43 research outputs found

    Racah matrices and hidden integrability in evolution of knots

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    We construct a general procedure to extract the exclusive Racah matrices S and \bar S from the inclusive 3-strand mixing matrices by the evolution method and apply it to the first simple representations R =[1], [2], [3] and [2,2]. The matrices S and \bar S relate respectively the maps (R\otimes R)\otimes \bar R\longrightarrow R with R\otimes (R \otimes \bar R) \longrightarrow R and (R\otimes \bar R) \otimes R \longrightarrow R with R\otimes (\bar R \otimes R) \longrightarrow R. They are building blocks for the colored HOMFLY polynomials of arbitrary arborescent (double fat) knots. Remarkably, the calculation realizes an unexpected integrability property underlying the evolution matrices.Comment: 16 page

    Gaussian distribution of LMOV numbers

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    Recent advances in knot polynomial calculus allowed us to obtain a huge variety of LMOV integers counting degeneracy of the BPS spectrum of topological theories on the resolved conifold and appearing in the genus expansion of the plethystic logarithm of the Ooguri-Vafa partition functions. Already the very first look at this data reveals that the LMOV numbers are randomly distributed in genus (!) and are very well parameterized by just three parameters depending on the representation, an integer and the knot. We present an accurate formulation and evidence in support of this new puzzling observation about the old puzzling quantities. It probably implies that the BPS states, counted by the LMOV numbers can actually be composites made from some still more elementary objects.Comment: 23 page

    On genus expansion of knot polynomials and hidden structure of Hurwitz tau-functions

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    In the genus expansion of the HOMFLY polynomials their representation dependence is naturally captured by symmetric group characters. This immediately implies that the Ooguri-Vafa partition function (OVPF) is a Hurwitz tau-function. In the planar limit involving factorizable special polynomials, it is actually a trivial exponential tau-function. In fact, in the double scaling Kashaev limit (the one associated with the volume conjecture) dominant in the genus expansion are terms associated with the symmetric representations and with the integrability preserving Casimir operators, though we stop one step from converting this fact into a clear statement about the OVPF behavior in the vicinity of q=1. Instead, we explain that the genus expansion provides a hierarchical decomposition of the Hurwitz tau-function, similar to the Takasaki-Takebe expansion of the KP tau-functions. This analogy can be helpful to develop a substitute for the universal Grassmannian description in the Hurwitz tau-functions.Comment: 8 page

    Colored HOMFLY polynomials for the pretzel knots and links

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    With the help of the evolution method we calculate all HOMFLY polynomials in all symmetric representations [r] for a huge family of (generalized) pretzel links, which are made from g+1 two strand braids, parallel or antiparallel, and depend on g+1 integer numbers. We demonstrate that they possess a pronounced new structure: are decomposed into a sum of a product of g+1 elementary polynomials, which are obtained from the evolution eigenvalues by rotation with the help of rescaled SU_q(N) Racah matrix, for which we provide an explicit expression. The generalized pretzel family contains many mutants, undistinguishable by symmetric HOMFLY polynomials, hence, the extension of our results to non-symmetric representations R is a challenging open problem. To this end, a non-trivial generalization of the suggested formula can be conjectured for entire family with arbitrary g and R.Comment: 26 pages + tables of pretzel knots up to 10 crossing