101 research outputs found

    Labor Force Participation in Mississippi and Other Southern States: Summary Report

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    Labor force participation is a key social indicator because the economic performance of a state and the well-being of its residents are closely tied to labor force outcomes. Together, the labor force participation rate (LFPR) and the unemployment rate are of paramount concern to state governments because work and earnings from employment are central determinants of living standards

    Labor Force Participation in Mississippi and Other Southern States: Final Report

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    Labor force participation is a key social indicator because the economic performance of a state and the well-being of its residents are closely tied to labor force outcomes. Together, the labor force participation rate (LFPR) and the unemployment rate are of paramount concern to state governments because living standards and consumption are so closely tied to work and earnings from employment.Mississippi has historically had one of the lowest LFPRs in the United States. The purpose of this report is threefold:• to describe the LFPR gap between Mississippi and other Southern states during the last 35 years• to describe key differences between Mississippi and other Southern states — such as place of residence, educational attainment, racial composition, and receipt of government transfers — that might contribute to the LFPR gap between Mississippi and other Southern states• to analyze and draw conclusions about the reasons for the LFPR gap between Mississippi and other Southern state

    How Reliable are Administrative Reports of Paid Work Hours?

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    This paper examines the quality of quarterly records on work hours collected from employers in the State of Washington to administer the unemployment insurance (UI) system, specifically to determine eligibility for UI. We subject the administrative records to four “trials,” all of which suggest the records reliably measure paid hours of work. First, distributions of hours in the administrative records and Current Population Survey outgoing rotation groups (CPS) both suggest that 52–54% of workers work approximately 40 hours per week. Second, in the administrative records, quarter-to-quarter changes in the log of earnings are highly correlated with quarter-to-quarter changes in the log of paid hours. Third, annual changes in Washington’s minimum wage rate (which is indexed) are clearly reflected in year-to-year changes in the distribution of paid hours in the administrative data. Fourth, Mincer-style wage rate and earnings regressions using the administrative data produce estimates similar to those found elsewhere in the literature

    Firms and Unemployment Insurance Take-Up

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    We use administrative data to quantify the firm role in unemployment insurance (UI) take-up. First, there are firm effects in both claiming and appeals, and, consistent with deterrence effects, these are negatively correlated. Second, low-wage workers are less likely to claim and more likely to have their claims appealed than median-wage workers, and firm effects explain a large share of these income gradients. Third, high-claiming and low-appealing firms are desirable firms: they are higher-paying and have lower separation rates. Finally, the dominant source of targeting error in the UI system is that eligible workers do not apply. Our findings emphasize a novel dimension of the role of firms in the labor market, and have implications for the financing of UI

    Conservation genetics of endangered leaf-beetle Cheilotoma musciformis populations in Poland

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    Steppe-like habitats in Europe are seriously threatened as a result of fragmentation and anthropogenic degradation, at least in western and central parts. Considering the dramatic loss of steppe-like habitats, the evaluation of genetic variation in populations of steppe species is of immediate importance if appropriate conservation measures are to be undertaken. In this paper, we examine the genetic diversity of the highly endangered populations of the leaf-beetle Cheilotoma musciformis, which inhabits only a limited area in south-central Poland, which is geographically isolated from the continuous range of this species. Both mitochondrial and nuclear markers show that the Polish populations are distinct from Slovakian and Ukrainian ones. These regional populations should be considered independent conservation units. On the other hand, very little (mtDNA) or no (nuclear DNA) diversity has been found among the Polish subpopulations. This leads to the conclusion that this species has gone through a strong bottleneck leading to a drastic reduction in its genetic diversity prior to the establishment of present-day populations. Host plants have been identified for this species using barcodes, and the only hosts for the Polish and Ukrainian samples are sainfoins Onobrychis spp. while for the Slovakian sample it is either Dorycnium pentaphyllum or Lotus spp. (all Fabaceae). All of these data can be very valuable for the conservation of C. musciformis populations (e.g. for reintroductions)

    Wage Posting or Wage Bargaining? A Test Using Dual Jobholders

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    This paper examines the behavior of dual jobholders to test a simple model of wage bargaining and wage posting. We estimate the sensitivity of wages and separation rates to wage shocks in a worker’s secondary job to assess the degree of bargaining versus wage posting in the labor market. We interpret the evidence within a model where workers facing hours constraints in their primary job may take a second, flexible-hours job for additional income. When a secondary job offers a sufficiently high wage, a worker either bargains with the primary employer for a wage increase or separates. The model provides a number of predictions that we test using matched employer-employee administrative data from Washington State. In the aggregate, wage bargaining appears to be a limited determinant of wage setting. The estimated wage response to improved outside options, which we interpret as bargaining, is precisely estimated, but qualitatively small. Wage posting appears to be more important than bargaining for wage determination overall, and especially in lower parts of the wage distribution. Observed wage bargaining takes place mainly among workers in the highest wage quartile. For this group, improved outside options translate to higher wages, but not higher separation rates. In contrast, for workers in the lowest wage quartile, wage increases in the secondary job lead to higher separation rates but no significant wage increase in the primary job, consistent with wage posting. We also find evidence in support of the hours-constraint model for dual jobholding. In particular, work hours in the primary job do not respond to wages in the secondary job, but hours and separations in the secondary job are sensitive to wages in the primary job due to income effects
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