226 research outputs found

    Behavior of the anomalous correlation function in uniform 2D Bose gas

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    We investigate the behavior of the anomalous correlation function in two dimensional Bose gas. In the local case, we find that this quantity has a finite value in the limit of weak interactions at zero temperature. The effects of the anomalous density on some thermodynamic quantities are also considered. These effects can modify in particular the chemical potential, the ground sate energy, the depletion and the superfluid fraction. Our predictions are in good agreement with recent analytical and numerical calculations. We show also that the anomalous density presents a significant importance compared to the non-condensed one at zero temperature. The single-particle anomalous correlation function is expressed in two dimensional homogenous Bose gases by using the density-phase fluctuation. We then confirm that the anomalous average accompanies in analogous manner the true condensate at zero temperature while it does not exist at finite temperature.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Z-scan technique to study gain properties and pump-induced processes in Ce:LiCAF UV active medium

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    © 2018 SPIE. The preliminary data of studying optical gain properties of active media using the open aperture z-scan technique without an additional probe beam are demonstrated. The prospects of evaluating pump induced photodynamic processes parameters in UV solid-state active media on the pumping and lasing wavelengths: excited-state absorption and photoionization cross-sections of active ions, effective absorption and ionization cross-sections of color centers and recombination rates are discussed

    Module for processing and synthesis of data from multi-channel sensors

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    This article presents methods of digital systems processing data from various sensors or sources, synchronization system and block scheme based on the program developed for data processing in the system. In a digital system, it has been investigated whether data from multi-channel sensors can be delayed in time t or cause errors in calculation due to the time taken for measurement

    Study of the reliability of Light-Emitting Diodes to the impact of Mechanical and Climatic Loads

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    This paper examines light-emitting diodes to the effects of mechanical and climatic loads. Typical dependence of the rate of failure of the OES on time. the radiation propagates mainly in the confining layer, which, due to the large bandgap, has small absorption losse

    Influence of the calcined light loam on the properties of the hardened portland cement paste

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    © 2017, Fundatia Serban Solacolu. All rights reserved. The increasing worldwide production of Portland cement and demand to reduce CO 2 emissions has resulted in the need to increase the volume and varieties of supplementary cementitious materials. The most promising source of raw materials for the production of supplementary cementitious materials is ubiquitous and unlimited reserves of polymineral clays. In this article the effect of calcined loam clays depending on its concentration, calcination temperature (400-800°C), and specific surface area (250-800 m 2 /kg) on the properties of Portland cement is studied. It is found out the calcined loam clays increase the compressive strength of Portland cement hardened paste up to 35%, density up to 1.4%, water resistance from 0.92 to 0.93-0.97, and decrease the water adsorption from 1 to 0.9%. The reasonability of production and application of calcined loam clays, which aren’t lower in efficiency than high-priced metakaolin, is stated

    Effect of the Addition of Thermally Activated Heavy Loam to Portland Cement on the Properties of Cement Stone

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    © 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. In the past decades, metakaolin additives synthesized by the calcination of kaolin clays have been implemented in cement systems. Their scarcity and high cost promotes the studies on the effectiveness of thermally activated additives of common polymineral clays. This article presents the results of research on the effect of thermally activated heavy loam additives to Portland cement. It was shown that additives of 5–15% heavy loam calcined at certain temperatures in the range of 400—600°C and ground to a certain specific surface area of up to 250–500 m2/kg lead to a more significant increase in the strength, density, and water resistance of cement stone than corresponding metakaolin additives with the specific surface area of 1200 m2/kg

    Influence of limestone content, fineness, and composition on the properties and microstructure of alkali-activated slag cement

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    © 2016 Elsevier LtdThe influence of the fineness, concentration, and chemico-mineralogical composition of limestone on the workability, reaction kinetics, compressive strength, microstructure, and binder gel characteristics of sodium carbonate–based waste-activated waste slag cement pastes was investigated in this work. Alkali-activated slag cements incorporated with limestone, containing 33–100% of calcite, at a content of up to 60% with a 28-day compressive strength of 26.2–48.8 MPa were proposed. The main reaction products of hardened alkali-activated cement pastes and those incorporated with limestone are [Formula presented], CaCO3, Na2Ca(CO3)2·5H2O, and Na2CaSiO4. “Physically active” limestone does not chemically react with the binder gel but it can improve the physical structure. The higher packing density of mixed cement, without an increase in the water demand, the satisfactory binding strength of limestone with the binder gel lead to the improvement in the physical structure and compressive strength of alkali-activated slag paste

