8,108 research outputs found

    Classical and relativistic dynamics of supersolids: variational principle

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    We present a phenomenological Lagrangian and Poisson brackets for obtaining nondissipative hydrodynamic theory of supersolids. A Lagrangian is constructed on the basis of unification of the principles of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and classical field theory. The Poisson brackets, governing the dynamics of supersolids, are uniquely determined by the invariance requirement of the kinematic part of the found Lagrangian. The generalization of Lagrangian is discussed to include the dynamics of vortices. The obtained equations of motion do not account for any dynamic symmetry associated with Galilean or Lorentz invariance. They can be reduced to the original Andreev-Lifshitz equations if to require Galilean invariance. We also present a relativistic-invariant supersolid hydrodynamics, which might be useful in astrophysical applications.Comment: 22 pages, changed title and content, added reference

    Beam Loading Of An Active Rf Cavity

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    Recovery of a quarkonium system from experimental data

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    For confining potentials of the form q(r)=r+p(r), where p(r) decays rapidly and is smooth for r>0, it is proved that q(r) can be uniquely recovered from the data {E_j,s_j}, where E_j are the bound states energies and s_j are the values of u'_j(0), and u_j(r) are the normalized eigenfunctions of the problem -u_j" +q(r)u_j=E_ju_j, r>0, u_j(0)=0, ||u_j||=1, where the norm is L^2(0, \infty) norm. An algorithm is given for recovery of p(r) from few experimental data

    Calculation of The Lifetimes of Thin Stripper Targets Under Bombardment of Intense Pulsed Ions

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    The problems of stripper target behavior in the nonstationary intense particle beams are considered. The historical sketch of studying of radiation damage failure of carbon targets under ion bombardment is presented. The simple model of evaporation of a target by an intensive pulsing beam is supposed. Stripper foils lifetimes in the nonstationary intense particle can be described by two failure mechanisms: radiation damage accumulation and evaporation of target. At the maximal temperatures less than 2500K the radiation damage are dominated; at temperatures above 2500K the mechanism of evaporation of a foil prevails. The proposed approach has been applied to the discription of behaviour of stripper foils in the BNL linac and SNS conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Size-independent Young's modulus of inverted conical GaAs nanowire resonators

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    We explore mechanical properties of top down fabricated, singly clamped inverted conical GaAs nanowires. Combining nanowire lengths of 2-9 μ\mum with foot diameters of 36-935 nm yields fundamental flexural eigenmodes spanning two orders of magnitude from 200 kHz to 42 MHz. We extract a size-independent value of Young's modulus of (45±\pm3) GPa. With foot diameters down to a few tens of nanometers, the investigated nanowires are promising candidates for ultra-flexible and ultra-sensitive nanomechanical devices

    Broad-band chopper for a CW proton linac at Fermilab

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    Requirements and technical limitations to the bunch-by-bunch chopper for the Fermilab Project X are discussed.Comment: 3 pp. Particle Accelerator, 24th Conference (PAC'11) 2011. 28 Mar - 1 Apr 2011. New York, US

    Volume of the set of unistochastic matrices of order 3 and the mean Jarlskog invariant

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    A bistochastic matrix B of size N is called unistochastic if there exists a unitary U such that B_ij=|U_{ij}|^{2} for i,j=1,...,N. The set U_3 of all unistochastic matrices of order N=3 forms a proper subset of the Birkhoff polytope, which contains all bistochastic (doubly stochastic) matrices. We compute the volume of the set U_3 with respect to the flat (Lebesgue) measure and analytically evaluate the mean entropy of an unistochastic matrix of this order. We also analyze the Jarlskog invariant J, defined for any unitary matrix of order three, and derive its probability distribution for the ensemble of matrices distributed with respect to the Haar measure on U(3) and for the ensemble which generates the flat measure on the set of unistochastic matrices. For both measures the probability of finding |J| smaller than the value observed for the CKM matrix, which describes the violation of the CP parity, is shown to be small. Similar statistical reasoning may also be applied to the MNS matrix, which plays role in describing the neutrino oscillations. Some conjectures are made concerning analogous probability measures in the space of unitary matrices in higher dimensions.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures version 2 - misprints corrected, explicit formulae for phases provide

    A single structured light beam as an atomic cloud splitter

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    We propose a scheme to split a cloud of cold non-interacting neutral atoms based on their dipole interaction with a single structured light beam which exhibits parabolic cylindrical symmetry. Using semiclassical numerical simulations, we establish a direct relationship between the general properties of the light beam and the relevant geometric and kinematic properties acquired by the atomic cloud as its passes through the beam.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Directed Polymer -- Directed Percolation Transition

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    We study the relation between the directed polymer and the directed percolation models, for the case of a disordered energy landscape where the energies are taken from bimodal distribution. We find that at the critical concentration of the directed percolation, the directed polymer undergoes a transition from the directed polymer universality class to the directed percolation universality class. We also find that directed percolation clusters affect the characterisrics of the directed polymer below the critical concentration.Comment: LaTeX 2e; 12 pages, 5 figures; in press, will be published in Europhys. Let
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