1,051 research outputs found

    Las TICS como recurso pedag?gico para la ense?anza del ingl?s

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    52 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEsta investigaci?n pretende dise?ar estrategias pedag?gicas para incorporar las TICS al proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje del ingl?s como lengua extranjera en la instituci?n educativa t?cnica Bol?var ubicada en la zona rural del municipio de Santa Isabel en el departamento del Tolima. De acuerdo a lo anterior, esta idea surge ante la problem?tica que se evidencia en la mayor?a de instituciones oficiales a nivel nacional con respecto a la implementaci?n de las nuevas tecnolog?as en la adquisici?n de un nuevo idioma, tales como la escasa cobertura de internet, la poca apertura de espacios para hacer uso de ellas, la infraestructura y los equipos que no son suficientes en cuanto al n?mero de estudiantes que all? se deber?an atender; sin dejar de lado que aun nuestro sistema educativo sigue permeado por t?cnicas de ense?anza obsoletas o tradicionales que hacen resistencia a abrir la puerta a la ola de modernizaci?n Por ello, aqu? se busc? identificar las falencias did?cticas de aula y a partir de ellas analizar el impacto de la implementaci?n de las herramientas tecnol?gicas en el proceso; teniendo en cuenta que este hace que el aprendizaje sea m?s interactivo y acerca a los estudiantes al contexto real de la lengua extranjera. Para llevar a cabo esta investigaci?n se aplic? entrevistas a docentes y directivos, as? como encuestas a estudiantes y observaci?n de aula para obtener informaci?n que muestre la realidad que viven las instituciones educativas con respecto a la incorporaci?n de las TIC en sus procesos de bilingu?ismo.This research aims to design pedagogical strategies to incorporate TICS into the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language in the Bolivar technical educational institution located in the rural area of the municipality of Santa Isabel in the department of Tolima. According to the above, this idea arises from the problem that is evident in most official institutions at the national level regarding the implementation of new technologies in the acquisition of a new language, such as the lack of internet coverage, Little opening of spaces to make use of them, infrastructure and equipment that are not enough in terms of the number of students that should be attended there; Without neglecting that even our educational system is still permeated by obsolete or traditional teaching techniques that are resistant to opening the door to the wave of modernization For this reason, we sought to identify the didactic failures of the classroom and from them analyze the impact of the implementation of technological tools in the process; Taking into account that this makes learning more interactive and brings students closer to the real context of the foreign language. To conduct this research, interviews were conducted with teachers and managers, as well as student surveys and classroom observation to obtain information that shows the reality that educational institutions live with regard to the incorporation of ICT in their bilingualism processes. Keywords: pedagogical strategies, ICTs, teaching, language, technological tools

    Anisotropic Dark Energy from String Compactifications

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    We explore the cosmological dynamics of a minimalistic yet generic string-inspired model for multifield dark energy. Adopting a supergravity four-dimensional viewpoint, we motivate the model's structure arising from superstring compactifications involving a chiral superfield and a pure U(1)U(1) gauge sector. The chiral sector gives rise to a pair of scalar fields, such as the axio-dilaton, which are kinetically coupled. However, the scalar potential depends on only one of them, further entwined with the vector field through the gauge kinetic function. The model has two anisotropic attractor solutions that, despite a steep potential and thanks to multifield dynamics, could explain the current accelerated expansion of the Universe while satisfying observational constraints on the late-times cosmological anisotropy. Nevertheless, justifying the parameter space allowing for slow roll dynamics together with the correct cosmological parameters, would be challenging within the landscape of string theory. Intriguingly, we find that the vector field, particularly at one of the studied fixed points, plays a crucial role in enabling geodesic trajectories in the scalar field space while realizing slow-roll dynamics with a steep potential. This observation opens a new avenue for exploring multifield dark energy models within the superstring landscape.Comment: Submitted to JHEP. Comments are welcome

    PRM18 Review of Administration's Cost Assumption of Rotavirus and Pneumococcal Vaccines Cost-Effectiveness Analyses

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    A comprehensive modelling and experimental approach for damped oscillations in U-tubes via Easy JavaScript Simulations

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    In recent years, science simulations have become popular among educators due to their educational usefulness, availability, and potential for increasing the students' knowledge on scientific topics. In this paper, we introduce the implementation of a user-friendly simulation based on Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations (EJS) to study the problem of damped oscillations in U-tubes. Furthermore, we illustrate various advantages associated with the capabilities of EJS in terms of design and usability in order to encourage teachers to use it as an educational supplement to physics laboratories.Comment: Matches the version published in Physics Educatio
