63 research outputs found

    Biochemical indicators of blood of young women with alcohol dependence and combined diseases hepatitis, pancreatitis

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    The article examines the biochemical parameters of the blood of a group of 10 women, age (36, 6 ± 1, 6) years old with alcohol dependence of moderate severity with withdrawal symptoms. Serum ALT and AST levels exceed the upper limit of normal by more than 1.5 times and confirm the presence of alcoholic hepatitis. The high coefficient of their pairwise correlation r = + 0.96 indicates the involvement of not only cytosolic cells in the inflammatory process. But also the mitochondrial structures of hepatocytesВ статье изучены биохимические показатели крови группы из 10 женщин, возраст (36, 6 ± 1, 6) года с зависимостью от алкоголя средней тяжести с абстинентным состоянием. Уровни сывороточных АЛТ и АСТ превышают верхний предел нормы более чем в 1,5 раза и подтверждают наличие алкогольного гепатита. Высокий коэффициент их парной корреляции r =+0,96 указывает на вовлечение в воспалительный процесс не только цитозольных. но и митохондриальных структур гепатоцитов

    Worldoutlook and perception of the world as indicators of cognitive-intellectual component of the worldview of students

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    The article discusses survey results on the outlook and worldview of the students and general cultural erudition.В статье обсуждаются результаты анкетирования по миропониманию и мировосприятию студентов и общекультурной эрудиции

    Interdisciplinary ralations in teaching students of the pediatric faculty at the department of biochemistry

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    Interdisciplinary communication in the teaching of three disciplines "Biopolymers of the human body", "Biochemistry", " Biochemistry of childhood» promotes the professional orientation of the future doctor already during the development cycle natural science disciplines.Междисциплинарная связь в преподавании трех дисциплин: «Биополимеры организма человека», «Биохимия», «Биохимия детского возраста» — способствует профессиональной ориентации будущего врача уже при освоении дисциплин естественнонаучного цикла

    Cysts of the bile ducts: clinical and diagnostic aspects and advanced surgical treatment in children

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    The article presents the analysis of diagnostic tactics and surgical treatment of children with cystic choledochal malformations (CMH).В статье представлен анализ диагностической тактики и оперативных вмешательств у 28 детей с кистозными мальформациями холедоха (КМХ), пролеченных в клинике детской хирургии

    Worldoutlook and perception of the world as indicators of cognitive-intellectual component of the worldview of students

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    The article discusses survey results on the outlook and worldview of the students and general cultural erudition.В статье обсуждаются результаты анкетирования по миропониманию и мировосприятию студентов и общекультурной эрудиции

    Change of an indicator CFR and CFU of oral cavity microflorae under the influence of general and local cariogenic factors

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    There is quality and quantity composition of microflora of oral cavity in this article. Also it shows us how often we may see different kinds of microorganism and their role of developing cariosity. So, there is statistically analyzed data obtained from questionnaires, to identify different index of CFR including CFU. Also the article shows the changing quantity composition of microflora depending on food and the presence of gastrointestinal disease. Also there are presented biochemical aspects of the pathogenesis of dental caries and its meaning.В данной статье представлены данные о количественном и качественном составе микрофлоры полости рта. Указана частота встречаемости различных видов микроорганизмов и их роль в развитии кариозного процесса. Статистически проанализированы данные, полученные в результате анкетирования, для выявления зависимости индекса КПУ от различных факторов, в том числе КОЕ. Также проведен анализ изменения количественного состава микрофлоры в зависимости от типа питания и наличия заболеваний желудочно-кишечного тракта. Представлены биохимические аспекты патогенеза кариеса, а также его значение в клинике

    Analysis of the use of electronic cigarettes among 15-17-year-old school adolescents in Yekaterinburg

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    The purpose of the study was to analyse the pattern of e-cigarette using among adolescents aged 15–17 studying in one of the schools of Yekaterinburg and to evaluate the effectiveness of the current smoking prevention strategies.Цель исследования - провести анализ частоты использования электронных сигарет среди подростков 15-17 лет одной из школ города Екатеринбурга, оценить эффективность проводимых мероприятий по борьбе с курением

    Diagnostics of autoimmune neurodegeneration using fluorescent probing

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    © 2018, The Author(s). The discovery of antibody-mediated catalysis was a breakthrough that showed antibody function is not limited to specific binding interactions, and that immunoglobulins (Igs) may also chemically transform their target antigens. Recently, so-called “natural catalytic antibodies” have been intimately linked with several pathologies, where they either protect the organism or contribute to the development of autoimmune abnormalities. Previously, we showed that myelin-reactive autoantibodies from patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) exhibit the ability to recognize and hydrolyse distinct epitopes within myelin basic protein (MBP). Further, the antibody-mediated cleavage of encephalitogenic MBP peptide 81–103, flanked by two fluorescent proteins, can serve as a novel biomarker for MS. Here, we report the next generation of this biomarker, based on the antibody-mediated degradation of a novel chemically synthesized FRET substrate, comprising the fluorophore Cy5 and the quencher QXL680, interconnected by the MBP peptide 81–99: Cy5-MBP81–99-QXL680. This substrate is degraded upon incubation with either purified antibodies from MS patients but not healthy donors or purified antibodies and splenocytes from EAE but not from non-immunized mice. Data presented herein suggest the elaboration of potential specific, rapid, and sensitive diagnostic criteria of active progressive MS

    Parent-of-origin effects on nuclear chromatin organization and behavior in a Drosophila model for Williams–Beuren Syndrome

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    Prognosis of neuropsychiatric disorders in progeny requires consideration of individual (1) parent-of-origin effects (POEs) relying on (2) the nerve cell nuclear 3D chromatin architecture and (3) impact of parent-specific miRNAs. Additionally, the shaping of cognitive phenotypes in parents depends on both learning acquisition and forgetting, or memory erasure. These processes are independent and controlled by different signal cascades: the first is cAMPdependent, the second relies on actin remodeling by small GTPase Rac1 – LIMK1 (LIM-kinase 1). Simple experimental model systems such as Drosophila help probe the causes and consequences leading to human neurocognitive pathologies. Recently, we have developed a Drosophila model for Williams–Beuren Syndrome (WBS): a mutant agnts3 of the agnostic locus (X:11AB) harboring the dlimk1 gene. The agnts3 mutation drastically increases the frequency of ectopic contacts (FEC) in specific regions of intercalary heterochromatin, suppresses learning/memory and affects locomotion. As is shown in this study, the polytene X chromosome bands in reciprocal hybrids between agnts3 and the wild type strain Berlin are heterogeneous in modes of FEC regulation depending either on maternal or paternal gene origin. Bioinformatic analysis reveals that FEC between X:11AB and the other X chromosome bands correlates with the occurrence of short (~30 bp) identical DNA fragments partly homologous to Drosophila 372-bp satellite DNA repeat. Although learning acquisition in a conditioned courtship suppression paradigm is similar in hybrids, the middle-term memory formation shows patroclinic inheritance. Seemingly, this depends on changes in miR-974 expression. Several parameters of locomotion demonstrate heterosis. Our data indicate that the agnts3 locus is capable of trans-regulating gene activity via POEs on the chromatin nuclear organization, thereby affecting behavior

    The dental health of patients residents of the Sverdlovsk region with vegetarian nutrition

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the impact of changing the type of nutrition on the dental status of patients obtained through a survey and clinical examination of patients-vegetarians, living in Sverdlovsk region.В статье приведены результаты анализа влияния типа питания на стоматологический статус пациентов, полученные посредством опроса и данных клинического обследования пациентов-вегетарианцев, проживающих в Свердловской области