26 research outputs found

    Light whole genome sequence for SNP discovery across domestic cat breeds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The domestic cat has offered enormous genomic potential in the veterinary description of over 250 hereditary disease models as well as the occurrence of several deadly feline viruses (feline leukemia virus -- FeLV, feline coronavirus -- FECV, feline immunodeficiency virus - FIV) that are homologues to human scourges (cancer, SARS, and AIDS respectively). However, to realize this bio-medical potential, a high density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) map is required in order to accomplish disease and phenotype association discovery.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>To remedy this, we generated 3,178,297 paired fosmid-end Sanger sequence reads from seven cats, and combined these data with the publicly available 2X cat whole genome sequence. All sequence reads were assembled together to form a 3X whole genome assembly allowing the discovery of over three million SNPs. To reduce potential false positive SNPs due to the low coverage assembly, a low upper-limit was placed on sequence coverage and a high lower-limit on the quality of the discrepant bases at a potential variant site. In all domestic cats of different breeds: female Abyssinian, female American shorthair, male Cornish Rex, female European Burmese, female Persian, female Siamese, a male Ragdoll and a female African wildcat were sequenced lightly. We report a total of 964 k common SNPs suitable for a domestic cat SNP genotyping array and an additional 900 k SNPs detected between African wildcat and domestic cats breeds. An empirical sampling of 94 discovered SNPs were tested in the sequenced cats resulting in a SNP validation rate of 99%.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data provide a large collection of mapped feline SNPs across the cat genome that will allow for the development of SNP genotyping platforms for mapping feline diseases.</p

    Sulphatide-binding properties are shared by serum amyloid P component and a polyreactive germ-line IgM autoantibody, the TH3 idiotype

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    Serum amyloid P component (SAP) concentration was elevated in sera from leprosy patients, significantly so above endemic controls in lepromatous cases. In the sera of lepromatous leprosy (LL) patients who experienced an erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) episode the SAP fell at the onset of ENL and remained low throughout, in two of three cases. Changes in SAP concentration parallel anti-sulphatide IgM concentrations. TH3, a monoclonal IgM germ-line antibody derived from a LL patient, and SAP share similar binding patterns. In this study we demonstrate binding to heparin and sulphatide. Moreover, SAP inhibited the binding of TH3 to sulphatide, as well as anti-sulphatide IgM found in a range of sera, and anti-sulphatide IgG in the only sera sample in which it was found. The observation that anti-TH3 idiotype monoclonal and polyclonal anti-SAP antibodies both inhibited the binding of TH3 and IgM in sera (but not IgG) to sulphatide without binding to sulphatide themselves further demonstrated similar binding specificities. The observations of similarity in binding reinforce ideas that SAP may function as a primitive opsonin, but the clear ability to inhibit binding of autoantibodies suggests that SAP may play a role in ameliorating tissue and particularly nerve damage in leprosy patients