    Респираторная нейромиопатия как важный компонент полинейромиопатии критических состояний

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    ABSTRACT. The attention of neurologists, neurosurgeons, intensive care physicians has been attracted recently by the new PICS (Post Intensive Care Syndrome) symptom complex (PIC) or PIC syndrome — Post Intensive Care Syndrome. One of the most severe options for PIT syndrome is critical illness polymyoneuropathy (CIP). Polyneuropathy (Critical illness polyneuropathies, or CIP) and myopathy (Critical illness myopathies, or CIM) are common complications of critical care. Several syndromes of muscle weakness are combined under the term «Intensive care unit-acquired weakness» or ICUAW. Respiratory neuropathy is a special case of PMCS, where respiratory failure is associated with damage to the neuromuscular apparatus of external respiration. The clinical consequence of respiratory neuropathy is an unsuccessful weaning from ventilator and a long stay of patients in ICU. This systematic review of the literature is an analysis of publications devoted to the main pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of CIP and respiratory neuropathy, diagnostic methods, new therapeutic approaches to the treatment of ICU patients with respiratory neuropathy. The special attention is given to the problem of acute muscle wasting, diagnosis and correction of proteinenergy metabolism disorders in patients with respiratory neuropathy.РЕЗЮМЕ. В последние годы внимание неврологов, нейрохирургов и анестезиологов-реаниматологов привлекает новый симптомокомплекс PICS (Post Intensive Care Syndrome) (англ.), или ПИТ-синдром — синдром «После интенсивной терапии». Одним из наиболее тяжелых вариантов течения ПИТ- синдрома является полимионейропатия критических состояний (ПМКС). Полинейропатия (Critical illness polyneuropathies, или CIP) и миопатия (Critical illness myopathies, или CIМ) критических со- стояний являются общими осложнениями тяжелой системной воспалительной реакции и полиорганной дисфункции. Несколько синдромов мышечной слабости объединены под термином «слабость, приобретенная в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии (ОРИТ)» (Intensive care unit-acquired weakness, или ICUAW). Респираторная нейромиопатия является компонентом ПМКС, в котором на первое место выходит проблема дыхательной недостаточности, связанной с поражением, в первую очередь, нервно-мышечного аппарата внешнего дыхания. Клиническим последствием респираторной нейропатии является неудачное отлучение от искусственной вентиляции легких и длительное нахождение пациента в ОРИТ. Данный систематический обзор литературы представляет собой анализ публикаций, посвященных основным патогенетическим механизмам развития CIP и респираторной нейромиопатии, методам диагностики и новым терапевтическим подходам к лечению пациентов ОРИТ с респираторной нейромиопатией. Особое внимание об- ращено на проблему острого мышечного истощения, диагностику и коррекцию расстройств белково-энергетического обмена у пациентов с респираторной нейромиопатией

    Evaluation of heat losses of the solar greenhouse during the heating season

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    The article presents the results of calculation of heat losses in greenhouses with different coatings, taking into account thermal-physical properties of coatings. In addition, based on the results of changes in external air temperature and solar radiation over time, numerical calculations were made on the heat load of a greenhouse with a useful area of 108 m2 and the thermal power provided by solar energy

    Analysis of thermophysical parameters of solar water desalination plant with an external camera

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    In this work, an analysis of the thermophysical processes taking place inside a specially designed chamber with a geometry different from other works was carried out. This process is designed in COMSOL Multiphysics software. Boundary conditions were investigated for ambient temperature of 293.15 K and solar radiation of 1000 W/m2. The process was taken as natural convection. In this case, the flow of air with high humidity inside the solar water heater was analyzed. It can be seen that the air temperature rises to 450 K. At the same time, the speed of moist air inside the chamber, heat flow and other thermophysical quantities were determined and analyzed