26 research outputs found

    The effects of severe growth hormone deficiency on the skin of patients with Sheehan's syndrome

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    Background Growth hormone (GH) may play an important role in the content and appearance of the skin. Dry, thin and pale skin has been described in hypopituitarism. Sheehan's syndrome is characterized by anterior pituitary dysfunction due to postpartum pituitary necrosis and GH is one of the hormones lost first

    Opioids for Cancer Pain: Availability, Accessibility, and Regulatory Barriers in Turkey and Pallia-Turk Project

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    Palliative care is an emerging topic in Turkey within recent years. Currently, there are only few number of palliative care services across the country and majority of the centers are pain control units. Morphine consumption rate per capita is low, accessibility and availibility of morphine products are also limited. One of the main headings of Turkish Cancer Control Programme 2009-2015 is palliative care and a serial palliative care unit implementation with continuous training programmes is planned to be finalized untill 2015. This article reviews the current palliative care situation in Turkey, opioid availibility in Turkey and also briefly summarizes Pallia-Turk Project which is unique with respect to many different aspects for implementation, and can be a good model for many other countries that still did not have such an implemented palliative care program

    Diversity and Adaptation of Currently Grown Wheat Landraces and Modern Germplasm in Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey

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    Collection of wheat landraces (WLR) was conducted in Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey in 2010–2014. A representative subset of this collection was used in the current study and included 45 bread wheat landraces from Turkey, 19 from Iran, and 20 from Afghanistan. This material was supplemented by 73 modern cultivars and breeding lines adapted to semiarid conditions and irrigated conditions. Overall, 157 genotypes were tested in Turkey in 2018 and 2019 and in Afghanistan and Iran in 2019 under rainfed conditions to compare performance of WLR and modern material. The germplasm was genotyped using a high density Illumina Infinium 25K wheat SNP array and KASP markers for agronomic traits. The average grain yield ranged between 2.2 and 4.0 t/ha depending on the site and year. Three groups of landraces demonstrated similar average grain yield, though Afghanistan material was slightly higher yielding not only in Afghanistan but also in Turkey. Modern material outyielded the landraces in two environments out of four. The highest yielding landraces were competitive with the best modern germplasm. Frequency of gene Sus2-2B affecting 1000 kernel weight was 64% in WLR and only 3% in modern material. Presence of positive allele of Sus2-2B increased 1000 kernel weight by nearly 4%. Breeding strategy to improved landraces and modern cultivars is discussed