86 research outputs found

    Diversity of Snakes in Rajegwesi Tourism Area, Meru Betiri National Park

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    Rajegwesi tourism area is one of the significant tourism areas in Meru Betiri National Park, East Java, Indonesia. The area rich in term of biodiversity which are potential for developed as natural tourism attraction. The aim of this study is to identify snakes species diversity and its distribution in Rajegwesi tourism area. Field survey was done in Rajegwesi area, namely swamps forest, residential area, rice fields, agriculture area (babatan), resort area, and Plengkang cliff. This study found some snakes, encompasses Colubridae (10 species), Elapidae (four species), and Phytonidae (one species). There are Burmese Python (Python reticulatus), Red-necked Keelback (Rhabdophis subminiatus), Painted Bronzeback Snake (Dendrelaphis Pictus), Black Copper Rat Snake (Coelognathus flavolineatus), Radiated Rat Snake (C. radiatus), Striped Keelback (Xenochrophis vittatus), Checkered Keelback (X. piscator), Spotted Ground Snake (Gongyosoma Balioderius), Gold-ringed Cat Snake (Boiga dendrophila), Common Wolf Snake (Lycodon capucinus), Banded Wolf snake (L. subcinctus), Cobra (Naja sputatrix), King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), Malayan Krait (Bungarus candidus), and Banded Krait (B. fasciatus) was found. These snake habitats distributes at 21 coordinate points. Keywords: conservation, ecotourism, snakes

    Peran Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Pengembangan Destinasi Wisata Bahari Pulau Gili Noko Kabupaten Gresik (Studi Pada Dinas Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Pemuda Dan Olahraga Kabupaten Gresik)

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    Gili Noko Island is one of the maritime destination in Gresik Regency which has potential in the form beauty of coral reefs and marine life that should be developed into a tourist destination. But based on current conditions this potential is not yet supported by the accessibility and adequate facilities so that the need for the role of local government in particular (Disbudparpora) as one of the stakeholders who have authority in the development of tourist destinations in the region. This study used descriptive qualitative method with the purpose of (1) Determine the role of local governments (Disbudparpora) in developing tourist destinations Gili Noko. (2) Determine an inhibiting factor and the motivating factor in developing tourist destinations on the island of Gili Noko. Sources of data obtained from informants, observation, documents, and documentation. Analysis of data using four stages: data collection, data reduction. Kеywords: The Role of Local Government, Gili Noko Island, Tourism Destinations, Maritime Tourism, and Tourism attractions. АBSTRАK Pulаu Gili Noko mеrupаkаn sаlаh sаtu dеstinаsi wisаtа bаhаri di Kаbupаtеn Grеsik yаng mеmiliki potеnsi bеrupа kеindаhаn tеrumbu kаrаng dаn biotа lаut yаng lаyаk dikеmbаngkаn mеnjаdi sеbuаh dеstinаsi wisаtа. Аkаn tеtаpi bеrdаsаrkаn kondisi sааt ini potеnsi tеrsеbut mаsih bеlum didukung dеngаn аksеsibilitаs dаn jugа fаsilitаs yаng mеmаdаi sеhinggа pеrlu аdаnyа pеrаn pеmеrintаh dаеrаh khususnyа Disbudpаrporа sеbаgаi sаlаh sаtu stаkеholdеr yаng mеmiliki wеwеnаng dаlаm pеngеmbаngаn dеstinаsi wisаtа di dаеrаhnyа. Pеnеlitiаn ini mеnggunаkаn mеtodе dеskriptif kuаlitаtif dеngаn tujuаn (1) Mеngеtаhui pеrаn pеmеrintаh dаеrаh (Disbudpаrporа) dаlаm mеngеmbаngkаn dеstinаsi wisаtа Pulаu Gili Noko. (2) Mеngеtаhui fаktor pеnghаmbаt dаn fаktor pеndorong dаlаm mеlаkukаn pеngеmbаngаn dеstinаsi wisаtа di Pulаu Gili Noko. Sumbеr dаtа dipеrolеh dаri informаn, obsеrvаsi, dokumеn, dаn dokumеntаsi. Аnаlisis dаtа mеnggunаkаn еmpаt tаhаp yаitu pеngumpulаn dаtа, rеduksi dаtа, pеnyаjiаn dаtа, dаn pеnаrikаn kеsimpulаn. Kаtа Kunci: Pеrаn Pеmеrintаh Dаеrаh, Pulаu Gili Noko, Dеstinаsi Wisаtа, Wisаtа Bаhаri dаn Dаyа tаrik wisаtа

