180 research outputs found

    Eksplorasi Identifikasi Dan Karakterisasi Bawang Merah Lokal (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Di Pulau Samosir

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    The purpose of the research is to explore, identify and characterize the local Samosir shallot The result was began from June up to July 2015. The method of the research includes exploration by survey, identification by desk study, and characterization to identify the variation of each accession using SPSS and evaluate the closeness of relationship using dendogram. The result showed that exploration to central areas of local shallot cultivation obtained six districts. However, only two districts (six villages; Hatoguan, Palipi, Gopal, Pallombuan, Urat, Sitinjak, Harian) where farmers qualified as respondents. Identification showed the similarity of character times to bloom, times harvest, leaves shapes, flower colors, flower shapes, as well as the bulbs colors, but there was variation on plant length, bulbs diameter, bulbs weight, the number of tillers, leaves number, leaves color, and the shape of bulbs. The farthest relationship with the highest diversity coeficient obtained on the wet weight of bulbs, dry weight of bulbs, and the number of leaf with value 8.11, 7.8, and 7.5 respectively

    Respoms Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Saawi (Brassica Juncea. L) Terhadap Interval Penyiraman Dan Konsentrasilarutan Pupuk Npk Secara Hidroponik

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    The aimed of this reaserch was to determine the flush interval and consentration of NPK fertilizer which is suitable to the growth and production of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) This research was conducted at green house's Agricultur faculty University of Sumatera Utara, Medan with a height of 25 metre sea level rise on Februari until April 2012. This research was conducted by factorial randomized block design with two factors such as flush interval (1,2,3 in a day) and NPK fertilizer 0, 2.5, 5, 7. 5, 10 (g/l water). The parameters observed were plant height, the number of leaf, leaf area, the scale of leaf chlorophyll , the weight biomass of plant, The fresh weight of selling, the weight of roots, the root's length and the harvest indeks. The result of the observations showed that the flush interval had ureal effect to all of the parameters except the root's weight, while the NPK fertilizer had a real effect to all of the parameters

    Uji Batang Bawah Karet (Hevea Brassiliensis, Muell-arg.) Berasal Dari Benih Yang Telah Mendapat Perlakuan Peg (Seed Coating) Dengan Beberapa Klon Entres Terhadap Keberhasilan Okulasi

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    For increasing rubber production, seed factor very important as rootstock origin. Seed haverecalsitran characteristic that cause the deteoration. The seed that have gotten the PEG treatment tomaintain the viability, tested further as rootstock origin. The purpose of this study was to test therootstock of the rubber (Hevea brassiliensis, Muell-Arg.) originated by the seeds that have gottenthe PEG treatment with some clones of Scion for the success of grafting the research have done onMarch until June, 2013 in the publics land at Pasar I Tanjung Sari, Medan. The design of researchthat be used is Randomize Complete Factorial Design with two factors and three replications. Thefirst factor is rootstock seed of rubber that has been gotten the seed treatment (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%PEG concentrate) and the second factor is scion (IRR 104, IRR39, IRR 72 clones). The parameterthat be observed is break bud in field, the length of bud and the diameter of bud. The result showedthat the rubber rootstock seed that have given the seed treatment did not effected significantly on allof parameters. The type of scion did not effected significantly on all of parameters. The interactionsbetween rootstock and the scion did not effected significantly also. On all of the parameters the bestresult that gained on the rootstock of rubber seed that have given by the seed treatment is theconcentrate of PEG 30% and bud of IRR 104

    The Influence of Percentage of Shade on the Growth of Mucuna Bracteata D.C. Seedling Origin Cuttings with Different IAA Concentration.

