491 research outputs found

    Adaptive Control with Approximated Policy Search Approach

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    Most of existing adaptive control schemes are designed to minimize error between plant state and goal state despite the fact that executing actions that are predicted to result in smaller errors only can mislead to non-goal states. We develop an adaptive control scheme that involves manipulating a controller of a general type to improve its performance as measured by an evaluation function. The developed method is closely related to a theory of Reinforcement Learning (RL) but imposes a practical assumption made for faster learning. We assume that a value function of RL can be approximated by a function of Euclidean distance from a goal state and an action executed at the state. And, we propose to use it for the gradient search as an evaluation function. Simulation results provided through application of the proposed scheme to a pole -balancing problem using a linear state feedback controller and fuzzy controller verify the scheme's efficacy

    Pemilihan Pemasok Bahan Mentah Pada Restoran Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Production in the restaurant is a continuous production that must be provided with uncertain request based on the consumer demand. Availability of raw materials is preferred to support the production process. In purchasing management it is often difficult to choose the right supplier of raw materials for each process order. The purpose of this research is to implement the method of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) in the Decision Support System (DSS) purchase of raw materials to suppliers. The addition of fuzzy logic in AHP is used to enhance the accuracy of subjectivity in the process of purchasing management assessment for each criteria and alternatives.The analysis includes a comparison with the results of manual calculations based SPK FAHP and accuracy of the final system with expert recommendations for the management of the purchase order process of DSS.The results showed an increase in profit of the accuracy of the selection of suppliers restaurant using FAHP method compared with the manual method. The analysis shows a significant difference when applied to the same material, fixed price of each supplier but different number of purchases, able to provide the difference in price which means lower costs and increase profits purchase.Index Terms — DSS, FAHP, Supplier Management, Order Management, Raw Material, FAHP

    Mawidi: Smart Appointments Booking System for Social Distancing

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    In traditional systems of banks, the booking process requires the client to be in the same place, the client withdraws a numbered paper from an electronic device and then sits in the waiting area until his/her number appears on the screen. However, these systems may cause many problems such as wasting clients’ time, overcrowding in the waiting area, slow workflow, etc. In this paper, a smart appointment booking system is developed to solve the problems of traditional booking systems of banks and achieve social distancing. The proposed system applies Quick Response (QR) code, Global Positioning System (GPS), and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technologies to improve workflow and achieve social distancing in banks. The proposed system is developed on two sides. On the client-side, a mobile application is developed, a QR is generated for the user, which contains booking information, and GPS is used to determine the location of the client as it is only possible to book if he/she is within 100 meters from the bank. Due to the restrictions imposed caused by the spread of COVID-19, BLE technology works to ensure social distancing between clients. On the employee side, a website is created to enable the employee to deal with the client. The proposed system is expected to reduce problems related to traditional systems, gain client satisfaction, facilitate workflow for employees, and contribute to reduce the spread of COVID-19

    Gambaran Karakteristik Pasien Diabetes Melitus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sikumana Kota Kupang

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    Diabetes mellitus is a condition of abnormality characterized by the presence of carbohydrate and fat metabolism that does not get enough insulin continuously, and causes acute and chronic complications. The decrease in the rate of development of complications requires the role of health workers in the puskesmas as the first service unit in the primary prevention of diabetes mellitus. The research aims to find out the characteristics of diabetes mellitus patients in the working area of Sikumana Health Center, Kupang City in 2019. This type of research is descriptive research. The research population was all diabetes mellitus patients in the period January-December 2019 which amounted to 484 patients who received services according to standards. Sampling uses quota sampling techniques and all members of the population are studied. The database collected is the medical record data of diabetes mellitus patients in the puskemas. Data processing and analysis is done descriptively. The results showed that the late elderly were the more diabetic (39.90%) and dominated by female gender (56.40%). Most diabetic patients have a basic education level (46.50%) and the work of most patients is housewives (42.40%). The type of diabetes mellitus cases suffered, most of which are old cases (85.30%). It is expected on the part of the management of non-communicable diseases in the puskesmas to make efforts to improve patient knowledge through the provision of health information periodically with diverse topics related to diabetes mellitus prevention and control measures

    Analisis Jarak Microphone Array Dengan Teknik Pemrosesan Sinyal Fast Fourier Transform Beamforming

