84 research outputs found

    General topologic environment of the Russian railway network

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    Basic structural properties of Russian railways are explored through the complex network scope. We imply ontology where railway stations portray nodes, while links are represented by trains plying among stations. The information L- network model founded on route is built and its topology is compared with Indian and Pakistan analogues. The network model demonstrates small world properties and its assortative nature. Structural vulnerability is assessed for random attacks, and those on degree and strength targets. Taking into account series of the node centralities, the most important sites are identified as those that could help in clarifying the sensitive points in the network. These sites should be in the focus of pre-protection and post hazard recovery. Also, a P-model is touched and an S- and H- model idea is proposed for further analysis of transportation networks

    Temporal response to harmonic driving in electroconvection

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    The temporal evolution of the spatially periodic electroconvection (EC) patterns has been studied within the period of the driving ac voltage by monitoring the light intensity diffracted from the pattern. Measurements have been carried out on a variety of nematic systems, including those with negative dielectric and positive conductivity anisotropy, exhibiting "standard EC" (s-EC), those with both anisotropies negative exhibiting "non-standard EC" (ns-EC), as well as those with the two anisotropies positive. Theoretical predictions have been confirmed for stationary s-EC and ns-EC patterns. Transitions with Hopf bifurcation have also been studied. While traveling had no effect on the temporal evolution of dielectric s-EC, traveling conductive s-EC and ns-EC patterns exhibited a substantially altered temporal behavior with a dependence on the Hopf frequency. It has also been shown that in nematics with both anisotropies positive, the pattern develops and decays within an interval much shorter than the period, even at relatively large driving frequencies.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Conflict Potential on Account of Media Extraterritoriality

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    In the context of the media sphere, people seemed to be simple consumers of a discourse overflowing with symbols. The need to consume those types of products is imposed by the media industry itself, which totally confirms itself by offering satisfaction. The authors of this article set themselves the task of describing the conflict potential of modern media, which have an extraterritorial character and act as tools for constructing a conflict of values and conflict management. The authors highlighted the vitality of the fact that the conflict of values and identity is one of the most severe forms of actualization of contradictions between the subjects of conflict interaction.В контексте медиасферы люди рассматриваются, как потребители дискурса, переполненного символами. Потребность потребления такого рода продуктов накладывается самой медиаиндустрией, тотально себя самоутверждающей путем предложения удовлетворения. Авторы данной статьи ставили перед собой задачу описания конфликтного потенциала современных медиа, имеющих экстерриториальный характер и выступающих в качестве инструментов конструирования конфликта ценностей, управления конфликтом. Авторы отмечают, что конфликт ценностей и идентичности является одной из самых жестких форм актуализации противоречий между субъектами конфликтного взаимодействия

    Three-dimensional pattern formation, multiple homogeneous soft modes, and nonlinear dielectric electroconvection

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    Patterns forming spontaneously in extended, three-dimensional, dissipative systems are likely to excite several homogeneous soft modes (\approx hydrodynamic modes) of the underlying physical system, much more than quasi one- and two-dimensional patterns are. The reason is the lack of damping boundaries. This paper compares two analytic techniques to derive the patten dynamics from hydrodynamics, which are usually equivalent but lead to different results when applied to multiple homogeneous soft modes. Dielectric electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals is introduced as a model for three-dimensional pattern formation. The 3D pattern dynamics including soft modes are derived. For slabs of large but finite thickness the description is reduced further to a two-dimensional one. It is argued that the range of validity of 2D descriptions is limited to a very small region above threshold. The transition from 2D to 3D pattern dynamics is discussed. Experimentally testable predictions for the stable range of ideal patterns and the electric Nusselt numbers are made. For most results analytic approximations in terms of material parameters are given.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure


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    Due to examination of animal breeding workers at the Irkutsk Region a case of human leptospirosis was identified. at the cattle farm of Tugutuy settlement. Due to epizootological-epidemiological study a mixed, leptospirosis focus in Ekhirit-Bulagat district was established, the agent circulation among commensal and wild, small mammals was demonstrated. Continuous pathogenic Leptospira DNA detection during the second, half of 2011, as well as the positive tularemia laboratory results require further study of the focus

    Evaluation of myocardial damage in different types of rheumatoid arthritisduring disease-modifying antirheumatic drug or biological therapy (with infliximab)

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    Objective. To estimate the extent and pattern of myocardial damage in different types of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) during disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) or biological therapy. Subjects and methods. Seventy-one patients with RA were examined; some of them received biological therapy with infliximab, while the others took DMARDs. A group of patients with incipient RA was also identified. B-type brain natriuretic peptide levels were estimated and electrocardiography, echocardiography (EchoCG), and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) using the contrast medium Dotarem were conducted in all the patients. The follow-up totaled 6 months. A control examination was made at the moment of randomization and 6 months posttreatment. Results. Tn the bulk of patients, the level of B-type brain natriuretic peptide did not differ from the reference values, however, its lower level was observed in the incipient RA group, which was associated with the absence of cardiovascular diseases and with a younger age group. There were no negative EchoCG changes in myocardial viability values. Cardiac MRT demonstrated that the majority of patients had the similar changes that failed to affect myocardial kinetics and ejection fraction. These changes were not found in incipient RA patients without cardiovascular diseases. No improvement in myocardial viability was recorded in the patients receiving the biological therapy. Conclusion. Thus, cardiac MRT showed the similar changes that failed to affect myocardial kinetics and ejection fraction in patients with RA during both methotrexate and infliximab therapy

    Магнитно-резонансная томография в диагностике функциональных изменений головного мозга при нарушениях менструального цикла: обзор

