8 research outputs found

    Hall Coefficient of Equilibrium Supercurrents Flowing inside Superconductors

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    We study augmented quasiclassical equations of superconductivity with the Lorentz force, which is missing from the standard Ginzburg-Landau and Eilenberger equations. It is shown that the magnetic Lorentz force on equilibrium supercurrents induces finite charge distribution and the resulting electric field to balance the Lorentz force. An analytic expression is obtained for the corresponding Hall coefficient of clean type-II superconductors with simultaneously incorporating the Fermi-surface and gap anisotropies. It has the same sign and magnitude at zero temperature as the normal state for an arbitrary pairing, having no temperature dependence specifically for the s-wave pairing. The gap anisotropy may bring a considerable temperature dependence in the Hall coefficient and can lead to its sign change as a function of temperature, as exemplified for a model d-wave pairing with a two-dimensional Fermi surface. The sign change may be observed in some high-TcT_{c} superconductors.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Advances in point-contact spectroscopy: two-band superconductor MgB2 (A review)

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    Analysis of the point-contact spectroscopy (PCS) data on the new dramatic high-Tc_c superconductor MgB2_2 reveals quite different behavior of two disconnected σ\sigma and π\pi electronic bands, deriving from their anisotropy, different dimensionality, and electron-phonon interaction. PCS allows direct registration of both the superconducting gaps and electron-phonon-interaction spectral function of the two-dimensional σ\sigma and three-dimensional π\pi band, establishing correlation between the gap value and intensity of the high-Tc_c driving force -- the E2gE_{2g} boron vibration mode. PCS data on some nonsuperconducting transition-metal diborides are surveyed for comparison.Comment: 17 pages, 30 figs., will be published in Low Temp. Phys. V.30 (2004) N

    Phonon structure in I-V characteristic of MgB2_{2} point-contacts

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    The search of the phonon structure at the above-gap energies was carried out for d2V/dI2(V)d^{2}V/dI^{2}(V) spectra of MgB2_{2} point contacts with a normal metal. The two-band model is assumed not only for the gap structure in dV/dI(V)dV/dI(V)-characteristics, but also for phonons in d2V/dI2(V)d^{2}V/dI^{2}(V) point-contact spectra, with up to the maximum lattice vibration energy. Since the current is carried mostly by charges of 3D-band, whereas the strong electron-phonon interaction occurs in 2D-band, we observe the phonon peculiarities due to ''proximity'' effect in {\it k}-space, which depends on the variation of interband coupling through the elastic scattering.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, revtex4, reported in International Conference "Modern Problems in Superconductivity", 9-13 September, Yalta, Ukrain

    Size-effect of Kondo scattering in point contacts (revisited)

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    The size-effect of Kondo-scattering in nanometer-sized metallic point contacts is measured with the simplified, mechanically-controlled break-junction technique for CuMn alloy of different Mn concentrations: 0.017; 0.035; and 0.18 (± 0.017) at.%. The results are compared with our previous publication on nominally 0.1 at.% CuMn alloy [1,2]. The increase of width of the Kondo resonance and enhanced ratio of Kondo-peak intensity to electron-phonon scattering intensity is observed for contacts with sizes smaller than 10 nm. From the comparison of electron-phonon scattering intensity for the pressure-type contacts, which correspond to the clean orifice model, we conclude that the size effect is observed in clean contacts with the shape of a channel (nanowire)