260 research outputs found

    Use of balloon catheter dilation vs. traditional endoscopic sinus surgery in management of light and severe chronic rhinosinusitis of the frontal sinus: a multicenter prospective randomized study

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    OBJECTIVE: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) of the frontal sinus is a complex pathological condition and many surgical techniques were described to treat this area endoscopically, like traditional endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) and balloon catheter dilation (BCD). PATIENTS AND METHODS: We designed a multicenter prospective randomized study to assess the validity and safety of BCD vs. ESS in symptomatological chronic rhinosinusitis of the frontal sinus enrolling a population of 102 adult patients (64 men and 38 women; overall 148 frontal sinuses studied) with non-polypoid CRS. For a better evaluation of the disease, in our study we decided to analyze both radiological (Lund-McKay CT scoring modified by Zinreich) and symptomatological results (SNOT-20 questionnaire). We divided the population affected in two groups, one with light/mild frontal CRS and the other with moderate/severe frontal CRS, basing on radiological findings at Lund-MacKay modified by Zinreich score. Every group was divided in two subgroups, in one we used BCD and in the other we used traditional ESS. RESULTS: The current literature does not support the suggestion that indications for BCD and ESS are identical, and additional research is needed to determine the role for BCD in specific patient populations. The results showed a not statistically significative difference between BCD and conventional ESS of the frontal sinus in patients with light/mild CRS and in patients with moderate/severe CRS at Lund-Mackay modified by Zinreich score. The same not statistically significative difference was observed comparing the results of SNOT-20 questionnaire in the group of light/mild frontal chronic rhinosinusitis. However, we noticed a statistically significant better outcome of SNOT-20 score in patients with moderate/severe chronic rhinosinusitis that underwent BCD of frontal sinus compared to ESS. CONCLUSIONS: BCD and ESS are two alternative weapons in the baggage of every endoscopic surgeon, even because they present similar outcomes, safeness and effectiveness both in light/mild and moderate/severe chronic rhinosinusitis of the frontal sinus. An interesting result of our study was the statistically significant better outcome of SNOT-20 score in patients that underwent BCD of frontal sinus for a moderate/severe CRS, compared to those that underwent a traditional ESS

    Sudden hearing loss as an early detector of multiple sclerosis: a systematic review

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    To evaluate whether Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (S-SNHL) may be an early symptom of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). A systematic review was conducted using the following keywords: "Multiple sclerosis, hearing loss, sudden hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus, magnetic resonance imaging, otoacoustic emission, auditory brainstem responses, white matter lesions, sensorineural hearing loss, symptoms of MS and otolaryngology, nerve disease and MS". Only the articles that included results of at least one auditory test and MRI were considered. We evaluated the prevalence of SNHL in patients with MS, the presence of different forms of SNHL (S-SNHL and Progressive SNHL (P-SNHL)) and their correlation with the stage of MS, the results of electrophysiological tests, and the location (if any) of MS lesions as detected by white matter hyperintensities in the MRI. We reviewed a total of 47 articles, which included 29 case reports, 6 prospective studies, 6 cohort studies, 4 case-control studies, and 2 retrospective studies. 25% of patients suffered from SNHL. S-SNHL typically occurred in the early stage of the disease (92% of patients) and was the only presenting symptom in 43% of female subjects. Instead, P-SNHL occurred in the late stage of MS (88% of patients). Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR) were abnormal in all MS patients with S-SNHL. When S-SNHL appeared during the early stage of the disease, MS lesions were found in the brain in 60% of patients and in the Internal Auditory Canal in 40% of patients. ABR remained abnormal after recovery. S-SNHL can be an early manifestation of MS and should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of this condition, especially in women. The pathophysiology can be explained by the involvement of microglia attacking the central and/or peripheral auditory pathways as indicated by WMHs

    Sinonasal angioleiomyoma with adipocyte differentiation: clinicopathologic study of 2 cases and review of the literature

