17 research outputs found

    Brucellosis: Trends in the Development of Situation in the World and Forecast for 2022 in the Russian Federation

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    An analysis of trends in the development of situation on brucellosis in the world over past decade and the data on the main risk factors for the occurrence of epidemiological complications regarding this infection in various regions of the world are provided in the paper. An expert assessment of the current epizootiological and epidemiological situation on brucellosis, the coverage of population and animals with immunization in the Russian Federation is given. Over 9 months of 2021, 210 potentially hazardous as regards brucellosis in cattle areas and 24 sites – as regards brucellosis in small ruminants – were registered in Russia. Compared to the same period in 2020, there was a decrease in the number of newly identified hazardous sites for bovine brucellosis by 35.8 % (117 areas). However, long-term upward trend in epizootiological adversity for bovine brucellosis in Russia persists. The epidemiological situation on brucellosis in the country for the period of 2012–2021 is characterized as unfavorable. Decrease in the number of newly detected human brucellosis cases (by 25.1 % of long-term average values) is observed against the background of persistent unfavorable epizootic conditions for brucellosis among epidemiologically significant species of small ruminants and cattle in regions with developed animal husbandry. In 2021, clusters of human cases were registered in the Republic of Dagestan and Penza Region. In the Republic of Dagestan, against the background of aggravation of epizootiological and epidemiological situation on brucellosis, there was also an alarming trend towards prevalence of a relatively high incidence among minors. The proportion of cases of brucellosis among children under the age of 17 in the Republic amounted to 60.3 % of the total number of minors with newly diagnosed brucellosis in Russia over the past 10 years. Taking into account current epizootic, epidemic situations and the long-term dynamics of the development of situation on  brucellosis in the Russian Federation, the incidence of brucellosis among the population  is predicted to be 10–15 % lower than the average long-term values – 0.18–0.20 per 100000 of the population – in 2022. The number of human cases of brucellosis can range from 250 to 300

    Циклоспорин А в хирургическом лечении глаукомы: перспективы и возможности

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    Postoperative scarring is one of the main reasons of glaucoma surgery failure. At different times it has been proposed to use various drainage implants, intra- or postoperative medications in order to prevent scarring. Mitomycin-C and 5-fluorouracil are widely used today for this purpose. These medications are effective in glaucoma surgery but often lead to severe complications. Nowadays investigations are being carried out in order to find a safer but not less effective substitution to them. Some foreign authors have proposed to use Cyclosporine-A (CsA) as an alternative. CsA selectively affects T-cells causing Interleukin-2 (IL-2) synthesis inhibition. IL-2 is one of the key inflammatory mediators triggering inflammatory cascade leading to fibroblast proliferation. The review deals with pathological bases of scarring after glaucoma surgery as well as possible methods of its modulation, provides results of investigations of CsA effectiveness and safety in glaucoma surgery.Основной причиной неэффективности хирургического лечения глаукомы является послеоперационное рубцевание. Для его профилактики в разное время было предложено использование различных дренажей и имплантов, интра- или послеоперационное использо- вание лекарственных веществ. Наибольшее распространение получило применение Митомицина-С и 5-фторурацила. Данные вещества значительно повышают эффективность хирургических вмешательств при глаукоме, однако их использование во время гипотензивных вмешательств зачастую приводит к осложнениям. В настоящее время проводятся исследования по поиску более безопасной, но в то же время достаточно эффективной замены вышеназванным препаратам в хирур- гическом лечении глаукомы для профилактики послеоперационного рубцевания. Рядом зарубежных авторов в качестве альтернативы было предложено использование циклоспорина А. Данный препарат избирательно действует на Т-лимфоциты, ингибируя синтез интерлейкина-2 – одного из ключевых медиаторов воспаления, запускающих каскад реакций, приводящих в итоге к избыточной пролиферации фибробластов. В обзоре представлены патофизиологические аспекты рубцевания после гипотензивных вмешательств и методы борьбы с ним. Рассмотрен механизм действия циклоспорина А, представлены результаты исследований эффективности данного препарата, а также безопасности его применения при хирургическом лечении глаукомы

    Analysis of Brucellosis Incidence and Molecular-Genetic Characteristics of Brucella Population in the Territory of the Russian Federation

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    An analysis of brucellosis incidence in Russia in 2013–2022 and the data on genetic diversity of Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus populations isolated in Russia in 1939–2022 are provided in the review. Over the past decade, the epidemiological situation in Russia has been characterized as unstable against the background of persistent unfavorable conditions for brucellosis in cattle and small ruminants. During the period of 2013–2022 (9 months), 4298 epizootic foci as regards brucellosis in cattle (89164 sick animals) and 371 as regards brucellosis in small ruminants (13569) were registered. The largest number of epizootic brucellosis foci was recorded in the North-Caucasian and Southern Federal Districts. In 2013–2022, on average, 327 cases of brucellosis among people were registered annually, the incidence rate per 100 000 of the population was 0.24. Up to 70–90 % of brucellosis cases were detected in the south of the European part of the country. A trend towards deterioration of the situation on brucellosis in Volga (Penza and Samara Regions) and Central (Smolensk, Voronezh and Tula Regions) Federal Districts is observed. There is a connection between the intensity of epidemic manifestations of brucellosis and the level of anthropurgic enzooty of territories. In 2022, 467 cases of brucellosis were reported (0.32 per 100 000 of the population), which is 42.8 % higher than annual average values over 10 years. In 2023, a measure of stability of incidence rates, by 20–25 % above average long-term values, is to be expected. Incidence of brucellosis in humans will be within the range of 380–410 cases (0.26–0.28 per 100 000 of the population). The results of genotyping of B. melitensis strains point to an increase in the proportion of isolates with an MLVA-profile characteristic of strains from enzootic as regards brucellosis countries of Middle East and North Africa over past 20–25 years, which can indicate importation (introduction) of the infection from these territories to Russia through small ruminants and/or biomaterial from them

