2,120 research outputs found

    KIAI and ISLAMIC BANK (the Typology of Kiai Based on Their Perception and Behaviour Toward Islamic Bank)

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    This article aims to explain the perceptions and behavior of Moslem scholars (ulama/kiai) on the coast of Central Java toward Islamic banks. It is unassailable that finding out the kiai's perception and behavior toward Islamic banks becomes unavoidable because the kiai occupies a very important position in the social structure as an agent of social change. In order to have an approriate understanding toward the perception and behavior, this study used qualitative-phenomenological approach. The main source of primary data were obtained from the kiai in Pekalongan region by using purposive sampling technique. Indepth-interview as the prominent method in gaining data was reinforced by observation method. To get validity of data, internal and external validity were performed. The former was taken through four stages, namely triangulation, emic process, member checking and prolonged time; and the latter through transferability. Data were analyzed inductively through three cronological steps, e.i. data reduction, display and conclusion drawing. Based on the perceptions and behavior of scholars toward Islamic banks, this study concludes that there are three categories of kiai. The first is an idealist compromise (kompromis-idealis) which argues that Islamic banks do not fully comply with sharia compliance yet, the use of Islamic banks is compulsory and conventional banks are not substitutes for Islamic banks. The second is a realistic compromise (kompromis realistis) which infers that Islamic banks are not fully accordance with sharia commpliance, the use of Islamic banks is not mandatory, but conventional banks are not substitutes for Islamic banks. The third is resistance (resisten) which argues that Islamic banks are not much different from conventional banks, so making use of Islamic bank is not obligation, and conventional banks substitute Islamic banks

    Mengemas Kesenian Tradisional Dalam Bentuk Industri Kreatif: Studi Kasus Kesenian Jathilan

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    The existence of traditional arts are often addressed as the expression and identity of a culture and at the same time it is based on the local wisdom and uniqueness of a society. Further more, traditional art is exist and developed through the traditions of a society, as well as to support and maintain social collectivity. However, traditional art in this post-modern time is often considered as not in line with the changing of time. Based on those facts, it needs effort to reconstruct, renovate, revitalize and recreate the traditional art which in line with the civilization development as well as the demand of the creative industry. Through the case study of Jathilan Art in Magelang Regency-Central Java, this study is trying to conduct inventory and to identify the problems. From the results of the inventory and identification of the problems, the study also will perform activities of reconstruction, renovation, revitalization and recreation of traditional art. The purpose of this study will produce the production designing, production packaging, and production marketing of traditional art which in line with the development of creative industry. The results of the production design, production packaging, and production marketing of traditional arts will make the television show program suitable with the demand of its audiences

    Menakar RUU Kkg Dari Perspektif Kajian Hukum Islam

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    The Draft Law on Gender Equality is an early draft at the socialization stage, still to receive inputs from the society. However, there have been many negative responses and many Islamic groups reject it wholesale. Their argument interalia, is that the draft law is secular in nature and is thus contradictory to fundamentalist Islamic teachings and law. This article will attempt to discuss and position the draft law within the ambit of Islamic law. The general conclusion is that while most of the ideas contained within the draft law is much in line with the principles of Islamic law, several articles which conflict with Islamic law need to be revised and changed. The shortcomings and errors within the draft law are indeed in need of criticism, but it should not be a reason to reject the entire draft la

    Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Sains Guru Kelas Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    Most of the concepts in science are abstract ones. These concepts tend to be diffiult to study by students who have not developed formal thinking ability. This diffiulty may cause misconception, i.e. students' conceptions which are different from those generally accepted by the scientificommunity. Understanding of teacher in non PGMI / PGSD on material science at Islamic Elementary School is still considered to be lacking or need improvement. Misconception that occurs teacher non PGMI / PGSD to learning materials science at Islamic Elementary School almost occurredin all of the material, among other things, the material of plant, animal material changes (water and solvent) light and the solar syste

    Kemiskinan dan Post-modernisme Kebudayaan

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    This article is a response to the book Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil, the work of Nancy Scheper-Hughes, University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles: 1992. Ethnographic work of the book is more likely to be in line with the thinking of post-modernism, which saw a radical change from an industrial to the postindustrial organized cultural consumption, mass media game, and the development of information technology. In addition to a combination of approaches-symbolic interpretivism approach and historical material- expressed on the issues of marginalization and contestation of power inherent in the post-modernism culture today

    Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep Perubahan Materi Melalui Perbaikan Bahan Ajar

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    Student understanding of the concept of Natural Sciences, especially ā€œmaterial and its changesā€ are inflenced by the students understanding of the previous material on the ā€œvarious substances and natureā€. The development of learning sources about ā€œmaterial and its changesā€ canimprove students understanding of the concept, in this case is students of college, if (1) making the media of teaching based on the basic concepts about material that will be learned by students and that concepts arrangedsystematically or sequentially concepts, for example from simple to complex concept or from the lower to the higher concept, (2) the examples that given to the students close to the students experiences, beginning from a simple example

    Penggunaan Limbah Media Tanam Jamur Tiram pada Budidaya Tanaman Kacang Tanah dan Bawang Merah

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    Mushroom plant media waste is potentially to be used as organic fertilizer, because the main ingredient of the mushroom plant media is an organic material ie sawdust. It certainly would not only have an impact on reducing of pollution but can also serve as a source of organic matter to the soil. The use of organic fertilizers will be very useful to reduce the occurrence of land degradation both physical, chemical and biological farming practices due to the high external input. Use of mushroom plant media waste on groundnut cultivation can improve significantly the dry weight of pods even though their effectiveness is lower when compared with the use of manure. While the onion cultivation, use of mushroom plant media waste as much as 15 t / ha can give no significantly different effects with the use of manure. Even the use of mushroom plant media waste in the first planting period can reduce the use of urea in the second cropping period of up to 100%. Key word : waste, groundnut, onio
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