99 research outputs found

    Comparative study of technologies for extraction of biologically active substances from the raw material of animal origin

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    Technologies of isolation and concentration of biologically active substances, developed in the middle of the 20th century, need adjustment and adaptation to modern conditions both to increase the activity of substances and for greater economic efficiency. The aim of the research is the comparison of dynamics of biologically active compounds extraction from porcines pancreas in two methods: the saline method based on 0.9% sodium chloride solution, and the acidic method based on 2.4% trichloroacetic acid solution. Also the purpose of research is to assess the possibilities for further optimization of technologies. The total protein concentration based on the biuret reaction in the samples taken during the extraction, as well as the calculation and analysis of the point degrees and rates of extraction are chosen as the controlled parameters. Local maxima of the protein yields into the extractant media at the 60th, 135th and 255th minute were recorded during saline extraction; and at the 75th and 135th minute during acid extraction. Also the proteomic profile of the extracts was studied. Wide range of compounds with molecular weight of less than 52 kDa was found in extracts based on physiological saline solution, and protein substances of whole presented range of molecular weights in trichloroacetic acid based extracts were considered. The predominance of low molecular weight protein fraction of interest was noted also in this method of extraction in comparison with the other methods of extraction. According to the UniProt database, we assume availability of probable compounds with a molecular weight of less than 30 kDa in the purified acidic extract. The presence of some proteins absent in the final saline extract was noted. The acidic erythrograms showed a weak degrading effect of both types of extracts on the membranes of rat erythrocytes, as well as the cytoprotective effect of acidic ultrafiltrates (less than 3 kDa). The obtained results prove a better efficiency of trichloroacetic acid extraction method used for obtaining a mixture of a wide range of compounds, including biologically active substances of low molecular weight

    Towards retrieving dispersion profiles using quantum-mimic Optical Coherence Tomography and Machine Learnin

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    Artefacts in quantum-mimic Optical Coherence Tomography are considered detrimental because they scramble the images even for the simplest objects. They are a side effect of autocorrelation which is used in the quantum entanglement mimicking algorithm behind this method. Interestingly, the autocorrelation imprints certain characteristics onto an artefact - it makes its shape and characteristics depend on the amount of dispersion exhibited by the layer that artefact corresponds to. This unique relationship between the artefact and the layer's dispersion can be used to determine Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD) values of object layers and, based on them, build a dispersion-contrasted depth profile. The retrieval of GVD profiles is achieved via Machine Learning. During training, a neural network learns the relationship between GVD and the artefacts' shape and characteristics, and consequently, it is able to provide a good qualitative representation of object's dispersion profile for never-seen-before data: computer-generated single dispersive layers and experimental pieces of glass.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure


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    Purpose of the study: The main objective of the study was the analysis of key labor market request content for the secondary education system, the level of employers' expectations compliance and actual learning outcomes, the research of resources and partnership interaction limitations of all interesting subjects in the process of an educational order development. Methodology: The main method was the questionnaire survey of experts (individual entrepreneurs, the heads of industrial and structural divisions) of Moscow (N = 316). The results of the expert survey showed the interest of employers in close cooperation with school in order to reflect the interests of the labor market in the educational order adequately. Results: The most motivated group is a small business, the leaders of the lowest level in the sphere of trade and service, who directly interact with the school graduates in the process of their early start of labor activity. The experts noted the problems in the development of the social competencies among schoolchildren: excessive self-esteem, an excessive level of claims, low level of willingness to work in a team, the lack of such qualities as responsiveness and responsibility. The cooperation between school and employers is limited to traditional sponsorship practices. The interaction of employers and educational institutions is quite fragmentary, it depends on a variety of random factors (personal and situational motives), which does not ensure the stability and the effectiveness of social partnership. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of Reflection of Labor Market Interests and Expectations in Educational Order for Contemporary School is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Increasing potato yield using foliar fertilization to boost growth

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    To date, the use of fertilizers has become firmly embedded in advanced crop cultivation technologies, as the main component of obtaining high and sustainable yields. The nutritional regime of plants cannot be optimized only with the help of macronutrients. They also need trace elements that can increase the resistance of plants to adverse growing conditions, diseases and pests. However, the high cost of such fertilizers makes it necessary to develop new more effective and less expensive drugs. Therefore, in modern potato cultivation technologies, much attention is paid to non-root top dressing. As a result of three-fold leaf treatments with the developed fertilizer, the yield increase of potato variety Gulliver was 0.4…5.2 t/ha, variety Vimpel 2.0…5.1 t/ha, variety Matushka 0.1…4.1 t/ha

    Factors to affect inbred beet plants while developing material for linear selection

