1,406 research outputs found

    Development Trends and Economic Assessment of the Integration Processes on the Metals Market

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    In the present paper, reasons for the increased interest in industrial policy in both developed and developing countries are explained. The systematisation of the results of the development of Russian industry from 1989 to 2014 showed a lack of systematic selection of its priorities, preventing the formation of a strategic vector of industrial policy. The target diversity of the industrial policy is established at the different economic development stages of the country. In the context of economic sanctions against Russia, it is shown that the emergence of a new industrial policy vector is connected to the need for import substitution and concomitant changes in the development model of the domestic economy. The dynamics and characteristics of the industrial development area are shown by the example of a highly developed region like the Central Urals. The total level of organisational innovation activity continues to be low and composes only 12%, although in the manufacturing sector this index is higher than the regional economy index by four absolute percentage points. The industrial policy of the Central Urals is analysed and innovation drivers of the industrial sector of the regional economy are established. The possibilities of the defence, civil engineering, mining, chemical/pharmaceutical and forestry complexes of the Sverdlovsk Region to implement its import substitution policy are explained. The most significant investment projects that will reduce the import dependence of the regional economy are presented. The possibilities of the research sector and created innovation infrastructure of the region in solving this problem are shown. It is necessary to develop the regional laws on the elaboration of industrial policy according to the basic regulations of the Federal Law “On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation.”This article was prepared with support of the Grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities No. 14-32-01030

    Signum Function Method for Generation of Correlated Dichotomic Chains

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    We analyze the signum-generation method for creating random dichotomic sequences with prescribed correlation properties. The method is based on a binary mapping of the convolution of continuous random numbers with some function originated from the Fourier transform of a binary correlator. The goal of our study is to reveal conditions under which one can construct binary sequences with a given pair correlator. Our results can be used in the construction of superlattices and waveguides with selective transport properties.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Identification of point defects in HVPE-grown GaN by steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence

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    We have investigated point defects in GaN grown by HVPE by using steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL). Among the most common PL bands in this material are the red luminescence band with a maximum at 1.8 eV and a zero-phonon line (ZPL) at 2.36 eV (attributed to an unknown acceptor having an energy level 1.130 eV above the valence band), the blue luminescence band with a maximum at 2.9 eV (attributed to ZnGa), and the ultraviolet luminescence band with the main peak at 3.27 eV (related to an unknown shallow acceptor). In GaN with the highest quality, the dominant defect-related PL band at high excitation intensity is the green luminescence band with a maximum at about 2.4 eV. We attribute this band to transitions of electrons from the conduction band to the 0/+ level of the isolated CN defect. The yellow luminescence (YL) band, related to transitions via the −/0 level of the same defect, has a maximum at 2.1 eV. Another yellow luminescence band, which has similar shape but peaks at about 2.2 eV, is observed in less pure GaN samples and is attributed to the CNON complex. In semi-insulating GaN, the GL2 band with a maximum at 2.35 eV (attributed to VN) and the BL2 band with a maximum at 3.0 eV and the ZPL at 3.33 eV (attributed to a defect complex involving hydrogen) are observed. We also conclude that the gallium vacancy-related defects act as centers of nonradiative recombination

    Traditional and Current Food Use of Wild Plants Listed in the Russian Pharmacopoeia

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    Historically Russia can be regarded as a “herbophilious” society. For centuries the multinational population of Russia has used plants in daily diet and for self-medication. The specificity of dietary uptake of medicinal plants (especially those in the unique and highly developed Russian herbal medical tradition) has remained mostly unknown in other regions. Based on 11th edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR, we selected 70 wild plant species which have been used in food by local Russian populations. Empirical searches were conducted via the Russian-wide applied online database E-library.ru, library catalogs of public libraries in St-Petersburg, the databases Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, and search engine Google Scholar. The large majority of species included in Russian Pharmacopoeia are used as food by local population, however, aerial parts are more widely used for food. In this review, we summarize data on medicinal species published in Russia and other countries that are included in the Russian Pharmacopoeia and have being used in food for a long time. Consequently, the Russian Pharmacopoeia is an important source of information on plant species used traditionally at the interface of food and medicine. At the same time, there are the so-called “functional foods”, which denotes foods that not only serves to provide nutrition but also can be a source for prevention and cure of various diseases. This review highlights the potential of wild species of Russia monographed in its pharmacopeia for further developing new functional foods and—through the lens of their incorporation into the pharmacopeia—showcases the species' importance in Russia

