4,475 research outputs found

    Barrier Softening near the onset of Non-Activated Transport in Supercooled Liquids: Implications for Establishing Detailed Connection between Thermodynamic and Kinetic Anomalies in Supercooled Liquids

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    According to the Random First Order Transition (RFOT) theory of glasses, the barriers for activated dynamics in supercooled liquids vanish as the temperature of a viscous liquid approaches the dynamical transition temperature from below. This occurs due to a decrease of the surface tension between local meta-stable molecular arrangements much like at a spinodal. The dynamical transition thus represents a crossover from the low TT activated bevavior to a collisional transport regime at high TT. This barrier softening explains the deviation of the relaxation times, as a function of temperature, from the simple logτ1/sc\log \tau \propto 1/s_c dependence at the high viscosity to a mode-mode coupling dominated result at lower viscosity. By calculating the barrier softening effects, the RFOT theory provides a {\em unified} microscopic way to interpret structural relaxation data for many distinct classes of structural glass formers over the measured temperature range. The theory also provides an unambiguous procedure to determine the size of dynamically cooperative regions in the presence of barrier renormalization effects using the experimental temperature dependence of the relaxation times and the configurational entropy data. We use the RFOT theory framework to discuss data for tri-naphthyl benzene, salol, propanol and silica as representative systems.Comment: Submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Crystallization in a dense suspension of self-propelled particles

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    Using Brownian dynamics computer simulations we show that a two-dimensional suspension of self-propelled ("active") colloidal particles crystallizes at sufficiently high densities. Compared to the equilibrium freezing of passive particles the freezing density is both significantly shifted and depends on the structural or dynamical criterion employed. In non-equilibrium the transition is accompanied by pronounced structural heterogeneities. This leads to a transition region between liquid and solid in which the suspension is globally ordered but unordered liquid-like "bubbles" still persist

    A Criterion for the Critical Number of Fermions and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Anisotropic QED(2+1)

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    By analyzing the strength of a photon-fermion coupling using basic scattering processes we calculate the effect of a velocity anisotropy on the critical number of fermions at which mass is dynamically generated in planar QED. This gives a quantitative criterion which can be used to locate a quantum critical point at which fermions are gapped and confined out of the physical spectrum in a phase diagram of various condensed matter systems. We also discuss the mechanism of relativity restoration within the symmetric, quantum-critical phase of the theory.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Melting and Rippling Phenomenan in Two Dimensional Crystals with localized bonding

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    We calculate Root Mean Square (RMS) deviations from equilibrium for atoms in a two dimensional crystal with local (e.g. covalent) bonding between close neighbors. Large scale Monte Carlo calculations are in good agreement with analytical results obtained in the harmonic approximation. When motion is restricted to the plane, we find a slow (logarithmic) increase in fluctuations of the atoms about their equilibrium positions as the crystals are made larger and larger. We take into account fluctuations perpendicular to the lattice plane, manifest as undulating ripples, by examining dual layer systems with coupling between the layers to impart local rigidly (i.e. as in sheets of graphene made stiff by their finite thickness). Surprisingly, we find a rapid divergence with increasing system size in the vertical mean square deviations, independent of the strength of the interplanar coupling. We consider an attractive coupling to a flat substrate, finding that even a weak attraction significantly limits the amplitude and average wavelength of the ripples. We verify our results are generic by examining a variety of distinct geometries, obtaining the same phenomena in each case.Comment: 17 pages, 28 figure

    Effect of inelasticity on the phase transitions of a thin vibrated granular layer

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    We describe an experimental and computational investigation of the ordered and disordered phases of a vibrating thin, dense granular layer composed of identical metal spheres. We compare the results from spheres with different amounts of inelasticity and show that inelasticity has a strong effect on the phase diagram. We also report the melting of an ordered phase to a homogeneous disordered liquid phase at high vibration amplitude or at large inelasticities. Our results show that dissipation has a strong effect on ordering and that in this system ordered phases are absent entirely in highly inelastic materials.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, published in Physical Review E. Title of first version slightly change

    The calculation of molecular Eigen-frequencies

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    A method of determining molecular eigen-frequencies based on the function of Einstein expressing the variation of the atomic heat of various elements is proposed. It is shown that the same equation can be utilized to calculate both atomic heat and optically identifiably eigen-frequencies - at least to an order of magnitude - suggesting that in both cases the same oscillating structure is responsible

    Freezing of parallel hard cubes with rounded edges

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    The freezing transition in a classical three-dimensional system of parallel hard cubes with rounded edges is studied by computer simulation and fundamental-measure density functional theory. By switching the rounding parameter s from zero to one, one can smoothly interpolate between cubes with sharp edges and hard spheres. The equilibrium phase diagram of rounded parallel hard cubes is computed as a function of their volume fraction and the rounding parameter s. The second order freezing transition known for oriented cubes at s = 0 is found to be persistent up to s = 0.65. The fluid freezes into a simple-cubic crystal which exhibits a large vacancy concentration. Upon a further increase of s, the continuous freezing is replaced by a first-order transition into either a sheared simple cubic lattice or a deformed face-centered cubic lattice with two possible unit cells: body-centered orthorhombic or base-centered monoclinic. In principle, a system of parallel cubes could be realized in experiments on colloids using advanced synthesis techniques and a combination of external fields.Comment: Submitted to JC

    Feiras Internacionais de moda, a sua importância : como participar

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    Muitas são as questões por responder sobre a problemática da internacionalização das marcas de moda, este trabalho aborda apenas alguns destes conceitos, através das experiências de marcas de moda que expõem em feiras internacionais europeias, procura compreender quais os maiores desafios enfrentados na preparação para estes eventos.There are many unanswered questions about the issue of internationalization of fashion brands, this paper discusses only some of these concepts, through the experiences of fashion brands that exhibit at international fairs in Europe, sought to understand what the biggest challenges in preparing for these events

    Percolation of Immobile Domains in Supercooled Thin Polymeric Films

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    We present an analysis of heterogeneous dynamics in molecular dynamics simulations of a thin polymeric film, supported by an absorbing structured surface. Near the glass transition "immobile" domains occur throughout the film, yet the probability of their occurrence decreasing with larger distance from the surface. Still, enough immobile domains are located near the free surface to cause them to percolate in the direction perpendicular to surface, at a temperature near the glass transition temperature. This result is in agreement with a recent theoretical model of glass transition