3 research outputs found

    Комплекс машин для производства лука по ресурсосберегающим технологиям

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    Relevance. The most common and most mastered method of growing onions, used in the middle zone of the Russian Federation, as well as in the northern part of European countries, is the cultivation of turnip onions from onion. It is believed that this method provides 75% of the production of the entire onion harvest. Due to the sharp increase in the prices of energy carriers, fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural machinery, the production of sharp varieties of onions, grown in the crop, has become unprofitable, and marketable products have lost competitiveness due to high costs. Significant changes in the reduction of labor costs can be achieved by improving the technology and technical means for the production of onions, creating conditions for their work. The effectiveness of designs for sowing seeds of onions, onion sets and planting onions-uterus is determined by the uniform distribution of the bulbs by area of nutrition, depth and their embedding.Results. The material presented in the work is devoted to the analysis of designs and some results of studies of a complex of machines for the production of onions developed in the Penza GAU. Актуальность. Самым распространенным и наиболее освоенным способом выращивания лука, применяемым в средней полосе Российской Федерации, а также в северной части европейских стран, является выращивание лука-репки из севка. Считается, что этот способ обеспечивает 75% продукции всего урожая лука. Из-за резкого повышения цен на энергоносители, удобрения, пестициды и сельхозмашины производство репчатого лука острых сортов, выращиваемого в севочной культуре, стало нерентабельным, а товарная продукция потеряла конкурентоспособность из-за высокой себестоимости. Существенных изменений в сокращении затрат труда можно достичь путем совершенствования технологии и технических средств для производства лука, создания условий для их работы. Эффективность конструкций для посева семян лука, лука-севка и посадки лука-матки определяются равномерностью распределения луковиц по площади питания, глубине и их заделки.Результаты. Представленный в работе материал, в основном, посвящен анализу конструкций и некоторых результатов исследований комплекса машин, для производства лука, разработанных в Пензенском ГАУ.

    Complex machines for the production of onions on resource-saving technologies

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    Relevance. The most common and most mastered method of growing onions, used in the middle zone of the Russian Federation, as well as in the northern part of European countries, is the cultivation of turnip onions from onion. It is believed that this method provides 75% of the production of the entire onion harvest. Due to the sharp increase in the prices of energy carriers, fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural machinery, the production of sharp varieties of onions, grown in the crop, has become unprofitable, and marketable products have lost competitiveness due to high costs. Significant changes in the reduction of labor costs can be achieved by improving the technology and technical means for the production of onions, creating conditions for their work. The effectiveness of designs for sowing seeds of onions, onion sets and planting onions-uterus is determined by the uniform distribution of the bulbs by area of nutrition, depth and their embedding.Results. The material presented in the work is devoted to the analysis of designs and some results of studies of a complex of machines for the production of onions developed in the Penza GAU