110 research outputs found

    Modeling of Small DC Magnetic Field Response in Trilayer Magnetoelectric Laminate Composites

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    We consider a magnetoelectric laminate which comprises two magnetostrictive (Ni) layers and an in-between piezoelectric layer (PZT). Using the finite-element method-based software COMSOL, we numerically calculate the induced voltage between the two faces of the PZT piezoelectric layer, by an external homogeneous small-signal magnetic field threading the three-layer Ni/PZT/Ni laminate structure. A bias magnetic field is simulated as being produced by two permanent magnets, as it is done in real experimental setups. For approaching the real materials’ properties, a measured magnetization curve of the Ni plate is used in the computations. The reported results take into account the finite-size effects of the structure, such as the fringing electric field effect and the demagnetization, as well as the effect of the finite conductivity of the Ni layers on the output voltage. The results of the simulations are compared with the experimental data and with a widely known analytical result for the induced magnetoelectric voltage

    Spin Relaxation Resonances Due to the Spin-Axis Interaction in Dense Rubidium and Cesium Vapor

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    Resonances in the magnetic decoupling curves for the spin relaxation of dense alkali-metal vapors prove that much of the relaxation is due to the spin-axis interaction in triplet dimers. Initial estimates of the spin-axis coupling coefficients for the dimers are 290 MHz for Rb; 2500 MHz for Cs.Comment: submitted to Physical Review Letters, text + 3 figure

    Reduced meiotic recombination on the XY bivalent is correlated with an increased incidence of sex chromosome aneuploidy in men with non-obstructive azoospermia

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    Both aberrant meiotic recombination and an increased frequency of sperm aneuploidy have been observed in infertile men. However, this association has not been demonstrated within individual men. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between the frequency of recombination observed in pachytene spermatocytes and the frequency of aneuploidy in sperm from the same infertile men. Testicular tissue from seven men with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) and six men undergoing vasectomy reversal (controls) underwent meiotic analysis. Recombination sites were recorded for individual chromosomes. Testicular and ejaculated sperm from NOA patients and controls, respectively, were tested for aneuploidy frequencies for chromosomes 9, 21, X and Y. There was a significant increase in the frequency of pachytene cells with at least one achiasmate bivalent in infertile men (12.4%) compared with controls (4.2%, P = 0.02). Infertile men also had a significantly higher frequency of sperm disomy than controls for chromosomes 21 (1.0% versus 0.24%, P = 0.001), XX (0.16% versus 0.03%, P = 0.004) and YY (0.12% versus 0.03%, P = 0.04). There was a significant correlation between meiotic cells with zero MLH1 foci in the sex body and total sex chromosome disomy (XX + YY + XY) in sperm from men with NOA (r = 0.79, P = 0.036)

    Paternal effects on early embryogenesis

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    Historically, less attention has been paid to paternal effects on early embryogenesis than maternal effects. However, it is now apparent that certain male factor infertility phenotypes are associated with increased DNA fragmentation and/or chromosome aneuploidies that may compromise early embryonic development. In addition, there is a growing body of evidence that the fertilizing sperm has more function than just carrying an intact, haploid genome. The paternally inherited centrosome is essential for normal fertilization, and the success of higher order chromatin packaging may impact embryogenesis. Epigenetic modifications of sperm chromatin may contribute to the reprogramming of the genome, and sperm delivered mRNA has also been hythesized to be necessary for embryogenesis. There is less information about the epigenetic factors affecting embryogenesis than genetic factors, but the epigenetics of gamete and early embryogenesis is a rapidly advancing field

    Involucro innovativo

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    Involucro innovativo integrato all’impianto di climatizzazione, facciata attiva, ridotto spessore e buon esito formale in una ricerca del Politecnico di Torino e di un pool di aziend

    Spermatological characters in the diphyllobothriidean Schistocephalus solidus (Cestoda)

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    The spermiogenesis and the mature spermatozoon of Schistocephalus solidus (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea) are described using transmission electron microscopy. Spermiogenesis in S. solidus begins with the formation in the spermatid of a differentiation zone surrounded by cortical microtubules and delimited by arching membranes. This conical area presents two centrioles associated with striated rootlets and a median cytoplasmic extension between them. The centrioles are separated by an intercentriolar body composed of three electron-dense plates dividing four electron-lucent plates. The centrioles give rise to two flagella that undergo a rotation and later fuse proximodistally with the median cytoplasmic expansion. The presence of an electron-dense material in the distal part of the differentiation zone is observed in the early stage of spermiogenesis. This pattern corresponds to Type I spermiogenesis according to the classification proposed by Baˆ and Marchand (Me´moires du Muse´um National d’Histoire Naturelle 1995; 166: 87). The mature spermatozoon of S. solidus presents the Type I pattern defined by Levron et al. (Biological Reviews 2010; 85: 523). It consists of five regions that exhibit two axonemes, parallel cortical microtubules, nucleus and electron-dense zones. The anterior tip of the spermatozoon possesses only a few singlets. The axonemes are of a 9 + ’1’ trepaxonematan pattern and do not reach the posterior extremity of the mature spermatozoon

    FACCIATE CONTINUE Tecnologia ed espressione architettonica dell'involucro trasparente

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    La definizione di Espressione architettonica è esplicativa del significato formale e tecnologico delle facciate continue che caratterizzano fortemente l’involucro delle architetture, anche di quelle meno complesse e senza “firme”. Queste collaborano fortemente a determinare l’aspetto dell’edificio e le sue relazioni con l’intorno; e rappresentano un fertile terreno di sperimentazione di tecniche costruttive e materiali. La messa a punto di sistemi innovativi è una sorta di work in progress permanente. Per questo motivo l'attuale stato dell’arte segna i percorsi dell’innovazione futura