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    The main problem in the application of the sound source detection is to estimate the angle of the wave or called as Direction Of Arrival (DOA) of Planewave. The method commonly to overcome the problem to utilize the sensor array by the data processing technique such as a beamforming technique. In this research was done by DOA estimation that used technique Fast Fourier Trasnfrom (FFT) beamformer with sensor configuration by Uniform Linear Array (ULA). The analysis has been to determine the distance of the array microphone that has DOA estimation with high accuration to the real source posisition. Based on the variation of distance of array microphone tested, shown the 6 cm is the bes distance which has the most dominant DOA estimation results with high accurac

    Selective Breeding to Improve Productive and Reproductive Performances and Survivability of Indigenous Sakini Chicken

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    Indigenous chickens are quite popular in Family Poultry Production System (FPPS) in Nepal, but are constrained with their low productive performance. The present study evaluated the productive and reproductive performance of Sakini chicken in different filial generations and sexes. In addition, research also aimed at understanding the effect of generations on above performances. Initially, base populations (G-0) of Sakini were maintained by collecting eight weeks old birds from different agro-ecologial zones of Nepal. Performance of the birds of G-0 was evaluated based on weekly body weight (12-24 weeks), laying performance, fertility, hatchability, hatch weight and survivability. Selected birds of base population (G-0) were used to produce first (G-1), second (G-2) and third (G-3) generations through selective breeding in each generation. Similarly, body weights at hatching, 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 20 week and 24 weeks were significantly (p<0.001) improved from G0 to G3 and were also significantly (p<0.001) differ for sex (males were always heavier than females). Likewise, there was significant (p<0.05) improvement in egg production (per hen per year), age at first lay (days), body weight at sexual maturity, egg number and egg weight at 90 days of laying in progressive generations. Fertility, hatchability and survivability significantly (p<0.05) improved in selected generations in comparison to base population, whereas, no significant difference was obtained within the different selected population. Thus, indigenous Sakini chicken under this experiment performed better with respect to survivability, fertility and hatchability in later generations that provides ample scope of advancing selective breeding activities within the indigenous population in order to bring significant improvement in the overall productive performance of Sakini chicken in Nepal

    Peramalan Penjualan Mobil Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Dan Certainty Factor

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    Prediksi penjualan adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan laba Perusahaan, peramalan diperlukan untuk menyetarakan antara perbedaan waktu yang sekarang dan yang akan datang terhadap kebutuhan, Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) dapat mengaplikasikan dengan baik metode peramalan.Pendekatan peramalan kuantitatif dengan metode times series akan menentukan nilai data masukan dari sekumpulan data serial atau berkala dari transaksi pada suatu jangka waktu tertentu. Data dibagi menjadi data pelatihan, pengujian dan validasi. Proses peramalan menggunakan metode certainty factor (CFf) sebagai nilai pembanding pada bobot koreksi yang telah di latih dalam jaringan backpropagation untuk prediksi yang optimal. Simulasi program peramalan penjualan mobil honda tahun 2015 dengan variabel input data penjualan daerah 30,000 unit, penjualalan dealer 25.000, penjualan tunai 25.000, CF = 0.5 dan kredit 19.000 menghasilkan ramalan penjualan sebanyak 29579 unit dengan target error 4,205 %.Kata Kunci—Peramalan, Time series, Certainty Factor, JST, Backpropagation

    Penerapan Metode Hybrid Fuzzy C-Means Dan Particle Swarm Optimization (FCM - PSO) E Untuk Segmentasi Citra Geografis

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    Beberapa lapisan dari Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) bisa dibedakan oleh mata telanjang dari sebuah citra satelit namun pasti akan melelahkan jika mengamati citra begitu banyak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan otomasi pengamatan dengan metode segmentasi. Metode segmentasi yang diusulkan adalah Hybrid Fuzzy C-Means – Particle Swarm Optimization (FCM-PSO). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan FCM-PSO lebih unggul dari FCM biasa sekalipun dengan kelemahan waktu eksekusi yang lebih panjang.Kata Kunci—FCM, PSO, Segmentasi, SI

    Game Chicken Roll Dengan Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Metode forward chaining pada umumnya digunakan untuk sistem pendukung keputusan dan sistem pakar. Penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma forward chaining, khususnya untuk proses review dan untuk menentukan apakah seorang pemain game layak melanjutkan ke level berikutnya. Algoritma forward chaining adalah algoritma yang berbasiskan pada fakta-fakta atau premise yang ada sehingga menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan atau konsekuen. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa nilai validitas mencapai 100%. Hasil didapat dari komparasi data antara rules dan hasil pengujian yang didapat saat bermain game
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