2 research outputs found

    Natural Energy Bars With Protein Improvement From Animal Origin Foods

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    The energy bars provide the consumer with nutritional and organoleptic quality, as well as a prolonged shelf life without the need to modify the temperature for storage, however, they do not satisfy the nutritional requirements of high-quality proteins since they are usually made from cereals, which are low cost ingredients and great energy contribution. The objective of this study was to create an energetic and nutritious bar, without diminishing the technological quality of the commercial bars and that, due to their sensory characteristics, are easily included in the daily consumption of people who exercise and want to control their weight. A product was formulated with a greater contribution and protein quality, and with a functional dose of macronutrients. The product was prepared in compliance with the regulations of the Ecuadorian Institute for Standardization (INEN) and the Food Codex, the premixing and roasting of ingredients was controlled and finally food with animal protein source such as egg white and powdered milk was added. For the premix oat flakes, nuts such as nuts, almonds and hazelnuts, chia seeds and honey were used, then added egg white and powdered milk. The protein content it reached was 29.01% on a wet basis, a fat value of 23.10% and carbohydrates of 25.24% on 100 g of sample on a wet basis. The energy distribution of macronutrients was balanced, and the sensory evaluation showed good product acceptability. Keywords: cereal bars, protein, immediate energy. Resumen Las barras energ茅ticas proporcionan al consumidor calidad nutricional y organol茅ptica, as铆 como una vida de anaquel prolongada sin necesidad de modificar la temperatura para su almacenamiento, sin embargo, no satisfacen los requerimientos nutricionales de prote铆nas de alta calidad ya que generalmente est谩n elaboradas a base de cereales, que son ingredientes de bajo costo y gran aporte energ茅tico. El objetivo se este estudio fue crear una barra energ茅tica y nutritiva, sin disminuir la calidad tecnol贸gica de las barras comerciales y que por sus caracter铆sticas sensoriales sean f谩cilmente incluidas en el consumo diario de personas que se ejercitan y quieren controlar su peso. Se formul贸 un producto con un mayor aporte y calidad proteica, y con una dosis funcional de macronutrientes. El producto se elabor贸 cumpliendo las normativas del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalizaci贸n (INEN) y del Codex alimentario, se control贸 la premezcla y tostado de ingredientes y finalmente se adicion贸 los alimentos con fuente proteica animal como la clara de huevo y leche en polvo. Para la premezcla se utilizaron hojuelas de avena, frutos secos como nueces, almendras y avellanas, semillas de ch铆a y miel de abeja, luego se adicion贸 la clara de huevo y la leche en polvo. El contenido proteico que alcanz贸 fue de 29,01% en base h煤meda, un valor en grasas de 23,10% y de carbohidratos de 25,24% de muestra en base h煤meda. La distribuci贸n energ茅tica de macronutrientes fue equilibrada y la evaluaci贸n sensorial arroj贸 una buena aceptabilidad del producto. Palabras claves: barras de cereales, prote铆na, energ铆a inmediata

    Hexavalent Chromium in Waters for Human Consumption and Irrigation in the Guano Canton

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    Introduction: Considering the geographical location and industrial activities of the county Guano, which lies on an aquifer that supply water for both consumption and crop irrigation, it is necessary to examine the levels of chromium (Cr) in its watershed and tributaries. Objective: To evaluate the amount of Cr existing in the surface waters of the Guano river basin and aquifer. Methods: Several samples of the river and aquifer were taken and the amount of Cr present was measured. Using Z-test, Cr levels found in the water were compared with those recommended as normal by the World Health Organization (WHO), national standards of the Texto Unificado de Legislaci贸n Secundaria de Medio Ambiente (TULSMA) and the Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalizaci贸n 1108 ( INEN 1108). Results: Relatively high Cr values were found when compared with those established by the WHO. However, they were normal when compared with TULSMA and INEN 1108. Conclusion: The levels of Cr found in the Guano river and the aquifer were higher than those recommended by the WHO. It is recommended to replicate our findings in order to corroborate the results and to take appropriate measures in order to reduce water contamination. Keywords: chromium, water, Guano, Ecuador. Resumen Introducci贸n: Considerando la ubicaci贸n geogr谩fica y actividades industriales del cant贸n Guano el cual yace sobre un acu铆fero que sustenta las necesidades de agua tanto para consumo y riego de la poblaci贸n es necesario examinar los niveles de Cromo (Cr) en su vertiente como sus afluentes. Objetivo: Evaluar la cantidad de Cr existente en las aguas superficiales de la cuenca del r铆o Guano y en peque帽os ojos de agua provenientes del acu铆fero. M茅todos: Se tom贸 varias muestras de agua del r铆o y ojos de agua y se midi贸 la cantidad de Cr presente. Por medio de la prueba Z se compar贸 los niveles de Cr con los recomendados como normales por la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud (OMS), normas nacionales del Texto Unificado de Legislaci贸n Secundaria de Medio Ambiente (TULSMA) y Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalizaci贸n 1108 (INEN 1108). Resultados: Se encontr贸 valores relativamente altos de Cr al compararlos con los establecidos por la OMS. Sin embargo, estos se encontraron dentro de rangos normales al compararlos con TULSMA e INEN 1108. Conclusiones: Los niveles de Cr encontrados en el r铆o Guano y ojos de agua del acu铆fero son superiores a los recomendados por la OMS. Se recomienda replicar los hallazgos para corroborar los resultados y tomar las medidas adecuadas para reducir la contaminaci贸n del agua. Palabras clave: cromo, agua, Guano, Ecuador