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    Considering its capacities, the generative system of Beta vulgaris L. is regarded as highly productive. While inbreeding, the reproductive potential of cross-pollinated beet plants with gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI) changes significantly and is determined by a joint effect of multiple factors including the level of inbred depression. In the present study, original data have been obtained revealing relationships between inbred beet seed productivity, its self-incompatibility and microgametophyte parameters, which is crucial for developing and maintaining constant fertile beet lines. It has been discovered that inbred depression increases the number of sterile microgametes and anomalous pollen grains, reduces pollen fertility and the length of pollen tubes. As a result, the seed yield in inbred beet progeny, including SI ones, reduces significantly just after the third inbreeding. At the same time, highly productive inbred beet is characterized by a lower rate of pollen tube growth in vitro. In inbred plants, there is no close relationship between pollen viability and seed productivity, because the elimination of germinated male gametes and degeneration of seed embryos may go over the entire period of fertilization starting its progamic phase. The SI plants have more degenerating embryos than self-fertile ones, but seed vessel outgrowth in the seeds with abortive embryos makes them morphologically similar to fertile seeds. For that reason, when assessing inbred beet plants based on their self-incompatibility/self-fertility, one should consider the qualitative characteristics of the seeds. Using the method of recurrent selection based on such factors as seed productivity, pollen tube length and field germination rate increase the output of plant forms with a potentially high self-compatibility in their progeny. To support such genotypes in the progeny, one has to, starting from the third inbreeding, perform sib crossing to reduce the negative effect of inbred depression and self-incompatibility

    Environmental problems of the Crimean coast territories

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    The article describes the nature and degree of deformations of the coastal zone of the sea and coastal protection structures on the coast of the Kalamitsky Gulf of the Black Sea. In 2022, a team of authors made a visual survey of the coast on the territory of the Bakhchisarai district of the Republic of Crimea with a total length of 11.5 km. from the village of Beregovoe to the village of Uglovoye. As a result of the inspection, coast areas potentially dangerous for human health and life that are not suitable for normal use for recreational purposes were identified. Long-term field observations show that the creation of coastal protection in certain local areas, giving only a temporary positive effect for these areas, can have a very negative impact on neighboring and even remote areas; that is why the coastal protection issue should be solved at least on the scale of the coast of settlements, considering the conditions of a single system. When designing coastal protection measures, it is necessary to consider that separate protection of small areas of erodible coastal territories within a large area of the eroded coast is ineffective, since adjacent unprotected shores will recede under the action of a system of natural factors

    Architecture of composite multilayer semiconductor nanostructures

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    The problem of ensuring the operational parameters of composite multilayer semiconductor nanoscale structures at the design technology stages is solved. A mathematical model based on the physics of processes occurring in the structure during operation is developed. The problem is solved for the resonant-tunnelling AlGaAs nanoheterostructures


