2,195 research outputs found

    The Mutual Dependency of Force and Law in American Foreign Policy

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    A successful American grand strategy requires a close integration of interna-tional and domestic institutions and practices. This Essay explores the vital inter-dependence of grand strategy and law, both international and domestic. First, it asks how the United States should formulate its foreign policy strategy by pointing to the three primary components that must be deployed in tandem to forge a suc-cessful American foreign policy—persuasion, inducements, and force. Second, this Essay shows that in light of the distribution of powers between the president and Congress, and within the executive branch, the execution of that strategy requires a high level of bipartisan consensus in favor of an approach that neither disclaims the use of American power nor solely relies on it. The soundness of this strategy is tested against the American experience in Iraq and elsewhere

    Career Development Patterns and Values of Women School Administrators

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    Career development research has often explored gender differences in and development of career patterns. Women were traditionally sidelined from performing from full participation in society and have struggled for their civil rights and social freedoms by challenging the male-dominated social systems. In an age when women are now gaining strong footing in positions once dominated by only by male, it is imperative to assess how the career development of women fare. Thus, the researcher examined the career development patterns and values of women school administrators.  The researcher found that women school administrators in the province of Capiz were highly motivated, have high self-esteem, have very strong spirituality, and possess very strong will power. They were also equipped with career development patterns skills that they applied on their position and in becoming successful. The researcher also found that they were able to successfully combine family and job, attaining high level of achievement. Despite marriage constraints, they were innovative, finding time for both family and work and with supportive family members that lessen the demands and burdens of their position. These women administrators also realized the importance of values on their career development patterns in providing them direction to their desired end. As successful school administrators, they made themselves “role model” for other professionals who aimed to become one in the future. Keywords: career development, values, women school administrator

    ATP-dependent chromatosome remodeling

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    Chromatin serves to package, protect and organize the complex eukaryotic genomes to assure their stable inheritance over many cell generations. At the same time, chromatin must be dynamic to allow continued use of DNA during a cell's lifetime. One important principle that endows chromatin with flexibility involves ATP-dependent `remodeling' factors, which alter DNA-histone interactions to form, disrupt or move nucleosomes. Remodeling is well documented at the nucleosomal level, but little is known about the action of remodeling factors in a more physiological chromatin environment. Recent findings suggest that some remodeling machines can reorganize even folded chromatin fibers containing the linker histone H1, extending the potential scope of remodeling reactions to the bulk of euchromatin

    Single-particle transfer and nuclear supersymmetry

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    Transfer reactions constitute a stringent test for nuclear supersymmetry, a theory that simultaneously describes neighboring nuclei with bosonic and fermionic character. We construct and analytically evaluate one-nucleon transfer matrix elements between supersymmetric partners with the U( 6/4) case as an example, and stress the need for a careful treatment of bosonic and fermionic operators in the construction of mixed tensor operators.CONACyT 32416-E 32397-EPAGA-UNAM IN106400DGICYT PB98-111

    Mechanisms and functions of intestinal vascular specialization.

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    The intestinal vasculature has been studied for the last 100 years, and its essential role in absorbing and distributing ingested nutrients is well known. Recently, fascinating new insights into the organization, molecular mechanisms, and functions of intestinal vessels have emerged. These include maintenance of intestinal epithelial cell function, coping with microbiota-induced inflammatory pressure, recruiting gut-specific immune cells, and crosstalk with other organs. Intestinal function is also regulated at the systemic and cellular levels, such that the postprandial hyperemic response can direct up to 30% of systemic blood to gut vessels, while micron-sized endothelial cell fenestrations are necessary for nutrient uptake. In this review, we will highlight past discoveries made about intestinal vasculature in the context of new findings of molecular mechanisms underpinning gut function. Such comprehensive understanding of the system will pave the way to breakthroughs in nutrient uptake optimization, drug delivery efficiency, and treatment of human diseases

    The enzymes LSD1 and Set1A cooperate with the viral protein HBx to establish an active hepatitis B viral chromatin state

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceWith about 350 million people chronically infected around the world hepatitis B is a major health problem. Template for progeny HBV synthesis is the viral genome, organized as a minichromosome (cccDNA) inside the hepatocyte nucleus. How viral cccDNA gene expression is regulated by its chromatin structure; more importantly, how the modulation of this structure impacts on viral gene expression remains elusive. Here, we found that the enzyme SetDB1 contributes to setting up a repressed cccDNA chromatin state. This repressive state is activated by the histone lysine demethylase-1 (LSD1). Consistently, inhibiting or reducing LSD1 levels led to repression of viral gene expression. This correlates with the transcriptionally repressive mark H3K9 methylation and reduction on the activating marks H3 acetylation and H3K4 methylation on viral promoters. Investigating the importance of viral proteins we found that LSD1 recruitment to viral promoters was dependent on the viral transactivator protein HBx. Moreover, the histone methyltransferase Set1A and HBx are simultaneously bound to the core promoter, and Set1A expression correlates with cccDNA H3K4 methylation. Our results shed light on the mechanisms of HBV regulation mediated by the cccDNA chromatin structure, offering new therapeutic targets to develop drugs for the treatment of chronically infected HBV patients.http://www.nature.com/articles/srep2590

