15 research outputs found

    Algorithm for determining the authenticity of biomedical cell preparations containing mesenchymal stem cells

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    The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which have a pronounced immunomodulatory activity, is a promising direction in the development of biomedical cell preparations (BMCPs). In oncohematology, the use of BMCPs containing MSCs is aimed at supporting hematopoiesis during cotransplantation with hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and suppressing immune conflicts during allogeneic unrelated transplantation and severe autoimmune processes. An obligatory stage of registration of BMCPs is confirmation of the identity of the MSC cell line (CL), which includes the establishment of morphological characteristics, evaluation of the expression of specific markers and proteins, and confirmation of the genetic stability of CL during cultivation. Determination of markers of genetic stability is possible using various methods, however, according to the recommendations of the American National Standardization Institute, the standard is the analysis of short tandem repeats (STR analysis). The purpose of the study is to develop an algorithm for determining the authenticity of BMCPs containing MSCs, including STR analysis. Material and methods. Identification of MSC cells in BMCP was performed according to the criteria of the International Society for Cell Therapy. Viable cells were counted in a Goryaev chamber. Immunophenotypic characteristics of MSCs were determined by flow cytometry. The level of production of specific proteins was assessed using enzyme immunoassay. Genetic stability markers were identified by STR analysis. Results and discussion. The methods were tested in triplicate for ten BMCP samples to confirm the reproducibility and reliability of the results. The developed algorithm for determining the authenticity of BMCP has a high accuracy, as it includes the STR analysis technique, which makes it possible to identify 19 polymorphic STR markers located on different alleles. Using the method will allow BMCP manufacturers to go through the procedure of state registration of drugs

    Клещевой вирусный энцефалит в Томской области за последние 10 лет

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    In the given work had been lead the analysis of epidemiological data TBE for 1999—2009 on Tomsk area. The information on quantity imparted against tick-borne encephalitis, about results of research of pincers and blood at the persons who have addressed on points prevention of tick-borne encephalitis and about quantity of the diseased tick-borne encephalitis is presented. Analysis of a complex of preventive actions is spent. The reasons of formation of the long maintenance of a virus tick-borne encephalitis in blood are shown.Представлен анализ итогов эпидемических сезонов по клещевому энцефалиту 1999—2009 гг. по Томской области. Дана информация о количестве привитых против клещевого энцефалита, о результатах исследования клещей и крови у лиц, обратившихся на пункты серопрофилактики, и о количестве заболевших клещевым энцефалитом. Проведен разбор комплекса профилактических мероприятий. Показаны причины формирования длительного антигеноносительства вируса клещевого энцефалита

    Клинико-иммунологическая характеристика больных клещевым энцефалитом в острый период в Томской области

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    Results of complex research of features of clinical and immunological profiles tick-borne encephalitis during the sharp period in Tomsk Region are resulted in the article. Last years redistribution of a parity of clinical displays of the sharp period in favor of prevalence of feverish forms of disease and a tendency to increase in cases of long circulation of an antigene of a virus tick-borne encephalitis is marked. One of the important reasons of such effect is decrease in immunological reactance of an organism with development of cytokine’s disbalance and expression infringement receptors of cytokines with lymphocytic cages.Представлены результаты комплексного исследования особенностей клинического и иммунологического профилей клещевого вирусного энцефалита в острый период в Томской области. В последние годы отмечаются перераспределение соотношения клинических проявлений острого периода в пользу преобладания лихорадочных форм заболевания и тенденция к увеличению случаев длительной циркуляции антигена вируса клещевого энцефалита. Одной из важных причин такого эффекта является снижение иммунологической реактивности организма с развитием цитокинового дисбаланса и нарушение экспрессии цитокинов рецепторов лимфоцитарными клетками

    Клинико-иммунологические аспекты клещевого энцефалита

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    In this article results of the clinical-immunological analysis with different forms tick-borne encephalitis of Tomsk Region during the period from 2000 to 2008 are represented. The revealled disbalance of cytokines alongside with breach of the expressions cytokines's receptor by limphocytes's cells, can be one of the main of the reasons to inefficiency answer when introducing the infectious agent in organism and shaping the chronic form to infectious pathology, in particular, with long presence of the antigen of the virus tick-borne encephalitis in blood. The trend to increase the level sick with long presence of the antigen of the virus tick-borne encephalitis in blood, with prevalence of the persons feminine flap, mainly average and senior age for the last years is given.Приведены результаты клинико-иммунологического анализа больных с различными формами клещевого энцефалита по Томской области за период с 2000 по 2008 г. Выявленный цитокиновый дисбаланс наряду с нарушением экспрессии цитокиновых рецепторов лимфоцитарными клетками может служить одной из главных причин неэффективности иммунного ответа при внедрении инфекционного агента в организм и формирования хронической формы инфекционной патологии, в частности длительного антигеноносительства вируса клещевого энцефалита. Установлена тенденция к росту числа больных с длительным антигеноносительством вируса клещевого энцефалита с преобладанием среди них лиц женского пола преимущественно среднего и старшего возраста


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    The review discusses various reperfusion strategies in patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation (STEMI), based on the evidence from international clinical trials. The modern views on real-world invasive and conservative strategies of STEMI management in European countries are presented. The key factor for patients’ survival is the timing, not the method of reperfusion. The strategy of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) may fail to reduce mortality, if the door-to-balloon time is over 60 minutes, compared to immediate thrombolytic therapy (TLT). PCI is more effective than TLT only if the time difference (door-to-balloon vs. door-to-needle) is under 2 hours. The choice of reperfusion method should be based on the patient’s risk level. Primary PCI has limitations, since this method is not widely accessible, requires specially trained staff and special equipment. Early TLT is an acceptable standard method in STEMI management, highly applicable for the Russian clinical practice. However, in patients already treated with TLT, pharmaco-invasive strategy could be the method of choice. The description of thrombolytic drugs is focussed on the agents of II and III generations – alteplase (Actilyse®) and tenecteplase (Metalyse®), respectively. Before the introduction of Metalyse®, continuous infusion of Actilyse® was regarded as the gold standard of pharmacological reperfusion therapy. Recently, it has been shown that single-bolus Metalyse® therapy is as effective as continuous Actilyse® infusion, but with better safety profile. Pre-hospital TLT with single-bolus Metalyse® therapy (5-10 seconds) provides a unique clinical opportunity for early STEMI management and maximal myocardial rescue