6,056 research outputs found

    Long-Distance Contributions to D^0-D^0bar Mixing Parameters

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    Long-distance contributions to the D0D^0-Dˉ0\bar D^0 mixing parameters xx and yy are evaluated using latest data on hadronic D0D^0 decays. In particular, we take on two-body D→PPD \to PP and VPVP decays to evaluate the contributions of two-body intermediate states because they account for ∼50\sim 50% of hadronic D0D^0 decays. Use of the diagrammatic approach has been made to estimate yet-observed decay modes. We find that yy is of order a few ×10−3\times 10^{-3} and xx of order 10−310^{-3} from hadronic PPPP and VPVP modes. These are in good agreement with the latest direct measurement of D0D^0-Dˉ0\bar D^0 mixing parameters using the D0→KSπ+π−D^0 \to K_S \pi^+\pi^- and KSK+K−K_S K^+ K^- decays by BaBar. We estimate the contribution to yy from the VVVV modes using the factorization model and comment on the single-particle resonance effects and contributions from other two-body modes involving even-parity states.Comment: 18 pages and 1 figure; footnotes and references added; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Superfluid Friction and Late-time Thermal Evolution of Neutron Stars

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    The recent temperature measurements of the two older isolated neutron stars PSR 1929+10 and PSR 0950+08 (ages of 3×1063\times 10^6 and 2×1072\times 10^7 yr, respectively) indicate that these objects are heated. A promising candidate heat source is friction between the neutron star crust and the superfluid it is thought to contain. We study the effects of superfluid friction on the long-term thermal and rotational evolution of a neutron star. Differential rotation velocities between the superfluid and the crust (averaged over the inner crust moment of inertia) of ωˉ∼0.6\bar\omega\sim 0.6 rad s−1^{-1} for PSR 1929+10 and ∼0.02\sim 0.02 rad s−1^{-1} for PSR 0950+08 would account for their observed temperatures. These differential velocities could be sustained by pinning of superfluid vortices to the inner crust lattice with strengths of ∼\sim 1 MeV per nucleus. Pinned vortices can creep outward through thermal fluctuations or quantum tunneling. For thermally-activated creep, the coupling between the superfluid and crust is highly sensitive to temperature. If pinning maintains large differential rotation (∼10\sim 10 rad s−1^{-1}), a feedback instability could occur in stars younger than ∼105\sim 10^5 yr causing oscillations of the temperature and spin-down rate over a period of ∼0.3tage\sim 0.3 t_{\rm age}. For stars older than ∼106\sim 10^6 yr, however, vortex creep occurs through quantum tunneling, and the creep velocity is too insensitive to temperature for a thermal-rotational instability to occur. These older stars could be heated through a steady process of superfluid friction.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Ap

    The Two-Dimensional Square-Lattice S=1/2 Antiferromagnet Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2

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    We present an experimental study of the two-dimensional S=1/2 square-lattice antiferromagnet Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2 (pz denotes pyrazine - C4H4N2C_4H_4N_2) using specific heat measurements, neutron diffraction and cold-neutron spectroscopy. The magnetic field dependence of the magnetic ordering temperature was determined from specific heat measurements for fields perpendicular and parallel to the square-lattice planes, showing identical field-temperature phase diagrams. This suggest that spin anisotropies in Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2 are small. The ordered antiferromagnetic structure is a collinear arrangement with the magnetic moments along either the crystallographic b- or c-axis. The estimated ordered magnetic moment at zero field is m_0=0.47(5)mu_B and thus much smaller than the available single-ion magnetic moment. This is evidence for strong quantum fluctuations in the ordered magnetic phase of Cu(pz)2_2(ClO4_4)2_2. Magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the square-lattice planes lead to an increase of the antiferromagnetically ordered moment to m_0=0.93(5)mu_B at mu_0H=13.5T - evidence that magnetic fields quench quantum fluctuations. Neutron spectroscopy reveals the presence of a gapped spin excitations at the antiferromagnetic zone center, and it can be explained with a slightly anisotropic nearest neighbor exchange coupling described by J_1^{xy}=1.563(13)meV and J_1^z=0.9979(2)J_1^{xy}

    High-pressure transport properties of CeRu_2Ge_2

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    The pressure-induced changes in the temperature-dependent thermopower S(T) and electrical resistivity \rho(T) of CeRu_2Ge_2 are described within the single-site Anderson model. The Ce-ions are treated as impurities and the coherent scattering on different Ce-sites is neglected. Changing the hybridisation \Gamma between the 4f-states and the conduction band accounts for the pressure effect. The transport coefficients are calculated in the non-crossing approximation above the phase boundary line. The theoretical S(T) and \rho(T) curves show many features of the experimental data. The seemingly complicated temperature dependence of S(T) and \rho(T), and their evolution as a function of pressure, is related to the crossovers between various fixed points of the model.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Deploying homeland security technology

