10 research outputs found

    Assessment of biological efficiency of existent insecticides against forest pests

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    The results of testing and assessment of biological efficiency of several current insecticides from neonicotinoids against pests of forest stands are reviewed. Their high efficiency against biting and suctorial pests of coniferous and deciduous stands is revealed. Application of the insecticides has led to reduction of pine stands damage caused by different groups of pests by 69.9–100%, of birch stands against aphides 100%. Obtained data are given to the firms for registration of the insecticides in the forest stands

    Registration tests of insecticide Viriy, CS on forest stends pests

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    Insecticide viriy, CS (tiakloprid, 245 g/l, distri butorship is SLL “Frandesa”, Belarus) from the group of neonicotinoides was tested on the pests of forest stands. The insecticide aktara, WSG, competent on the forest stands, was an etalon. The tests of viriy, CS against suctorial pests – Aradus cinna-momeus Panz. with rate of application at 0.6 l/ha have provided for almost 90% biological effectiveness on seventh day, against Cinara pinea Mord. and other aphides with rate of application at 0.3 and 0.4 l/ha – about 100%. Viriy, CS with rate of application at 0.5 l/ha ha ve showed efficacy against weevil beetles up-to-date of 94.4%, with rate of application at 0. 4 l/ha – 88.9%. It is higher than etalon aktara, WSG. On the deciduous trees application of viriy, CS against alder leaf-eating larvae has given a high performance with rate of application at 0.5 l/ha (death-rate on seventh day was 97.9%), and with rate of application at 0.4 l/ha the efficacy was closely related to etalon aktara, WSG with the same rate of application. Trials with viriy, CS against aphides on birch with rate of application at 0.3 and 0.4 l/ha sup-plied with biological effectiveness of insecticide practi cally up-to-date of 100%. As a result of trials insecticide viriy, CS was registered for ad aptation in forest stands against pests

    Assessment of biological efficiency of existent insecticides against forest pests

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    The results of testing and assessment of biological efficiency of several current insecticides from neonicotinoids against pests of forest stands are reviewed. Their high efficiency against biting and suctorial pests of coniferous and deciduous stands is revealed. Application of the insecticides has led to reduction of pine stands damage caused by different groups of pests by 69.9–100%, of birch stands against aphides 100%. Obtained data are given to the firms for registration of the insecticides in the forest stands

    Registration tests of insecticide Viriy, CS on forest stends pests

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    Insecticide viriy, CS (tiakloprid, 245 g/l, distri butorship is SLL “Frandesa”, Belarus) from the group of neonicotinoides was tested on the pests of forest stands. The insecticide aktara, WSG, competent on the forest stands, was an etalon. The tests of viriy, CS against suctorial pests – Aradus cinna-momeus Panz. with rate of application at 0.6 l/ha have provided for almost 90% biological effectiveness on seventh day, against Cinara pinea Mord. and other aphides with rate of application at 0.3 and 0.4 l/ha – about 100%. Viriy, CS with rate of application at 0.5 l/ha ha ve showed efficacy against weevil beetles up-to-date of 94.4%, with rate of application at 0. 4 l/ha – 88.9%. It is higher than etalon aktara, WSG. On the deciduous trees application of viriy, CS against alder leaf-eating larvae has given a high performance with rate of application at 0.5 l/ha (death-rate on seventh day was 97.9%), and with rate of application at 0.4 l/ha the efficacy was closely related to etalon aktara, WSG with the same rate of application. Trials with viriy, CS against aphides on birch with rate of application at 0.3 and 0.4 l/ha sup-plied with biological effectiveness of insecticide practi cally up-to-date of 100%. As a result of trials insecticide viriy, CS was registered for ad aptation in forest stands against pests