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    The traditional production of linear material  and hybrids in the selection of red beet is a time-consuming,  long-term process due to the two -  year cycle of plant development, self-and cross-incompatibility,  inbred depression. Significantly  reduce the life cycle of the plant allows the vernalization  at different stages  of  development, including during  the  "steckling". Cultivation  of plants with the use of steckling culture in the selection of red beet has not yet found wide application and has not been studied enough, in this regard, in 2009-2018 on the basis of the Federal  State Budgetary  Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Vegetable Center”. The material of the study was inbred offspring I1-5, which were studied in several series of independent  experiments using different schemes of growing stecklings and roots (one-year and biennial  cycles).  It is shown that the use of culture of steckling and protected ground for breeding schemes to create lines of red beet is advisable, as it accelerates the  process of  evaluating the  heterogeneity of inbred progenies for earliness, index, root, the manifestation of cytoplasmic  sterility, and also allows you to get a wider range of different  inbred forms due to the high variability  in the offspring. The probability of a valuable fully-sterile ms-forms  higher in the group of early maturing plants with a large mass stecklings and promising self-compatibility  mf-lines - among small fractions of mid and late inbred offspring. The continuous use of steckling culture should be recommended only for the preliminary evaluation  of breeding  material on sign of cytoplasmic sterility, followed by the reproduction of selected promising inbred offspring in the open field ("halves method"),  and at later stages of  the breeding process as a  rapid assessment of crossing combinations on sign of cytoplasmic sterility when checking mf-forms on the fixing ability. The alternation  of the culture of stecklings with the traditional biennial cycle of culture in conjunction with the techniques of recurrent selection and use of different backgrounds  (field, greenhouse),  can improve the performance of the selection and get aligned according to the main economic-important  signs of promising inbred offspring in a shorter period of time.Традиционное получение линейного материала  и  гибридов в селекции свеклы столовой  является  трудоемким,  длительным процессом из-за двулетнего цикла развития растений,  само- и перекрестной  несовместимости, инбредной    депрессии. Значительно сократить жизненный  цикл растений позволяет яровизация  на разных стадиях развития, в том числе на стадии «штеклинга». Выращивание  растений с использованием культуры штеклингов в селекции свеклы столовой до сих пор не нашло широкого применения и изучено  недостаточно, в связи с этим в 2009-2018 годах на базе ФГБНУ Федерального научного центра овощеводства проведены  исследования,  посвященные этому вопросу. Материалом  исследований являлись инбредные   потомства I1-5, которые изучали  в нескольких сериях независимых экспериментов  с использованием  разных схем выращивания  штеклингов и маточных зрелых корнеплодов (в однолетнем и двулетнем циклах). Показано, что использование культуры штеклингов и защищенного грунта в селекционных схемах создания линий свеклы столовой целесообразно, так как ускоряет процесс  оценки гетерогенности инбредных потомств по скороспелости, индексу корнеплода, проявлению признака ЦМС, а также позволяет получать более широкий набор различных инбредных форм за счет высокой  изменчивости  в потомстве. Вероятность  появления ценных  полностью стерильных  ms-форм выше в группе скороспелых растений  с большей массой штеклинга, а перспективных самосовместимых mf-линий – среди мелких фракций среднеспелых и позднеспелых инбредных потомств. Тем не менее, непрерывное использование культуры штеклингов следует рекомендовать  только для предварительной оценки селекционного  материала по признаку ЦМС, с последующим размножением выделенных перспективных инбредных потомств в открытом грунте («метод половинок»), и на более поздних этапах селекционного   процесса в качестве  экспресс-оценки комбинаций скрещивания по признаку ЦМС при проверке mf-форм на закрепляющую способность. Чередование культуры штеклингов с традиционным  циклом  двулетней культуры в сочетании с методами рекуррентной селекции,  а также использование разных фонов (поле, защищенный   грунт), позволяет  повысить результативность отбора и получить выровненные  по основным хозяйственно  значимым признакам перспективные  инбредные потомства за более короткий срок


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    When working with pollen, it is important to keep its functional parameters for some time. To do this, you need to choose the best conditions to preserve pollen germination. The influence of different method of pollen storage of inbred plants of beetroot on its functional characteristics, at germination on artificial nutrient medium under conditions in vitro. When storing pollen in eppendorf tube for the second-third day, the pollen germination decreased by 3-10 times compared to the initial value, after a week of storage, pollen was in conglomerates, a lot of burst pollen. When stored on the sprigs for the seventh to eighth days, the decrease in pollen germination was no more than 30% of the control, and the growth rate of the pollen tube in most samples remained approximately at the control level. For a comparative analysis of the germination of pollen of inbred plants beetroot when evaluating a large set of samples, it is recommended to store flowering twigs in paper bags at a reduced temperature (10-12°C). This is important when working with a large set of samples where it is not possible to compare them at the same time.Важным условием при работе с пыльцой, является сохранение ее функциональных параметров в течение определенного времени, для чего необходимо подобрать оптимальные условия, позволяющие сохранять жизне- и оплодотворяющую способность микрогаметофита. С этой целью изучено влияние двух способов сбора и хранения пыльцы инбредных растений свеклы столовой на ее функциональные характеристики при проращивании на искусственной питательной среде в условиях in vitro. В первом варианте пыльцу собирали с распустившихся цветков в герметично закрываемые бюксы, во втором – отделяли от соцветия небольшие веточки с цветками и крупными бутонами, помещали их бумажные, а затем в полиэтиленовый пакеты и хранили до проращивания в хладотермостате при 10…12°С (контроль – свежесобранная пыльца). Показано, что при хранении пыльцы в бюксах уже на вторые-третьи сутки жизнеспособность (ЖСП) в зависимости от образца снижалась в 3-10 раз по сравнению с исходным значением, а после недельного хранения она слипалась в конгломераты, и увеличивалось число лопнувших пыльцевых зерен в препарате. При хранении в цветках и бутонах на веточках снижение ЖСП на седьмые-восьмые сутки хранения составляло не более 30% от контроля, а скорость роста пыльцевой трубки у большинства образцов оставалась на уровне контрольной. При этом характер распределения образцов по уровню ЖСП микрогаметофита сохранялся. Коэффициент ковариации линейной зависимости между значениями ЖСП до и после недельного хранения составил R2=0,94. То есть, для оценки функциональных параметров микрогаметофита инбредных растений свеклы столовой рекомендуется хранение пыльцы непосредственно на цветущих веточках, помещенных в бумажные, а затем в полиэтиленовый пакеты, при пониженной положительной температуре 10-12°С. Это имеет важное значение при работе с большим набором образцов, когда нет возможности провести их сравнительный анализ единовременно