8,105 research outputs found

    Irreversibility in quantum maps with decoherence

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    The Bolztmann echo (BE) is a measure of irreversibility and sensitivity to perturbations for non-isolated systems. Recently, different regimes of this quantity were described for chaotic systems. There is a perturbative regime where the BE decays with a rate given by the sum of a term depending on the accuracy with which the system is time-reversed and a term depending on the coupling between the system and the environment. In addition, a parameter independent regime, characterised by the classical Lyapunov exponent, is expected. In this paper we study the behaviour of the BE in hyperbolic maps that are in contact with different environments. We analyse the emergence of the different regimes and show that the behaviour of the decay rate of the BE is strongly dependent on the type of environment.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures

    Discrepancies between decoherence and the Loschmidt echo

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    The Loschmidt echo and the purity are two quantities that can provide invaluable information about the evolution of a quantum system. While the Loschmidt echo characterizes instability and sensitivity to perturbations, purity measures the loss of coherence produced by an environment coupled to the system. For classically chaotic systems both quantities display a number of -- supposedly universal -- regimes that can lead on to think of them as equivalent quantities. We study the decay of the Loschmidt echo and the purity for systems with finite dimensional Hilbert space and present numerical evidence of some fundamental differences between them.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Changed title. Added 1 figure. Published version

    Quantum non-Markovian behavior at the chaos border

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    In this work we study the non-Markovian behaviour of a qubit coupled to an environment in which the corresponding classical dynamics change from integrable to chaotic. We show that in the transition region, where the dynamics has both regular islands and chaotic areas, the average non-Markovian behaviour is enhanced to values even larger than in the regular regime. This effect can be related to the non-Markovian behaviour as a function of the the initial state of the environment, where maxima are attained at the regions dividing separate areas in classical phase space, particularly at the borders between chaotic and regular regions. Moreover, we show that the fluctuations of the fidelity of the environment -- which determine the non-Markovianity measure -- give a precise image of the classical phase portrait.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures (JPA style). Closest to published versio

    Relaxation of isolated quantum systems beyond chaos

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    In classical statistical mechanics there is a clear correlation between relaxation to equilibrium and chaos. In contrast, for isolated quantum systems this relation is -- to say the least -- fuzzy. In this work we try to unveil the intricate relation between the relaxation process and the transition from integrability to chaos. We study the approach to equilibrium in two different many body quantum systems that can be parametrically tuned from regular to chaotic. We show that a universal relation between relaxation and delocalization of the initial state in the perturbed basis can be established regardless of the chaotic nature of system.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figs. Closest to published versio

    Lyapunov decay in quantum irreversibility

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    The Loschmidt echo -- also known as fidelity -- is a very useful tool to study irreversibility in quantum mechanics due to perturbations or imperfections. Many different regimes, as a function of time and strength of the perturbation, have been identified. For chaotic systems, there is a range of perturbation strengths where the decay of the Loschmidt echo is perturbation independent, and given by the classical Lyapunov exponent. But observation of the Lyapunov decay depends strongly on the type of initial state upon which an average is done. This dependence can be removed by averaging the fidelity over the Haar measure, and the Lyapunov regime is recovered, as it was shown for quantum maps. In this work we introduce an analogous quantity for systems with infinite dimensional Hilbert space, in particular the quantum stadium billiard, and we show clearly the universality of the Lyapunov regime.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted in Phil. Trans. R. Soc.
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