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    INTRODUCTION: Currently, the most common variant of the reproductive system disorders, in particular menstrual cycle disorders, in adolescent girls is oligomenorrhea. In situations after a complete diagnostic screening no organic and endocrine pathology of the reproductive system is detected in this group of patients, it is possible to conduct functional MRI as a method of identifying cause-and-effect relationships and clarifying the pathogenesis of menstrual disorders.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the available foreign and domestic literature to determine the role of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of functional brain changes in menstrual disorders in adolescent girls.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search was conducted for scientific publications in the information and analytical systems PubMed and Google Scholar for 2013–2023 by keywords: «resting-state functional MRI» («functional resting MRI»), «oligomenorrhhea» («oligomenorrhea»), «adolescent girls» («teenage girls»), «reproductive system functional disorders» («functional disorders of the reproductive system»), «magnetic resonance imaging» («magnetic resonance imaging»), «diagnostic radiology» («radiation diagnostics»). 46 publications related to the diagnosis of functional brain changes in menstrual disorders in the form of resting state fMRI were analyzed.RESULTS: Resting state fMRI allows us to assess the basic brain activity in the absence of certain sensory or cognitive stimuli and visualize working networks that include various parts of the brain demonstrating synchronous changes in the BOLD-signal at rest. There are a number of patterns of changes in the BOLD-signal that can be observed in various phases of the menstrual cycle, as well as under the influence of stress factors, which makes it possible to visualize the morphological substrate of oligomenorrhea that occurs against the background of the absence of organic and endocrine pathology of the reproductive system in adolescent girls. Currently, there is little data in the scientific literature on the use of functional resting MRI in this cohort of patients, however, this method can have a significant impact on the formation of an individual plan for the correction of reproductive disorders in adolescence, and therefore requires further study.CONCLUSION: The use of fMRI can open up new possibilities in the diagnosis of functional brain disorders in girls with «unexplained» oligomenorrhea.ВВЕДЕНИЕ: В настоящее время наиболее распространенным вариантом расстройств репродуктивной системы, в частности нарушений менструального цикла, у девочек-подростков является олигоменорея. В ситуациях, когда после проведения полного диагностического скрининга у этой группы пациенток не обнаруживается органическая и эндокринная патология репродуктивной системы, возможно проведение функциональной МРТ как метода выявления причинно-следственных связей и уточнения патогенеза нарушений менструального цикла.ЦЕЛЬ: Анализ имеющейся иностранной и отечественной литературы для определения роли магнитно-резонансной томографии в диагностике функциональных изменений головного мозга при нарушениях менструального цикла у девочек-подростков.МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Проведен поиск научных публикаций в информационно-аналитических системах PubMed и Google Scholar за 2013–2023 гг. по ключевым словам: «resting-state functional MRI» («функциональная МРТ покоя»), «oligomenorrhea» («олигоменорея»), «adolescent girls» («девочки-подростки»), «reproductive system functional disorders» («функциональные нарушения системы репродукции»), «magnetic resonance imaging» («магнитно-резонансная томография»), «diagnostic radiology» («лучевая диагностика»). Были проанализированы 46 публикаций, связанных с диагностикой функциональных изменений головного мозга при нарушениях менструального цикла в форме олигоменореи у девочек-подростков с помощью метода функциональной магнитно-резонансной томографии покоя.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Функциональная МРТ покоя позволяет оценить базовую активность мозга в отсутствие определенных сенсорных или когнитивных стимулов и визуализировать рабочие сети, включающие в себя различные участки головного мозга, демонстрирующие синхронные изменения BOLD-сигнала в состоянии покоя. Существует ряд закономерностей изменения BOLD-сигнала, которые можно наблюдать в различные фазы менструального цикла, а также при воздействии стрессовых факторов, что позволяет визуализировать морфологический субстрат олигоменореи, возникающей на фоне отсутствия органической и эндокринной патологии репродуктивной системы у девочек-подростков. В настоящее время в научной литературе представлено мало данных об использовании функциональной МРТ покоя в этой когорте пациентов, однако данный метод может оказать существенное влияние на формирование индивидуального плана коррекции репродуктивных нарушений в подростковом периоде, в связи с чем требует дальнейшего изучения.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Использование фМРТ может открыть новые возможности в диагностике функциональных нарушений головного мозга у девочек с «необъяснимой» олигоменореей

    Network Platform for Tourism Sector: Transformation and Interpretation of Multifaceted Data

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    Modern network science has become a prominent concept, attracting diverse scientific societies to solve a wide spectrum of theoretical and practical problems. Tourism is a sphere wherein the outlines of the network’s scope are distinct. In the study, the network approach was applied in its dual form for both network-like regional tourism data (NLRTD) and network-unlike regional tourism data (NURTD), to explore the tourism destination of Baikal natural territory, Russia, in regard to the challenges of the general sustainability of regional socio-ecological systems. The aim of the study is to elaborate a comprehensive network platform to harmonize such complex and fragile systems as Baikal natural territory. Saturated with networking ideology, the approach spans a huge set of interacting social, technological and ecological elements of the comprehensive system in order to support its functionality and sustainability in general. Particularly, the paper utilizes data from interviews done in Olkhon island (2017–2018), and publicly available textual, spatial and temporal data. NLRTD with pertinent networkization procedures was utilized in transportation schemes, while the NURTD concept implies the networkalization of landscape and land use maps. The platform provides researchers and stakeholders with concentrated information which might be not only effectively processed, but also intelligible, and correctly compared and implemented in contiguous spheres