    Checklist of Flora Along Tourist Trails to Mt. Lamongan, East Java (Indonesia): Misconception of Restoration and Ecotourism Programs in Mountain Region?

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the diversity of plant species along the tourist trails to Mt. Lamongan and combat any misconceptions about ecosystem restoration and the ecotourism development program in Mt. Lamongan. A floristic survey was done through flora identification along the hiking trail from the gate of Mt. Lamongan nature recreation area in Papringan Village to the slopes of Mt. Lamongan. The identified species were listed and their taxonomic status analyzed using information from the GRIN website. This study found that exotic plant species are abundant along the tourist tract. Human activities were identified as contributing to the introduction and establishment of exotic plant species. Result of the research indicate that restoration knowledge and techniques do not exist in the Mt. Lamongan region. A comprehensive evaluation of flora should be implemented to enhance the restoration program and protect forest area, especially the tourist corridor to the peak of Mt. Lamongan. Integrated actions to enhance restoration and promote tourism are needed. It encompasses strengthening the restoration concept and technology, eradication of exotic plant species, and establishing a proper tourism interpretive tract

    Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengembangan Atraksi Wisata Air Terjun Kampunganyar, Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Kampunganyar is one of the village in Banyuwangi regency that currenty develops and promotes its waterfall, so called Kampunganyar Waterfall, as a tourist atraction. The development cannot be separated from the effort of local communities to make the village get famous. In the process of the development, there were obstacles accured such as rejections the program and the conflict between local communities. In order to solve the problem, BUMDES (Badan Usaha Milik Desa), a kind of small corporation established by the village administration, is currenty manage the waterfall. This research aim to describe and explain the local community participation including factors affect community involvement , and to explain economic activitiy emerged. The research uses descriptive qualitatif method and data sources obtained from observation, interview, and documentation. The result of this research showed that the form public participation consisting of participation on deccision making, participation in the lmplementation, participatlion in the result of the development, and participation in evaluation. Factor that impedes the participation is derived from the social gap among society. Mean while, the push factors of participation comes from the eagerness to possess tourist attraction as what have already done by the neighboring villages. Activities arising is produce change jobs and income enchacement of the community

    Composition and Diversity of Soil Arthropods of Rajegwesi Meru Betiri National Park

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    Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP) is one of the nature conservation area thathas the potential of flora, fauna, and ecosystems that could develop as a nature-based tourism attraction. The existence of certain indicator species was related to estimation of stress level and disturbance on ecosystem stability for making strategic decisions about the restoration in this area. One of the important indicator species at forest ecosystem were soil arthropods. Aim this research were analyzed composition and diversity of soil arthropods at Rajegwesi, MBNP areas. The methods in this research used pitfall trap, measurement of distribution structure and soil arthropods composition based on the Shannon - Wiener index, Morisita similarity index and Importance Value Index (IVI). The number of families and individuals of soil arthropods found in the coastal area of Rajegwesi consists of 10 order with 21 families (702 individual). The number of individuals of the order Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Collembola and Araneida was more widely found. Soil arthropods diversity index on each land use indicated that soil arthropod diversity in these areas were moderate. Soil arthropod community of orchards and forest had a similarity of species composition, whereas soil arthropod community of savanna had a similarity of species composition with paddy fields