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    Angioleiomyoma (ALM) is a benign tumor of the skin and soft tissues composed of well differentiated smooth muscle cells arranged around and among many vascular channels. Few cases have been reported in the sinonasal region, where ALM may show a variable amount of mature adipose tissue that may make hard the distinction from angiomyolipoma. We report here two cases that presented with a three- and six-month history of left nasal obstruction respectively. In both patients, clinical examination and imaging studies failed to reveal features of tuberous sclerosis complex and demonstrated a mass obliterating the nasal cavity arising from the inferior turbinate. Both masses were endoscopically excised. Pathologic analysis revealed highly vascularized tumors composed of well differentiated smooth muscle cells intermingled with a variable number of mature adipocytes. Immunostaining for melanocytic markers was negative. Based on these findings, both tumors were diagnosed as sinonasal-ALM with adipocytic differentiation. These two cases indicate that both clinical data (i.e. absence of features of tuberous sclerosis complex) and immunohistochemistry (i.e. absence of melanocytic markers) are mandatory for the recognition of sinonasal-ALM with adipocytic differentiation. The term angiomyolipoma to identify these lesions is confusing and should be abandoned

    Obstructive sleep apnoea in patients treated for head and neck cancer: A systematic review of the literature

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    Background and objectives: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is clinically defined by signs of daytime sleepiness and objective measures of disordered breathing during sleep. The literature is still controversial on the incidence and aetiology of OSA secondary to head and neck cancer treatment. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate and discuss the prevalence of OSA in patients treated with surgery and/or chemo/radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Materials and methods: Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, a systematic search was performed on May 2020 using the MEDLINE database, Scopus, and Google Scholar. The searches were conducted using combinations of the following terms: head and neck cancer, OSA, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, partial laryngectomy, laryngeal cancer, neoplasm, tumour, carcinoma, and oropharyngeal cancer. Results: Our results suggest that head and neck cancer patients have a higher incidence of OSA (59.78%) compared to the general population; differences may occur based on the type of treatment. Conclusions: Clinicians should recognise the higher prevalence of OSA in patients treated for head and neck cancer and should consider a comprehensive sleep history as part of the evaluation and management of these patients. Further research is needed to evaluate the exact prevalence, aetiology, and correct management of OSA after treatment for head and neck cancer

    Endoscopic resection of sinonasal inverted papilloma: a multivariate retrospective analysis of factors affecting recurrence and persistence

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    Sinonasal inverted papilloma (IP) is the most common benign epithelial tumor in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, with a worldwide incidence between 0.6 and 1.5/100 000 persons per year. However, only a few studies have investigated patient-dependent factors related to IP recurrence and persistence. According to available evidence, these factors are still debated, and results are contradictory. In this multicenter retrospective study, we analyzed the clinical records of 130 patients who were surgically treated for sinonasal IP to evaluate the factors affecting recurrence and persistence of IP and compared the curative rates of different surgical approaches. Our analysis showed that IP recurrence is strongly related to specific risk factors including incomplete surgical removal, stage of disease, site of the lesion, surgical technique, and malignancy rate. In conclusion, the recurrence of IP may be affected by several risk factors; these factors must be carefully considered during clinical evaluation and especially during the follow-up of patients with IP

    Localizzazione inusuale di cisti del dotto tireoglosso

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    nglish version Summary: An unusual localization of thyroglossal duct cyst. M. Barbaro, A. Di Mario, D. De Seta, G. Rispoli, E. Covelli, G.A. Bertoli, A. Minni Thyroglossal duct cysts are most common neck masses after benign lymphonodes. They originate from primitive thiroglossal duct, so they could be locate along its course. Every mass in the middle line of the neck can be considerated as a thyroglossal cyst. Best treatment is surgery (Sistrunk procedure). We present a case of unusual localization at floor of the mouth of thyroglossal in a 34 years old woman. To our knowledge in literature, only two cases, have been reported both

    Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland and ipsilateral thyroid incidentaloma: report of a rare case with review of literature

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    Background: Pleomorphic adenomas are benign tumors of the salivary glands that mainly affect the lower pole of the superficial lobe of the parotid gland. The term "pleomorphic" refers to the epithelial and connective origin of the mass. The clinical presentation is typically that of asymptomatic swelling which increases in volume. Therapy consists in surgical removal of the tumor mass by parotidectomy with nerve preservation. Case details: This clinical case describes an interesting case of pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland in a 62-year-old patient. The patient presented with a long history of an asymptomatic mildly worsening swelling of the left parotid region. The peculiarity of the clinical case is the dimension of the adenoma (9x5x9 cm) and the presence of a thyroid incidentaloma (TI), consisting of a thyroid multinodular goiter composed of nodules, the largest of which measured 8 cm in diameter. This mass dislocated the laryngotracheal axis, compressed the larynx and caused the reduction of the respiratory space, making orotracheal intubation difficult and determining the need to perform a tracheotomy. Conclusion: Benign pleomorphic adenomas can potentially reach large sizes if untreated. Socio-economic problems may be the reason for late diagnosis

