64 research outputs found


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    В статье показано, что индустрия питания и гостеприимства, развивается быстрыми темпами и нуждается в инновациях, способных поднять уровень услуг в соответствии с возрастающими требованиями потребителей. Соответственно появляется необходимость подготовки специалистов, имеющих фундаментальные, профессиональные знания в области индустрии питания и гостеприимства, стремящихся к творческой самореализации, так как эффективное внедрение любых инноваций невозможно при низкой квалификации персонала и его слабой мотивации. Рассмотренная авторами модель формирования профессиональной интегративно-сервисной компетенции будущего специалиста индустрии питания и гостеприимства в среднем профессиональном образовании, включает взаимосвязанные целевую, методическую и результативную составляющие, а также механизм контроля формирования данной компетенции.The article shows that the catering and hospitality industry, is growing rapidly and needs in innovation, capable of raising the level of services in accordance with the growing demands of consumers. Accordingly, there is need to train specialists with fundamental and professional knowledge in the field of catering and hospitality industry, striving for creative self-realization, as the effective implementation of any innovation is impossible for unskilled personnel and their weak motivation.Considered the authors model of integrative professional competence of the future expert service food and hospitality industry in the secondary vocational education, including related task, methodological and productive components, as well as a mechanism to monitor the formation of this competence

    Method of predicting the hardness of welded joints

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    © 2016 Research India Publications.The possibility of predicting the mechanical properties of welded joints of metal materials at the weld hardness example. Identified according to the quality of the images on the results of the parameterization of microstructures. The nature of the influence of defects of welded joints on the parameters of order and uniformity of structure. A probabilistic prediction algorithm based on the mechanical properties of the structure and characteristics of the calculation by calculating the temperature change during welding. The study conducted adaptation of the method of parameterization of microstructures applied to welded joints of austenitic steels, to establish the relationship between the conditions of preparation, structural defects and the results of parameterization

    Phosphorylated aminoacetal in the synthesis of new acyclic, cyclic, and heterocyclic polyphenol structures

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    New phosphorylated aminoacetal has been synthesized by the Kabachnik-Fields reaction; its reactivity has been studied in acid-catalyzed condensation with linear polyphenols (2-methylresorcinol, resorcinol, pyrogallol) and the Mannich reaction with macrocyclic polyphenol (calix[4]resorcinol). It has been determined for the first time that acid-catalyzed reaction of phosphorus-containing acetal with resorcinol and its derivatives in ethanol in the presence of hydrochloric acid gives new phosphorylated piperazines in addition to the compounds of diarylmethane series. Condensation of macrocyclic polyphenol (calix[4]resorcinol) with formaldehyde and N-((dihexylphosphoryl) methyl)-2, 2-dimethoxyethylamine (the Mannich reaction) has resulted in novel tetrasubstituted calixarene containing aminophosphine oxide and acetal groups on the "upper rim" of molecule. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    α-Amino acetals containing a phosphonate or phosphine oxide group. Synthesis and reactions with resorcinols

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    New α-amino acetals containing a phosphonate or phosphine oxide group were synthesized by the Kabachnik-Fields reaction in the ternary system amino acetal-paraformaldehyde-dialkyl phosphonate (or dialkylphosphine oxide). Condensation of dialkyl (2,2-dimethoxyethylamino)methylphosphonates with resorcinol and its derivatives in ethanol in the presence of hydrochloric acid, apart from the corresponding 2,2-bis(polyhydroxyphenyl) ethylammonium salts, gave 2,5-bis(polyhydroxyphenyl)-1,4-bis[(dialkoxyphosphoryl)methyl]-piperazines. Dialkyl[(2,2-dimethoxyethylamino)methyl]phosphine oxides (Alk = C 8H17, C10H21) did not react with resorcinol derivatives under similar conditions, and analogous ammonium salts were obtained by heating the reactants in boiling trifluoroacetic acid. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Morphometric parameters of hepatocytes of three zones of the rat liver lobule in the recovery period after mechanical injury of the lower leg

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    The aim of the study – to investigate the dynamics of morphometric parameters of liver hepatocytes in the recovery period after mechanical injury of the lower leg in rats.Цель исследования – исследовать динамику морфометрических показателей гепатоцитов печени в восстановительном периоде после механической травмы голени у крыс

    Сила адгезии, жесткость мембраны нейтрофилов и биомаркеры системного воспаления у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких с легочной гипертензией

