14 research outputs found

    Boxplots showing levels of explanatory variables determined to significantly explain survival to 28 d for fish that survived 7 d and had recorded metrics on surgical wounds.

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    Results are for estimated fitted values from a linear mixed effects model evaluated by AIC. Boxplots of the fitted estimated survival values show median values surrounded by a box of the 25th to 75th percentiles (i.e. interquartile range) with whiskers at the outlying values, which are 1.5 times the interquartile range extended from the median.</p

    Average survival for subyearling Chinook salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</i>) held at Bonneville Dam by treatment (all replicates combined) at 7, 14, 21, and 28 d.

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    Average survival for subyearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) held at Bonneville Dam by treatment (all replicates combined) at 7, 14, 21, and 28 d.</p

    Nonparametric Kaplan‑Meier estimated mortality for replicates 1–8 pooled across treatments.

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    Nonparametric Kaplan‑Meier estimated mortality for replicates 1–8 pooled across treatments.</p

    S1 Fig -

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    Examples of select metrics used to evaluate progression of healing including a.) suture tearing b.) presence of foreign material c.) inflammation associated with suture entrance/exit sites d.) ulceration at suture entrance/exit sites e.) incision apposition 50% of incision length. (TIF)</p

    Rank among surgeons based on percentage mortality for study replicates 1–8.

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    Mean and overall rank scores are also listed; a lower ranking corresponds with higher mortality. (DOCX)</p

    Nonparametric Kaplan-Meier estimated mortality for treatments pooled across replicates 1–8.

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    The mortality curves for the three peroxide treatments were very similar, therefore they were pooled for this analysis. The two salt treatments were also pooled due to having very similar mortality curves.</p

    Number of subyearling Chinook salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</i>) surgically PIT-tagged by replicate and date along with average fork length and temperature at tagging.

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    Table also shows the number of fish that survived transport to the Bonneville Juvenile Fish Facility (Ponded at Bonneville) and the temperature on holding day 28 corresponding to each replicate group.</p