34 research outputs found

    An unusual case of an intramuscular lipoma of the biceps brachii

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    Lipomas are common benign neoplasms consisting of mature fatty tissue. They are usually of roundish or ovoid shape and are situated in a single anatomical region. They most frequently occur on the back and in the extremities. Most lipomas are subcutaneous and require no imaging evaluation. When deep, large and unusual in location, MRI can identify and localise these tumours and is the best exploration to differentiate lipoma and lipo-sarcoma. We describe a case of a patient with an intramuscular lipoma of the biceps brachii.Key words: Intramuscular, lipoma, biceps brachi

    Are modern health worries associated with medical conspiracy theories?

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    This study was concerned with whether Medical Conspiracy Theories (MCTs), along with other variables (demographics, ideology and health perceptions) are associated with Modern Health Worries (MHWs). MCTs were significantly associated with MHWs over and above all other variables. Older individuals, with more religious and right-wing beliefs had higher MHWs. In addition, those who used Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and individuals who perceived their mental health as worse than their peers were also more likely to display higher MHWs. Implications for helping health professions understand their patients' health-related beliefs and choices were discussed

    Un cas de fracture luxation négligée du coude avec conservation de la fonction du coude

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    Les fractures luxations du coude sont rares et souvent mal tolérées chez les sujets jeunes actifs. Nous rapportons un cas de fracture-luxation du coude remontant à 20 ans. C'est un jeune de 35 ans, victime il y a 20 ans d'un traumatisme fermé, suite à une chute lors d'un match du football, de son coude gauche occasionnant une fracture-luxation du coude. Le patient a  refusé une intervention chirurgicale avec une auto-rééducation. L'examen a mis en évidence une conservation de la fonction du coude. Un bilan  radiologique a montré une fracture luxation du coude avec remaniement de la palette humérale. Une abstention thérapeutique a été décidée devant l'ancienneté de la fracture-luxation et la gêne fonctionnelle minime  engendrée. Contrairement aux autres séries, la fracture-luxation dans notre cas était bien tolérée malgré le jeune âge du patient

    Isolated radial volar dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint :A rare injury

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    Isolated palmar dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint is an uncommon injury and classified as radio-palmar or ulno-palmar according to the direction of displacement of the fifth metacarpal base . This very rare injury is often  difficult to recognize. A careful neurologic assessment of the patient is a  necessity, as well as obtaining proper radiographs of the hand. The purpose of this report is to present a patient with a pure isolated volar dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint that was satisfactorily treated with closed  reduction and casting. A review of the literature is presente

    Traitement chirurgical par plaque à compression des fractures de Galeazzi chez l’adulte: À propos de 28 cas

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    La fracture de Galeazzi associe une fracture diaphysaire du radius ou des deux os de l'avant bras à une luxation de l'articulation radio ulnairedistale. Décrite en 1934, sa fréquence varie chez l'adulte entre 2,7% et 6,8% de l'ensemble des fractures de l'avant bras. Le traitement admis defaçon consensuel chez l'adulte est chirurgical reposant sur une ostéosynthèse stable par une plaque vissée de compression dynamique associée ou non à un embrochage de la radio ulnaire distale. Nous rapportons dans notre étude les résultats cliniques de 28 patients colligés au service de traumatologie et orthopédie A du CHU Hassan II de Fès sur une période de 06 ans. L'âge moyen de nos patients était de 30 ans avecprédominance masculine de 90%; tous nos patients ont présenté un traumatisme de poignet lors d'un accident de sport. Le côté droit était atteint dans 75 % des cas. Le bilan radiologique objectiva une fracture diaphysaire du raduis associée à une luxation radio ulnaire distale; nous avons adopté la classification de de Mansat. Le traitement a consisté en une synthèse par une plaque vissée dynamique associée à un   embrochage transversal chez six patients qui ont présenté une instabilité de la radio ulnaire distale. L'immobilisation par attelle plâtrée postérieure BABP était de mise. Après un recul de 36 mois, nos résultats ont été très satisfaisants suivant le score de Mestdagh, avec bonne récupération de la mobilité du poignet et reprise de toute activité sportive

    Surgical management of intramuscular hemangioma of the foot: a case report

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    Abstract Background Hemangiomas are benign tumors usually found in the lower extremity yet their surgical management on the location in the foot is rarely documented. Case presentation We report a case of a plantar intramuscular hemangioma in 25-year-old patient with a history of percutaneous therapy. Patient had undergone intralesional sclerotherapy 3 years prior to his admission with persistent pain on weight bearing activities. MRI demonstrated a multi lobulated lesion of the 1st IMS with a peripheral enhancement on gadolinium injection. The patient underwent elective surgery with complete excision and no functional impairment at the last follow-up 3 years after surgery. Conclusion Intramuscular hemangiomas are rare occurrences. Steroid injection and sclerotherapy are effective non-operative methods. Complete excision of isolated hemangioma lesions allows definite diagnosis with no recurrence

    Latrogenic neglected rupture of patella ligament. A case report

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    No Abstract. Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma Vol. 6 (1) 2007: pp. 30-3

    Musculoskeletal Echinococcus infection as a rare first presentation of hydatid disease: case report

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    Abstract Background Hydatid disease (HD) is a cosmopolitan parasitosis caused by Echinococcus granulosus that can potentially affect any part of the human body. Liver and lungs are the most frequent localizations. Primary musculoskeletal hydatidosis are seldom reported in literature and their incidence is unknown. Case presentation We deem interesting to report a case of a primary hydatid cyst in a 25-year-old patient who presented with a painful swelling of the right elbow. Meticulous examination and preoperative imaging did not reveal other localizations. Patient was admitted for surgery where total excision of cyst was done without intraoperative spillage and a cutaneous skin flap was subsequently required to make up for soft tissue loss. Conclusion Primary hydatid cysts are sometimes difficult to diagnose preoperatively. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of subcutaneous cystic lesions in regions where hydatid cysts are endemic. Currently, surgical excision is deemed first choice treatment for solitary cysts and antihelminthic treatment should be initiated preoperatively in the case of risk of rupture or in the event of complications