    Роль цитокинов в патогенезе глазных болезней

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    Cytokines are a group of regulatory protein mediators. They perform a key role in the development and regulation of inflammatory response, reparative and plastic processes. Cytokines are an important part of humoral immunity and can be synthesized by a variety of cells. On the organism level cytokines create a complex selfregulating system, collectively referred to as the cytokine network. This review provides a brief history of cytokines development, from the first experiments of Coley W. to the introduction of modern classification. The review describes cytokine families that are most frequently studied in the ophthalmologic researches; studies of local and system cytokine profile changes in patients with eye diseases are summed up. Reviewed clinical and laboratory studies relate the influence of different cytokine groups on the inflammation process in patients with various forms of uveitis, effect of cytokines on the development of glaucomatous optic neuropathy and cytokines’ role in other ophthalmic diseases. These researches allow a better understanding of the mechanism of ocular immune privilege and study of ocular diseases pathogenesis on the molecular level. Cytokine research also helped discover the chronic inflammatory component of primary open-angle glaucoma and keratoconus, explain different kinds of inflammatory response in secondary uveitis, and discover new prognostic methods. This new data enables the development of new methods of pathogenetically oriented eye diseases therapy.Цитокины — группа белковых медиаторов, выполняющих регуляторную функцию. Они играют ключевую роль в развитии и регулировании защитной воспалительной реакции, а также пластических и репаративных процессов. Цитокины синтезируются множеством клеток и являются важным звеном гуморального иммунитета. На уровне организма цитокины представлены сложной саморегулирующейся системой, которую объединяют под понятием цитокиновой сети. В обзоре представлена краткая история развития исследований цитокинов от первых опытов W. Coley до введения современной классификации. Описаны наиболее часто исследуемые в офтальмологии семейства цитокинов, дан обзор научных работ, посвященных изменению системного и локального цитокинового профиля при глазных заболеваниях. Описано влияние различных групп цитокинов на механизмы внутриглазного воспаления при различных видах увеита. Дан обзор клинических и лабораторных исследований роли цитокинов при развитии глаукомной оптической нейропатии и ряда других офтальмопатологий. Благодаря исследованиям такого рода стало возможным понимание механизмов иммунной привилегированности органа зрения и изучение патогенеза большинства известных глазных заболеваний на молекулярном уровне. Так, во многом благодаря исследованиям цитокинов был обнаружен хронический воспалительный компонент при первичной открытоугольной глаукоме и кератоконусе, объяснены различные варианты течения воспаления при вторичных увеитах, открыты новые прогностические методики. Развитие области знаний о роли цитокинов при офтальмопатологии сделало возможным появление новых направлений патогенетически ориентированной терапии глазных заболеваний

    The evaluation of intensity of formation of biomembrane by microscopic fungi of the Candida genus

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    In the modern world, one of the most serious problems in the treatment of chronic infectious diseases of animals is the creation of biomembranes by microorganisms, in which they become inaccessible to the vast majority of antimicrobial agents. In this study, we investigated the structural and functional features of three strains of Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis and Candida africana on the ability to form biomembranes. A reliable diagnostic algorithm for quantitative evaluation of Candida biomembranes and remaining native cells has been tested. The dependence of the biomembrane formation process and the number of remaining native cells on the time of cultivation was determined. Morphological studies of the process of biomembrane formation without architectonics disturbance with the use of scanning electron microscope and cell holographic microscope were carried out. © 2018, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved

    Epizootiological and Epidemiological Situation on Brucellosis around the World in 2011–2020 and Forecast for the Russian Federation for 2021

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    Analysis of the incidence of human brucellosis in the world in 2011–2020 is presented in the paper. An assessment of the epizootiological-epidemiological situation on brucellosis in the Russian Federation in 2020 is performed. It is outlined that the epidemiological situation on brucellosis in Russia over the past decade was characterized as unfavorable with downward trend in the incidence rate against the background of persistent epizootiological insecurity among cattle and small ruminants. Between 2011 and 2020, 3507 first identified human cases of brucellosis were registered. The long-term average number of cases is 350 per year, including 28 cases among children under 17 years old. The average long-term intensive morbidity rate per 100 000 people was 0.24, among children under 17 – 0.1. In 2020, 119 human cases of brucellosis were detected in Russia (0.08), which indicates that the trend towards an improvement in the epidemiological situation on brucellosis continues. The largest number of brucellosis cases among people was registered in the North-Caucasian (77.1 % of the total incidence across Russia) and the Southern Federal District (13.5 %). In the period of 2010–2020 (9 months), 4610 areas potentially hazardous as regards bovine brucellosis and 422 – as regards brucellosis in sheep and goats were registered in the Russian Federation. Analysis of the development of brucellosis situation in Russia indicates that in the medium term, with the current trend maintained, there is a real risk of widespread brucellosis distribution among farm animals in the constituent entities of the Central, Volga, Far Eastern and Siberian Federal Districts, as well as the persistence of epizootiological insecurity in the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts. Taking into account the current epizootiological-epidemiological situation and the long-term dynamics of the development in the Russian Federation, one can predict the incidence of brucellosis in people at a level below the longterm average values – 0.13–0.18 per 100000 of the population in 2021