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    The success of each depends on how efficiently they implement new technologies. Although the White House and the Congress have responded swiftly to the events of September 11, 2001, the long-term security of our Nation, and thus the success of the newly created Department of Homeland Security, will depend in a substantial way on the efficiency with which technologies relevant to homeland security are created and, more importantly, deployed. The purpose of this paper is to assess the Administration's revealed understanding of the innovation process, which underlies the creation of new homeland security technology, and attendant factors that relate to the efficiency with which the new technology is deployed. By -revealed understanding‖ we are referring to the written word, namely what is outlined in the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and related documents. Certainly, the Act, and related document s from t he Whit e House, are only init ial templates that frame activities to come. But, as the Brookings Institution's (2002, p. i) early assessment of the Department 's organizat ion, and t he Depart ment 's organization is fundamentally related to its ability to provide incentives for the creation and deployment of homeland security technology, -... while it is possible to revisit or even reverse organizational decisions at a later stage, it is far better to get it right the first time.‖ The Department of Homeland Security will be charged with four primary tasks. The new agency will [1] control our borders and prevent terrorists and explosives from entering our country. It will [2] work with state and local authorities to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies. It will [3] bring together our best scientists to develop technologies that detect biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons, and to discover the drugs and treatments to best protect our citizens. And this new department will [4] review intelligence and law enforcement information from all agencies of government, and produce a single daily picture of threats against our homeland. An emphasis on homeland security technology One of the first policy institutes to offer an opinion on homeland security was the Heritage Foundation (2002). 2 Its report, Defending the American Homeland, recommended four well conceived priorities: protecting the Nation's infrastructures, strengthening civil defense, improving intelligence and law enforcement, and military operations to combat terrorism

    Pulsar Constraints on Neutron Star Structure and Equation of State

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    With the aim of constraining the structural properties of neutron stars and the equation of state of dense matter, we study sudden spin-ups, glitches, occurring in the Vela pulsar and in six other pulsars. We present evidence that glitches represent a self-regulating instability for which the star prepares over a waiting time. The angular momentum requirements of glitches in Vela indicate that at least 1.4% of the star's moment of inertia drives these events. If glitches originate in the liquid of the inner crust, Vela's `radiation radius' must exceed ~12 km for a mass of 1.4 solar masses. Observational tests of whether other neutron stars obey this constraint will be possible in the near future.Comment: 5 pages, including figures. To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Seasonality, richness and prevalence of intestinal parasites of three neotropical primates (Alouatta seniculus, Ateles hybridus and Cebus versicolor) in a fragmented forest in Colombia

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    Studies on parasites infecting non-human primates are essential to better understand the potential threat to humans of zoonoses transmission, particularly under the current processes of pervasive land use change and biodiversity loss. The natural ecosystems in the Middle Magdalena river basin in Colombia have suffered a dramatic reduction and transformation into pastures and agroindustrial monocultures, threatening their biodiversity, and probably affecting the dynamics between parasites and their hosts, as well as altering the disease transmission cycles between wild populations and humans. This study evaluated seasonality, prevalence and richness of intestinal parasites in three species of neotropical primates: Cebus versicolor, Ateles hybridus and Alouatta seniculus, in a fragmented forest in the Middle Magdalena river valley, Colombia. One hundred and eighty five faecal samples were collected between 2010 and 2015. Direct faecal smears were performed with saline solution (0.85%) and iodine solution (1%), in order to identify larvae and eggs based on their morphology. A large proportion of the samples examined (72.9%) was positive for intestinal parasites; seven families of nematodes were identified: Trichuridae, Trichostrongylidae, Oxyuridae, Strongyloididae, Ancylostomatidae, Ascarididae and Gnathostomatidae, two of protozoans: Entamoebidae and Balantiididae, as well as some eggs of trematodes, cestodes and acanthocephalans. Additionally, DNA extraction and sequencing were conducted on 30 faecal samples in order to identify Giardia sp. and Blastocystis hominis, two parasite species also present in humans. Molecular testing for Giardia sp. was negative and Blastocystis hominis was identified in a single sample of Alouatta seniculus. No clear patterns were observed for prevalence of intestinal parasites according to the season; nonetheless, parasite species richness was higher during the dry season. This study builds on our current understanding of intestinal parasites infecting wild neotropical primates and provides novel information on the patterns of intestinal parasites in primate communities exposed to anthropogenic disturbance
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