    Dental Treatment under General Anesthesia in Healthy and Medically Compromised/Developmentally Disabled Children: A Comparative Study

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    Aim: To compare the type, number of procedures and working time of dental treatment provided under dental general anesthesia (DGA) in healthy and medically compromised/developmentally disabled children (MCDD children). Design: This cross-sectional prospective study involved 80 children divided into two groups of 40 children each. Group 1 consisted of healthy and Group 2 consisted of MCDD children. Results: Healthy children needed more working time than MCDD children, the means being 161±7.9 and 84±5.7 minutes, respectively (P= 0.0001). Operative dentistry and endodontic treatments showed a significant statistical difference (P= 0.0001). The means of procedures were 17±5.0 for healthy children and 11±4.8 for MCDD children (P= 0.0001). Conclusions: Healthy children needed more extensive dental treatment than MCDD children under DGA. The information from this sample of Mexican children could be used as reference for determining trends both within a facility as well as in comparing facilities in cross-population studies

    Round trunk squash : two new varieties

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue mejorar la calidad de fruto maduro en el zapallito redondo del tronco [Cucurbita máxima Duch., variedad zapallito (Carriére) Millán], para aprovecharlo con doble propósito y no solamente como hortaliza para relleno. Para ello debían eliminarse caracteres indeseables : falta de uniformidad; escasa proporción de pulpa; pérdida de sabor y aspecto; aparición de rugosidades , verrugas, turbantes pronunciados y, especialmente, cáscara blanda a la madurez, que lo hace susceptible a enfer-medades. El material fitogenético fue elegido de una colección con más de quinientas líneas homocigotas, arbustoides y plagiótropas, formada por las progenies de cruzamientos entre el Zapallito (Carriére) Millán por la variedad Typica y por la variedad Zipinka. Se obtuvieron así dos nuevos cultivares de crecimiento arbustoide, buena cobertura; frutos de cáscara verde, dura, lisa y limpia; mejor proporción y calidad de pul-pa (textura, color y tenor azucarino), denominadas YANQUE FCA y YANTA FCA.The main objective of this study was to improve the quality of the mature fruit of the round trunk squash [Cucurbita máxima Duch., vr zapallito (Carriére) Millán], so that it could be used as a double purpose squash and not only for stuffing when green. Whit that aim in view, it was necessary to eliminate undesirable characteristics such as : lack of uniformity, low proportion of pulp, loss of flavor an do good aspect, presen ce of roughnesses, warts, marked “turbans"and, especially, soft skin at maturity, which made it very susceptible to disease. The phytogenetic material used to begin this development was obteined from a collection of over 500 homozygous, shruby, and plagiotropous lines, made up by the progenies of the crossing between Zapallito (Carriére)Millán with Var. Typica and Var. Zipinka. As a result, we have developed two new lines of squash of shruby growth, good cover, skin that is green, hard, smooth and clean, and better proportion and quality of pulp (in texture, color, and sugar content), named YANQUE FCA and YANTA FCAFil: Bartucciotto, C. V.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Producción AgropecuariaFil: Ormeño, A. . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Producción AgropecuariaFil: Marianetti, A.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Producción AgropecuariaFil: Niveyro, L. . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Producción AgropecuariaFil: Loyola, A. P. . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Producción AgropecuariaFil: Arenas, A. . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Producción Agropecuari

    Global priorities for conservation across multiple dimensions of mammalian diversity

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    Conservation priorities that are based on species distribution, endemism, and vulnerability may underrepresent biologically unique species as well as their functional roles and evolutionary histories. To ensure that priorities are biologically comprehensive, multiple dimensions of diversity must be considered. Further, understanding how the different dimensions relate to one another spatially is important for conservation prioritization, but the relationship remains poorly understood. Here, we use spatial conservation planning to (i) identify and compare priority regions for global mammal conservation across three key dimensions of biodiversity-taxonomic, phylogenetic, and traits-and (ii) determine the overlap of these regions with the locations of threatened species and existing protected areas. We show that priority areas for mammal conservation exhibit low overlap across the three dimensions, highlighting the need for an integrative approach for biodiversity conservation. Additionally, currently protected areas poorly represent the three dimensions of mammalian biodiversity. We identify areas of high conservation priority among and across the dimensions that should receive special attention for expanding the global protected area network. These high-priority areas, combined with areas of high priority for other taxonomic groups and with social, economic, and political considerations, provide a biological foundation for future conservation planning efforts