitioned-leaping algorithm

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    There is a great need for accurate and efficient computational approaches that can account for both the discrete and stochastic nature of chemical interactions as well as spatial inhomogeneities and diffusion. This is particularly true in biology and nanoscale materials science, where the common assumptions of deterministic dynamics and well-mixed reaction volumes often break down. In this article, we present a spatial version of the partitioned-leaping algorithm (PLA), a multiscale accelerated-stochastic simulation approach built upon the tau-leaping framework of Gillespie. We pay special attention to the details of the implementation, particularly as it pertains to the time step calculation procedure. We point out conceptual errors that have been made in this regard in prior implementations of spatial tau-leaping and illustrate the manifestation of these errors through practical examples. Finally, we discuss the fundamental difficulties associated with incorporating efficient exact-stochastic techniques, such as the next-subvolume method, into a spatial-leaping framework and suggest possible solutions.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Quantum interference with molecules: The role of internal states

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    Recent experiments have shown that fullerene and fluorofullerene molecules can produce interference patterns. These molecules have both rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom. This leads one to ask whether these internal motions can play a role in degrading the interference pattern. We study this by means of a simple model. Our molecule consists of two masses a fixed distance apart. It scatters from a potential with two or several peaks, thereby mimicking two or several slit interference. We find that in some parameter regimes the entanglement between the internal states and the translational degrees of freedom produced by the potential can decrease the visibility of the interference pattern. In particular, different internal states correspond to different outgoing wave vectors, so that if several internal states are excited, the total interference pattern will be the sum of a number of patterns, each with a different periodicity. The overall pattern is consequently smeared out. In the case of two different peaks, the scattering from the different peaks will excite different internal states so that the path the molecule takes become entangled with its internal state. This will also lead to degradation of the interference pattern. How these mechanisms might lead to the emergence of classical behavior is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 eps figures, quality of figures reduced because of size restriction

    Analysis of Photoassociation Spectra for Giant Helium Dimers

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    We perform a theoretical analysis to interpret the spectra of purely long-range helium dimers produced by photoassociation (PA) in an ultra-cold gas of metastable helium atoms. The experimental spectrum obtained with the PA laser tuned closed to the 23S123P02^3S_1\leftrightarrow 2^3P_0 atomic line has been reported in a previous Letter. Here, we first focus on the corrections to be applied to the measured resonance frequencies in order to infer the molecular binding energies. We then present a calculation of the vibrational spectra for the purely long-range molecular states, using adiabatic potentials obtained from perturbation theory. With retardation effects taken into account, the agreement between experimental and theoretical determinations of the spectrum for the 0u+0_u^+ purely long-range potential well is very good. The results yield a determination of the lifetime of the 23P2^3P atomic state

    Peak Ventilation Reference Standards from Exercise Testing: From the FRIEND Registry

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    Peak Ventilation Reference Standards from Exercise Testing: From the FRIEND Registry. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 50, No. 12, pp. 2603–2608, 2018. Purpose: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) provides valuable clinical information, including peak ventilation (V˙ Epeak), which has been shown to have diagnostic and prognostic value in the assessment of patients with underlying pulmonary disease. This report provides reference standards for V˙ Epeak derived from CPX on treadmills in apparently healthy individuals. Methods: Nine laboratories in the United States experienced in CPX administration with established quality control procedures contributed to the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database from 2014 to 2017. Data from 5232 maximal exercise tests from men and women without cardiovascular or pulmonary disease were used to create percentiles ofV˙ Epeak for both men and women by decade between 20 and 79 yr. Additionally, prediction equations were developed for V˙ Epeak using descriptive information. Results: V˙ Epeak was found to be significantly different between men and women and across age groups (P G 0.05). The rate of decline in V˙ Epeak was 8.0% per decade for both men and women. A stepwise regression model of 70% of the sample revealed that sex, age, and height were significant predictors ofV˙ Epeak. The equation was cross-validated with data from the remaining 30% of the sample with a final equation developed from the full sample (r = 0.73). Additionally, a linear regression model revealed forced expiratory volume in 1 s significantly predicted V˙ Epeak (r = 0.73). Conclusions: Reference standards were developed for V˙ Epeak for the United States population. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing laboratories will be able to provide interpretation of V˙ Epeak from these age and sex-specific percentile reference values or alternatively can use these nonexercise prediction equations incorporating sex, age, and height or with a single predictor of forced expiratory volume in 1 s