    Peran Serta Masyarakat Desa Dalam Inisiasi Pengembangan Wisata Alam Desa Wringinanom Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang

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    Tourism should be able to encourage people to participate actively in order to achievethe desired welfare. The village is one of the targets of tourism development in Malang. One of the villages that are developing natural attractions is the village of Wringinanom, Poncokusumo, Malang. Natural tourist attraction that is being developed in the village of Wringinanom is Ledok Amprong with superior tourist, namely River Tubing. Tubing is a term for body rafting similar to rafting. The purpose of this study include determine the natural tourist attraction profile in the village of Wringinanom, District Poncokusumo, Malang, determine the role of the community in the development of nature tourismin the village Wringinanom, Poncokusumo, Malang, and analyze and identify the nature tourism development based community strategy participation in village Wringinanom, Poncokusumo, Malang. Results from this study indicate that the villagers of Wringinanom already started to develop natural tourist attraction is there, but still seem modest, yet organized, and there is no synergy of each stakeholder to mak ethe development of a tourist attraction becomesless than the maximum

    Analysis of Bird Diversity for Supporting Ecotourism Development in Rajegwesi, Meru Betiri National Park

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    Potential ecotourism attraction in Rajegwesi Village, Meru Betiri National Park is high due to its high biodiversity, especially bird diversity, in the form of bird watching activity. This study was aimed to determine the species, level of abundance, and diversity of birds found in the Rajegwesi area. Further, this basic information is important to develop the bird watching track at Rajegwesi. We used Quantum-GIS to create the land classification and observation mapping. Bird observation used point count method in the morning and evening with three periods of hour and three repetitions. The study confirmed about 76 species of 39 bird families was found in Rajegwesi. The highest abundance was Pygnonotus goiavier (E:Yellow-vented Bulbul), at the meadows, village, and rehabilitation land. The diversity index showed that the highest diversity was found at the heterogeneous forest (H index 3.745), followed by homogenous forest (H index 3.150), rehabilitation land (H index 2.845), village (H index 2.693), paddy fields (H index 2.529), and savanna (H index 1.880). The observation track was divided into 3 lines based on the birds distribution, the Village Rehabilitation Land track (6.5 Km), Village track (2.3 Km), and Village Rafflessia Park track (7.5 Km). Total of 25 bird species were found at the Village Rehabilitation Land track, 22 species were found at the Village track, and 29 bird species were found at the Village Rafflessia Park track. For the future of ecotourism development through birding development program, there are several issues that should be promoted: promoting birds conservation in the community through bird watching and birds observation competition (Bird race), training on conservation and ecotourism for the community, and strengthening the capacity and capability of Rajegwesi Ecotourism Society (RES) on the ecotourism program management. Keywords: bird watching, conservation, ecotourism development, RE

    Genetic Variation of Dacrycarpus Imbricatus in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East Java Based on TrnL (UAA) Intron Region

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    The conservation of Jamuju Dacrycarpus imbricatus (Blume) de Laub. in Java Island has been considered important. One of the the limitation of such program is related to the viability data on the genetic diversity of species target. The aim of study was to determine genetic variation of D. imbricatus in Bromo Tengger Semeru Park, East Java based on trnL (UAA) intron region. DNA sample was collected from several D. imbricatus seedling population in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (BTSNP) in East Java. DNA was isolated and amplified using PCR. Genetic variation was estimated using trnL (UAA) intron sequences. This study confirm that D. imbricatus in Bromo Tengger Semeru has low genetic diversity. Based on the phylogenetic tree, D. imbricatus population from Bromo Tengger Semeru Park is closely related to D. imbricatus from Sabah-Malaysia and Hainan-China with 100 % similarity value. These data implies that population and habitat management of D. imbricatus in Bromo Tengger Semeru should be designed to enhance the population survival in the future