3,232 research outputs found

    Bulk viscosity in the nonlinear and anharmonic regime of strange quark matter

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    The bulk viscosity of cold, dense three-flavor quark matter is studied as a function of temperature and the amplitude of density oscillations. The study is also extended to the case of two different types of anharmonic oscillations of density. We point several qualitative effects due to the anharmonicity, although quantitatively they appear to be relatively small. We also find that, in most regions of the parameter space, with the exception of the case of a very large amplitude of density oscillations (i.e. 10% and above), nonlinear effects and anharmonicity have a small effect on the interplay of the nonleptonic and semileptonic processes in the bulk viscosity.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures; v2: Appendix B is omitted, a few new discussions added and some new references adde

    Vortices on Higher Genus Surfaces

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    We consider the topological interactions of vortices on general surfaces. If the genus of the surface is greater than zero, the handles can carry magnetic flux. The classical state of the vortices and the handles can be described by a mapping from the fundamental group to the unbroken gauge group. The allowed configurations must satisfy a relation induced by the fundamental group. Upon quantization, the handles can carry ``Cheshire charge.'' The motion of the vortices can be described by the braid group of the surface. How the motion of the vortices affects the state is analyzed in detail.Comment: 28 pages with 10 figures; uses phyzzx and psfig; Caltech preprint CALT-68-187

    Gapless Color Superconductivity

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    We present the dispersion relations for quasiparticle excitations about the color-flavor locked ground state of QCD at high baryon density. In the presence of condensates which pair light and strange quarks there need not be an energy gap in the quasiparticle spectrum. This raises the possibility of gapless color superconductivity, with a Meissner effect but no minimum excitation energy. Analysis within a toy model suggests that gapless color superconductivity may occur only as a metastable phase.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, eps figures include

    One-Loop Self Energy and Renormalization of the Speed of Light for some Anisotropic Improved Quark Actions

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    One-loop corrections to the fermion rest mass M_1, wave function renormalization Z_2 and speed of light renormalization C_0 are presented for lattice actions that combine improved glue with clover or D234 quark actions and keep the temporal and spatial lattice spacings, a_t and a_s, distinct. We explore a range of values for the anisotropy parameter \chi = a_s/a_t and treat both massive and massless fermions.Comment: 45 LaTeX pages with 4 postscript figure

    Near-Zero Modes in Superconducting Graphene

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    Vortices in the simplest superconducting state of graphene contain very low energy excitations, whose existence is connected to an index theorem that applies strictly to an approximate form of the relevant Bogoliubov-deGennes equations. When Zeeman interactions are taken into account, the zero modes required by the index theorem are (slightly) displaced. Thus the vortices acquire internal structure, that plausibly supports interesting dynamical phenomena.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium on Graphene and Quantum Matte

    Improving lattice perturbation theory

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    Lepage and Mackenzie have shown that tadpole renormalization and systematic improvement of lattice perturbation theory can lead to much improved numerical results in lattice gauge theory. It is shown that lattice perturbation theory using the Cayley parametrization of unitary matrices gives a simple analytical approach to tadpole renormalization, and that the Cayley parametrization gives lattice gauge potentials gauge transformations close to the continuum form. For example, at the lowest order in perturbation theory, for SU(3) lattice gauge theory, at β=6,\beta=6, the `tadpole renormalized' coupling g~2=43g2,\tilde g^2 = {4\over 3} g^2, to be compared to the non-perturbative numerical value g~2=1.7g2.\tilde g^2 = 1.7 g^2.Comment: Plain TeX, 8 page

    Dense quark matter in compact stars

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    The densest predicted state of matter is colour-superconducting quark matter, in which quarks near the Fermi surface form a condensate of Cooper pairs. This form of matter may well exist in the core of compact stars, and the search for signatures of its presence is an ongoing enterprise. Using a bag model of quark matter, I discuss the effects of colour superconductivity on the mass-radius relationship of compact stars, showing that colour superconducting quark matter can occur in compact stars at values of the bag constant where ordinary quark matter would not be allowed. The resultant ``hybrid'' stars with colour superconducting quark matter interior and nuclear matter surface have masses in the range 1.3-1.6 Msolar and radii 8-11 km. Once perturbative corrections are included, quark matter can show a mass-radius relationship very similar to that of nuclear matter, and the mass of a hybrid star can reach 1.8 \Msolar.Comment: 11 pages, for proceedings of SQM 2003 conference; references added, abstract reworde

    Charge Violation and Alice Behavior in Global and Textured Strings

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    Spontaneous breaking of global symmetries can produce ``Alice'' strings: line defects which make unbroken symmetries multivalued, induce apparent charge violation via Aharonov-Bohm interactions, and form point defects when twisted into loops. We demonstrate this behavior for both divergent and textured global Alice strings. Both adiabatically scatter charged particles via effective Wilson lines. For textured Alice strings, such Wilson lines occur at all radii, and are multivalued only inside the string. This produces measurable effects, including path-dependent charge violation.Comment: 32 pages, 2 epsfigs, Revte

    Illuminating Dense Quark Matter

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    We imagine shining light on a lump of cold dense quark matter, in the CFL phase and therefore a transparent insulator. We calculate the angles of reflection and refraction, and the intensity of the reflected and refracted light. Although the only potentially observable context for this phenomenon (reflection of light from and refraction of light through an illuminated quark star) is unlikely to be realized, our calculation casts new light on the old idea that confinement makes the QCD vacuum behave as if filled with a condensate of color-magnetic monopoles.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    SO(10) Cosmic Strings and SU(3) Color Cheshire Charge

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    Certain cosmic strings that occur in GUT models such as SO(10)SO(10) can carry a magnetic flux which acts nontrivially on objects carrying SU(3)colorSU(3)_{color} quantum numbers. We show that such strings are non-Abelian Alice strings carrying nonlocalizable colored ``Cheshire" charge. We examine claims made in the literature that SO(10)SO(10) strings can have a long-range, topological Aharonov-Bohm interaction that turns quarks into leptons, and observe that such a process is impossible. We also discuss flux-flux scattering using a multi-sheeted formalism.Comment: 37 Pages, 8 Figures (available upon request) phyzzx, iassns-hep-93-6, itp-sb-93-6
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