14 research outputs found

    FGF4 Independent Derivation of Trophoblast Stem Cells from the Common Vole

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    The derivation of stable multipotent trophoblast stem (TS) cell lines from preimplantation, and early postimplantation mouse embryos has been reported previously. FGF4, and its receptor FGFR2, have been identified as embryonic signaling factors responsible for the maintenance of the undifferentiated state of multipotent TS cells. Here we report the derivation of stable TS-like cell lines from the vole M. rossiaemeridionalis, in the absence of FGF4 and heparin. Vole TS-like cells are similar to murine TS cells with respect to their morphology, transcription factor gene expression and differentiation in vitro into derivatives of the trophectoderm lineage, and with respect to their ability to invade and erode host tissues, forming haemorrhagic tumours after subcutaneous injection into nude mice. Moreover, vole TS-like cells carry an inactive paternal X chromosome, indicating that they have undergone imprinted X inactivation, which is characteristic of the trophoblast lineage. Our results indicate that an alternative signaling pathway may be responsible for the establishment and stable proliferation of vole TS-like cells


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    The paper presents the results of a multicenter postmarketing study of Oflomelid ointment versus levosin and levomecol ointments in 301 patients with different purulent diseases of the skin, soft tissues, and bones, diabetic foot syndrome, trophic ulcers of different etiologies, postoperative purulent wounds, chronic posttraumatic osteomyelitis, burns and frostbites, acute and chronic purulent diseases of the skin and soft tissues. Oflomelid ointment shows a high clinical and bacteriological efficacy in stages I and II wound process along with good analgesic activity for the topical treatment of purulent processes of different etiologies and sites. Objectivization of the findings is based on the results of qualitative and quantitative microbiological analyses, wound imprint cytology, and trends in the systemic and local clinical picture.В статье представлены результаты многоцентрового постмаркетингового сравнительного исследования мази Офломелид по сравнению с мазями левосин и левомеколь у 301 пациента с различными гнойными заболеваниями кожи, мягких тканей и костей, синдромом диабетической стопы, трофическими язвами различной этиологии, послеоперационными гнойными ранами, хроническим посттравматическим остеомиелитом, ожогами и отморожениями, острыми и хроническими гнойными заболеваниями кожи и мягких тканей. Показана высокая клиническая и бактериологическая эффективность мази Офломелид при I и II стадиях течения раневого процесса наряду с хорошим анальгезирующим действием для местного лечения гнойных процессов различной этиологии и локализации. Объективизация полученных данных основана на результатах качественных и количественных микро-биологических исследований, цитологии раневых отпечатков, динамики общей и местной клинической картины


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    Sedentary lifestyle, being a behavioral risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases, is relevant for preventive medicine. A key role in the correction of behavioral risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases is occupied by general medical practice, where the patient is continuously observed for many years. Increased physical activity reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, malignant tumors, has a positive effect on the psychological state of patients and reduces the overall morbidity and mortality. Increasing the reserves of the cardiorespiratory system of the body, physical activity improves the quality of life of patients and reduces the cost of medical care.To effectively combat sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to adequately motivate patients that can be achieved through routine counseling to enhance physical activity. The method of such consultation should take into account limited time of outpatient admission and all personal characteristics of patients (starting level of physical activity, health group and risk of disease).The article presents a summary of modern scientific views in the field of increasing physical activity of patients, discusses current issues of counseling. The groups of patients with or without chronic diseases and the high risk of cardiovascular complications were discussed. The variant of rational outpatient counseling with the help of the algorithm of organization of physical activity mode, providing stratification of patients, planning, optimization and control of personal motor activity was presented. The proposed method of optimization of counseling successfully solves the problems of motivation, increase of physical activity and individual approach in outpatient practice

    Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production System Using Li-Conductive Ceramic Membrane

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    Based on the LiLaTiO3 compound, a ceramic membrane for a photoelectrochemical cell was created. The microstructure, phase composition, and conductivity of a semiconductor photoelectrode and a ceramic membrane were studied by using various experimental methods of analysis. A ceramic Li conducting membrane that consisted of Li0.56La0.33TiO3 was investigated in solutions with different pH values. The fundamental possibility of creating a photoelectrochemical cell while using this membrane was shown. It was found that the lithium-conductive membrane effectively works in the photoelectrochemical system for hydrogen evolution and showed a good separating ability. When using a ceramic membrane, the pH in the cathode and anode chambers of the cell was stable during 3 months of testing. The complex impedance method was used to study the conductive ceramic membrane in a cell with separated cathode and anode chambers at different pH values of the electrolyte. The ceramic membrane shows promise for use in photoelectrochemical systems, provided that its resistivity is reduced (due to an increase in area and a decrease in thickness)

    Formation of Diffusion Coatings on Iron and Steel: 3 Aluminium, Chromium, and Zinc Coatings

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    Molecular cytogenetic organization of polytene chromosomes

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    The results of the works carried out in the Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics (Institute of Cytology and Genetics of Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk) devoted to the molecular genetic analysis of main units of polytene chromosomes,*(1) bands, interbands, and puffs, as well as intercalary and pericentric heterochromatin,*(2) are summarized. The results are discussed in terms of the dynamic model of organization of polytene chromosomes