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    The aim of this study was to investigate blood neutrophil functional properties and the relationships to systemic inflammation in order to better understand a role of systemic inflammation for PH occurrence in COPD patients. Methods. This was a local open comparative study involving 30 patients with COPD (15 patients with PH and 15 patients without PH). The blood neutrophil functional properties (cell membrane stiffness and adhesion force) were measured using the atomic force microscopy. The power spectroscopy was used to quantitatively assess the adhesion force and neutrophil cell membrane stiffness (the Young's modulus). Results. Blood neutrophil and thrombocyte numbers, CRP and fibrinogen levels were significantly higher in patients with COPD + PH compared to COPD patients without PH. Relationships were found between systemic inflammation biomarkers and systolic pulmonary artery pressure. Conclusion. The results demonstrated that the membrane stiffness and the adhesion force were significantly increased in COPD patients with PH compared to controls and to COPD patients without PH. These neutrophil parameters were closely related to systemic inflammation.Методом атомно-силовой микроскопии проведен анализ вязкоупругих свойств (силы адгезии и жесткости мембраны) нейтрофилов, изучены их взаимосвязи с биомаркерами системного воспаления (СВ) у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких(ХОБЛ) в зависимости от наличия легочной гипертензии (ЛГ). В режиме силовой спектроскопии определена сила адгезии и количественная оценка жесткости (модуля Юнга) клеточной мембраны нейтрофилов. По результатам исследования показано, что у больных ХОБЛ + ЛГ наблюдается значимое увеличение жесткости мембраны (повышение значения модуля Юнга) и силы адгезии нейтрофилов по сравнению с контролем и больными без ЛГ. Показана тесная взаимосвязь исследуемых показателей нейтрофилов и биомаркеров СВ.

    Исследование структурно-функциональных особенностей нейтрофилов у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких с легочной гипертензией методом атомно-силовой микроскопии

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    Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate structural and functional characteristics (morphology, membrane stiffness, adhesion) of blood neu trophils in patients with COPD and pulmonary hypertension (PH) using atomic force microscopy. Methods. This was a local open comparative study involving 30 in patients with severe COPD. Of them, 15 patients had PH and 15 patients had normal pulmonary artery pressure. Complete blood cell count was performed in the 1st day of admission. Pulse oxymetry, spirometry, echocardiographic examination were used in all patients. Neutrophils were separated from venous blood. Surfaces of 10–12 cells were scanned and lateral section curves were constructed to meas ure the cell height and maximal height of cytoplasmic granules. Nuclear and cell areas were also calculated using Pico Image Basic 5.1 software. The membrane elastic properties and adhesion strength of native neutrophils were evaluated using force spectrometry. Results. Neutrophil adhesion strength was significantly higher in patients with COPD + PH compared to this parameter in patients with COPD and normal pulmonary artery pressure. In patients with COPD + PH neutrophils had less nuclear segments and significantly higher cell phasic height, increased cytoplasm granularity adhesion strength and membrane stiffness. Conclusion. The results demonstrated that structural and functional changes in blood neutrophils were more significant in patients with COPD and PH.Методом атомносиловой микроскопии проведен анализ морфофункционального состояния (морфометрия, сила адгезии и жесткость мембраны) нейтрофилов у больных хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) в зависимости от наличия легочной гипертензии (ЛГ). В режиме силовой спектроскопии выполнена количественная оценка модуля упругости (модуль Юнга) клеточной мембраны и силы адгезии нейтрофилов. По результатам исследования показано, что у больных ХОБЛ + ЛГ наблюдается активация нейтрофилов (уменьшение размеров, увеличение гранулированности цитоплазмы), значимое увеличение жесткости мембраны (повышение значения модуля Юнга) и силы адгезии нейтрофилов по сравнению с контролем и пациентами без ЛГ

    Assessment of cellular and humoral immunity in sentinel lymph node in breast cancer

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    The aim is immunohistochemical study of the expression level of T- and B-lymphocyte markers in breast cancer in the absence and presence of metastases in them.Цель исследования – изучить клиническую значимость относительного содержания CD3+, CD20+-клеток в сторожевых лимфатических узлах при раке молочной железы при отсутствии и наличии в них метастазов

    Assessment of microecology of the oral cavity at persons of young age

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    The article analyzes our own researches on the role of microecological disorders in the development of dental pathology in young people. The obtained data contribute to the development of pathogenetically based on the complex therapeutic and preventive methods that reduce the risk of their development and progression. The study of microbiota of the oral cavity showed that this category of persons is the domination of opportunistic microorganisms and a decrease in the incidence of resident representatives.В статье проведен анализ собственных исследований о роли микроэкологических нарушений в развитии стоматологической патологии у лиц молодого возраста. Полученные данные способствуют разработке патогенетически обоснованных комплексных лечебно-профилактических методов снижающих риск их развития и прогрессирования. Изучение микробиоты полости рта показало, что у данной категории лиц происходит доминирование условно-патогенных микроорганизмов и снижение встречаемости резидентных представителей


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    In the second communication, the authors present and analyze in detail in chronological order all the activities performed in the course of providing radiation safety of the XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan. Special attention is given to assessing the effectiveness of the measures envisaged and implemented. Recommendations to improve the planning system have been developed, the list of measures ensuring radiation safety of the participants and guests to be held before and during large-scale events to ensure radiation safety was specified.Во втором сообщении авторами подробно представлены в хронологическом порядке и проанализированы все мероприятия, выполненные в процессе обеспечения радиационной безопасности XXVII Всемирной летней универсиады в г. Казани. Особое внимание уделено оценке эффективности предусмотренных и реализованных мер. Разработаны рекомендации по совершенствованию системы планирования, уточнен перечень мероприятий по обеспечению радиационной безопасности, которые должны проводиться в период подготовки и проведения крупномасштабных массовых мероприятий, гарантирующих радиационную безопасность участников и гостей