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    The influence of percentage of shade on the growth of Mucuna bracteata D.C. seedling origin cuttings with different IAA concentration. The research was conducted in Desa Sendang Rejo, Kecamatan Binjai, Kabupaten Langkat with altitude Β± 50 m above the sea level from Juni to September 2015. This research used factorial split plot design with 2 factors. The first factor was Intensity of Shade ( 0 %, 25 %, 50 %, 75 % ) and the second factors was IAA concentration ( 0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm ) with 3 replication. The result of the research showed that mucuna seed growth were significantly effect to without shade (0 %) than with application if shade. Application of IAA PGR 200 ppm were significantly effect to increased mucuna growth in 8 week after planting. The best treatment of the research were without shade 0 % (N0) with application of IAA 200 ppm (N0A2)

    Pola Arus Pasang Surut dan Gelombang di Perairan Teluk Bayur Kota Padang Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    This research was conducted on July 2016 in the port of Teluk Bayur Padang City, West Sumatra Province with intention to determine the characteristics of waves and tidal currents. The method used in this research is survey method in the form of primary and secondary data. The observations determined using the Grid method. a rectangular larly throughout the study area. The number of station points that exist in this study consisted of 15 station points, the distance between stations less than 50 cm. the current velocity ranged from 0,21 – 0,53 m/sec, water depth in the waters of Teluk Bayur ranged from 2 - 11 meters, wave height in the waters of Teluk Bayur average range between 0,14 – 0,27 m, wave period average range between 1,31 – 3,12 seconds. Wavelengths ranging from 2,67 to 15,0 m. The observation of the current direction at high tide ranged between 50o-80o to the southeast, and at subside that current direction ranged from 180o to 210o toward the southwest

    Seat Interference Antar Penumpang Pada Model Boarding Pesawat Terbang

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    Ada dua keadaan untuk sebuah pesawat, keadaan pertama adalah pada saat pesawat tersebut sedang berada di darat dan keadaan kedua adalaha saat peswat tersebut sedang berada di udara. Maskapai penerbangan akan mendapat keuntungan pada saat pesawat mereka sedang terbang. Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi lama pesawat berada di darat, antara lain : waktu penumpang turun, bongkar muat barang, pengisian bahan baker, boarding time, dll. Penelitian ini menyajikan beberapa model boarding untuk mengurangi seat interference dan untuk mengurangi waktu boarding. Mixed Integer Non Linier Programing digunakan untuk menghasilkan model boarding. ProModel digunakan untuk simulasi, hasil simulasi adalah waktu boarding dan seat interference. Airbus-320 digunakan untuk menerapkan model simulasi ini. Beberapa hal yang mempengaruhi strategi boarding adalah jumlah baris, jumlah grup dan jumlah penumpang yang dimasukkan untuk tiap grup. Hasil simulasi memperlihatkan bahwa model boarding dengan 6 grup dapat mengurangi jumlah seat interference sebesar 85,5% dan mengurangi waktu boarding sebesar 6,82% dibandingkan dengan menggunakan model tradisional back to front

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Illegal Logging (Pembalakan Liar) sebagai Kejahatan Kehutanan Berdasarkan Undang-undang No. 41 Tahun 1999 Tentang Kehutanan dan Undang-undang No. 18 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Perusakan Hutan

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    Continuous destruction of natural forest has caused the decrease in the forest area. The problem of criminal act in forestry, especially illegal logging, is a very complicated problem to be coped with since the criminal act is very serious, well-organized, and has inter-state range. The people's lack of knowledge in the importance of forest for human benefit and the weakness of law has caused the complexity of any effort to handle illegal logging. Law No. 14/1999 on Forestry has not yet formulated the definition of illegal logging so that it causes multi-interpretation. Besides that, there are many weaknesses in the previous legal provisions which cause the prevention and the eradication become complicated. Therefore, Law No. 18/2013 on the Prevention and the Eradication was established. The result of the research showed that the criminal elements of illegal logging were found in Article 12 points a, b, c, d, e, f, and g, and in Article 19 points a, b, c, d, and f of Law No. 18/2013. Criminal responsibility of the perpetrators of illegal logging individually and corporately, either intentionally or because of negligence has been formulated in Articles 82 up to 85, in Article 94, and in Article 98. The reasons for annulling the criminal act is found in Article 11, paragraph (3) and in Article 13, paragraph (2) of Law No. 18/2013
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