    Why ribonucleases cause death of cancer cells

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    Molecular properties and possible mechanisms of action of cytotoxic ribonucleases (RNases), potential antitumor therapeutics, are characterized. The analysis of recent publications and own experimental results have allowed the authors, on the one hand, to distinguish cellular components that are responsible for selective activity of exogenous RNases towards malignant cells, and on the other - to identify the contribution of definite molecular determinants to the enzyme cytotoxicity. The predominant effect of the RNase molecule charge on the cell death induction is shown. The RNase cytotoxic effects are caused by catalytic cleavage of available RNA, by products of its hydrolysis, as well as by non-catalytic electrostatic interaction of exogenous enzyme with cell components. Potential targets for RNase action in a cancer cell have been revealed. The role of modulation of the membrane calcium-dependent potassium channels and ras-oncogene functions in the RNase-induced cell damage is defined. The effect of cytotoxic RNases on gene expression via influencing the RNA interference is discussed

    Status and prospects of digital legislation development

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    Objective: to analyze the totality of normative legal acts regulating public relations in the sphere of digital technologies and digital legislation, to determine the legal methods of regulating these relations, as well as the prospects for the digital legislation development.Methods: a formal legal approach, as well as a method of literal interpretation of the provisions of the current legislation. Since digitalization as the introduction of digital technologies in various spheres of life helps to make decisions, on the one hand, without human participation, but, on the other hand, affecting many aspects of social life (healthcare, culture, education, labor, etc.), the study used communicative and anthropological approaches from the viewpoint of assessing the digital legislation impact on human rights and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, as well as information perception of the digital legislation norms.Results: based on the analysis of normative legal acts regulating public relations in the field of digital technologies, a conclusion is made about the formation of digital legislation as a complex branch of legislation of the new digital reality that regulates social relations in the field of numbers, algorithms, big data, etc. The authors revealed that in the process of regulating relations in the field of digital technologies the legislator uses different methods: stimulating, limiting, dispositive. It is proposed to consider digital legislation as a functional legislation that ensures the implementation of the norms of other branches of legislation: investment legislation (attracting investments through an investment platform), legislation in the field of financial services and securities market, legislation in the field of medical services, etc.Scientific novelty: the article formulates the concept of digital legislation, which is understood as a complex legislation that combines the norms of private and public law and defines the methods of regulating relations arising in the field of digital technologies.Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and pedagogical activities, as well as in the practice of applying the norms of digital legislation

    The right hippocampus leads the bilateral integration of gamma-parsed lateralized information

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    It is unclear whether the two hippocampal lobes convey similar or different activities and how they cooperate. Spatial discrimination of electric fields in anesthetized rats allowed us to compare the pathway-specific field potentials corresponding to the gamma-paced CA3 output (CA1 Schaffer potentials) and CA3 somatic inhibition within and between sides. Bilateral excitatory Schaffer gamma waves are generally larger and lead from the right hemisphere with only moderate covariation of amplitude, and drive CA1 pyramidal units more strongly than unilateral waves. CA3 waves lock to the ipsilateral Schaffer potentials, although bilateral coherence was weak. Notably, Schaffer activity may run laterally, as seen after the disruption of the connecting pathways. Thus, asymmetric operations promote the entrainment of CA3-autonomous gamma oscillators bilaterally, synchronizing lateralized gamma strings to converge optimally on CA1 targets. The findings support the view that interhippocampal connections integrate different aspects of information that flow through the left and right lobes

    Binase and other microbial RNases as potential anticancer agents

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    Some RNases possess preferential cytotoxicity against malignant cells. The best known of these RNases, onconase, was isolated from frog oocytes; and is in clinical trials as anticancer therapy. Here we propose an alternative platform for anticancer therapy based on T1 RNases of microbial origin, in particular binase from Bacillus Intermedius and RNase Sa from Streptomyces aureofaciens. We discuss their advantages and the most promising directions of research for their potential clinical applications. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    The Stellar Content of the Polar Rings in the Galaxies NGC 2685 and NGC 4650A

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    We present the results of stellar photometry of polar-ring galaxies NGC 2685 and NGC 4650A, using the archival data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2. Polar rings of these galaxies were resolved into ~800 and ~430 stellar objects in the B, V and Ic bands, considerable part of which are blue supergiants located in the young stellar complexes. The stellar features in the CM-diagrams are best represented by isochrones with metallicity Z = 0.008. The process of star formation in the polar rings of both galaxies was continuous and the age of the youngest detected stars is about 9 Myr for NGC 2685 and 6.5 Myr for NGC 4650A.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, AJ 2004 February, accepte