    Bell's palsy: Symptoms preceding and accompanying the facial paresis

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    This individual prospective cohort study aims to report and analyze the symptoms preceding and accompanying the facial paresis in Bell's palsy (BP). Two hundred sixty-nine patients affected by BP with a maximum delay of 48 hours from the onset were enrolled in the study. The evolution of the facial paresis expressed as House-Brackmann grade in the first 10 days and its correlation with symptoms were analyzed. At the onset, 136 patients presented postauricular pain, 114 were affected by dry eye, and 94 reported dysgeusia. Dry mouth was present in 54 patients (19.7%), facial pain, hyperlacrimation, aural fullness, and hyperacusis represented a smaller percentage of the reported symptoms. After 10 days, 39.9% of the group had a severe paresis while 10.2% reached a complete recovery. Dry mouth at the onset was correlated with severe grade of palsy and was prognostic for poor recovery in the early period. These outcomes lead to the deduction that the nervus intermedius plays an important role in the presentation of the BP and it might be responsible for most of the accompanying symptomatology of the paresis. Our findings could be of important interest to early address a BP patient to further examinations and subsequent therapy

    The effects of oral supplements with sambucus nigra, Zinc, Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus (H122), Arabinogalactans, Vitamin D, vitamin E and Vitamin C in otitis media with effusion in children: a randomized controlled trial

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    – OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the ability of oral supplements with immune-stimulating molecules (Sambucus nigra, Zinc, Tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus (H122), Arabinogalactans, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin C) to reduce the inflammation of the upper airway tract and improve the outcome of otitis media with effusion (OME) in children. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Randomized controlled trial. One-hundred ninety-eight children (CI 95%: 12-96 months) were divided into four groups. Group 1 (48 subjects) received 10 ml of oral supplements (OS) with immune-stimulating molecules for three months (20 days consecutively, then 10 days of suspension – the therapeutic scheme was repeated three times); Group 2 (54 children) underwent treatment with 10 ml of OS for 90 consecutive days; Group 3 (48 subjects) received 15 ml of OS for 45 consecutive days; a control group (48 children) underwent the standard treatment for rhinitis and OME. Outcome measures included otoscopy, tympanometry, fibroendoscopy, and the pure tone audiometry (PTA) at T0 (before treatment), T1 (45 days after treatment), and T2 (90 days after treatment). RESULTS: All children treated with OS showed a reduction of Upper Airway Infection (UAI) episodes and OME compared to the control group independent of the administration method and posology. The three groups treated with OS showed statistically significant differences between T0 and T2 for otoscopy, tympanometry, fibroendoscopy, and PTA. In Group 2, the otoscopy and the tympanometry scores improved at T1. Group 2 and 3 had better PTA results than Group 1. CONCLUSIONS: OS with immune-stimulating molecules should be considered as a supporting therapy in children affected by recurrent episodes of UAI associated with OME due to their capacity to improve the immune response and reduce the inflammatory phenomena. OS can improve the fibroendoscopic findings by restoring middle ear ventilation, in addition to their ability to reduce inflammation in the middle ear

    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the pediatric age: the role of the anesthesiologist

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    – OBJECTIVE: Childhood obstructive sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a sleep-related upper airway obstruction that degrades sleep quality, ventilation and/or oxygenation; obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is one of the most common causes of SDB in children. The aim of this review is to evaluate the role of the anesthesiologist in pediatric OSAS. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review has been performed on the following topics: clinical aspects of pediatric OSAS, preoperative investigations including questionnaires, clinical parameters, laboratory polysomnography and home sleep apnea testing, anesthesiologic preoperative management, anesthesiologic perioperative management, anesthesiologic postoperative management including postoperative analgesia, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), and post‐tonsillectomy bleeding. RESULTS: OSAS in children is a distinct disorder from the condition that occurs in adults; adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy are the first line of therapy in these patients. Even if these surgical procedures are frequently performed, they represent a great challenge for surgeons and anesthesiologists and are associated with a substantially increased risk of morbidity and mortality. CONCLUSIONS: The role of the anesthesiologist is pediatric OSAS is crucial before, during and after surgery, as pediatric patients are at higher risk of preoperative, perioperative and postoperative adverse events including airway obstruction, PONV, and bleeding