41 research outputs found

    Introduction to Khovanov Homologies. III. A new and simple tensor-algebra construction of Khovanov-Rozansky invariants

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    We continue to develop the tensor-algebra approach to knot polynomials with the goal to present the story in elementary and comprehensible form. The previously reviewed description of Khovanov cohomologies for the gauge group of rank N-1=1 was based on the cut-and-join calculus of the planar cycles, which are involved rather artificially. We substitute them by alternative and natural set of cycles, not obligatory planar. Then the whole construction is straightforwardly lifted from SL(2) to SL(N) and reproduces Khovanov-Rozansky (KR) polynomials, simultaneously for all values of N. No matrix factorization and related tedious calculations are needed in such approach, which can therefore become not only conceptually, but also practically useful.Comment: 66 page

    On the shapes of elementary domains or why Mandelbrot Set is made from almost ideal circles?

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    Direct look at the celebrated "chaotic" Mandelbrot Set in Fig..\ref{Mand2} immediately reveals that it is a collection of almost ideal circles and cardioids, unified in a specific {\it forest} structure. In /hep-th/9501235 a systematic algebro-geometric approach was developed to the study of generic Mandelbrot sets, but emergency of nearly ideal circles in the special case of the family x2+cx^2+c was not fully explained. In the present paper the shape of the elementary constituents of Mandelbrot Set is explicitly {\it calculated}, and difference between the shapes of {\it root} and {\it descendant} domains (cardioids and circles respectively) is explained. Such qualitative difference persists for all other Mandelbrot sets: descendant domains always have one less cusp than the root ones. Details of the phase transition between different Mandelbrot sets are explicitly demonstrated, including overlaps between elementary domains and dynamics of attraction/repulsion regions. Explicit examples of 3-dimensional sections of Universal Mandelbrot Set are given. Also a systematic small-size approximation is developed for evaluation of various Feigenbaum indices.Comment: 65 pages, 30 figure

    A-infinity structure on simplicial complexes

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    A discrete (finite-difference) analogue of differential forms is considered, defined on simplicial complexes, including triangulations of continuous manifolds. Various operations are explicitly defined on these forms, including exterior derivative and exterior product. The latter one is non-associative. Instead, as anticipated, it is a part of non-trivial A-infinity structure, involving a chain of poly-linear operations, constrained by nilpotency relation: (d + \wedge + m + ...)^n = 0 with n=2.Comment: final version. 29 page

    Higher Nilpotent Analogues of A-infinity Structure

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    Higher nilpotent analogues of the AA-\infty-structure are explicitly defined on arbitrary simplicial complexes, generalizing explicit construction of /hep-th/0704.2609. These structures are associated with the higher nilpotent differential dnd_n, satisfying dnn=0d_n^n =0, which is naturally defined on triangulated manifolds (tetrahedral lattices). The deformation Dn=(I+ϵn)dn(I+ϵn)1D_n = (I + \epsilon_n) d_n (I + \epsilon_n)^{-1} is defined with the help of the nn-versions of discrete exterior product n\wedge_n and the KnK_n-operator.Comment: preliminary version, essential corrections mad

    Introduction to Integral Discriminants

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    The simplest partition function, associated with homogeneous symmetric forms S of degree r in n variables, is integral discriminant J_{n|r}(S) = \int e^{-S(x_1 ... x_n)} dx_1 ... dx_n. Actually, S-dependence remains the same if e^{-S} in the integrand is substituted by arbitrary function f(S), i.e. integral discriminant is a characteristic of the form S itself, and not of the averaging procedure. The aim of the present paper is to calculate J_{n|r} in a number of non-Gaussian cases. Using Ward identities -- linear differential equations, satisfied by integral discriminants -- we calculate J_{2|3}, J_{2|4}, J_{2|5} and J_{3|3}. In all these examples, integral discriminant appears to be a generalized hypergeometric function. It depends on several SL(n) invariants of S, with essential singularities controlled by the ordinary algebraic discriminant of S.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figure

    Universal Mandelbrot Set as a Model of Phase Transition Theory

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    The study of Mandelbrot Sets (MS) is a promising new approach to the phase transition theory. We suggest two improvements which drastically simplify the construction of MS. They could be used to modify the existing computer programs so that they start building MS properly not only for the simplest families. This allows us to add one more parameter to the base function of MS and demonstrate that this is not enough to make the phase diagram connectedComment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Non-Linear Algebra and Bogolubov's Recursion

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    Numerous examples are given of application of Bogolubov's forest formula to iterative solutions of various non-linear equations: one and the same formula describes everything, from ordinary quadratic equation to renormalization in quantum field theory.Comment: LaTex, 21 page

    Challenges of beta-deformation

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    A brief review of problems, arising in the study of the beta-deformation, also known as "refinement", which appears as a central difficult element in a number of related modern subjects: beta \neq 1 is responsible for deviation from free fermions in 2d conformal theories, from symmetric omega-backgrounds with epsilon_2 = - epsilon_1 in instanton sums in 4d SYM theories, from eigenvalue matrix models to beta-ensembles, from HOMFLY to super-polynomials in Chern-Simons theory, from quantum groups to elliptic and hyperbolic algebras etc. The main attention is paid to the context of AGT relation and its possible generalizations.Comment: 20 page