14,031 research outputs found

    The SETI observational plan

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    The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Project's primary thrust is to search the microwave region of the spectrum for signals of extraterrestrial intelligent origin. The project will search a well defined volume of search parameter space using existing antennae and a sophisticated data acquisition and analysis system. Two major components are included, the target survey, which will observe at very high sensitivity all attractive stellar candidates within 75 light years of the Sun, and the sky survey, which will observe the entire celestial sphere at a lower sensitivity

    DSN acquisition of Magellan high-rate telemetry data

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    The Magellan Project levied the stringent requirement of a 98 percent high-rate telemetry data capture rate on the Deep Space Network (DSN) during the Magellan Prime Mapping Mission. To meet this requirement, the DSN undertook extensive development of the DSN Telemetry System, as well as extensive DSN operation planning and test and training. In actuality, the DSN substantially exceeded the requirement by achieving a Prime Mapping Mission high-rate telemetry data capture rate of 99.14 percent. This article details the DSN telemetry system development, and DSN operations planning and test and training. In addition, the actual high-rate telemetry data outages are comprehensively presented and analyzed

    ABTRAJ on-site tracking prediction program

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    Computer program, ABTRAJ, provides Deep Space Network tracking stations with the capability of generating spacecraft predictions with on-site computers. The program is comprised of two major sections - the main prediction portion and a trajectory subroutine which spans the desired predict interval with spacecraft ephemeris data written on magnetic tapes

    New optical and radio frequency angular tropospheric refraction models for deep space applications

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    The development of angular tropospheric refraction models for optical and radio frequency usage is presented. The models are compact analytic functions, finite over the entire domain of elevation angle, and accurate over large ranges of pressure, temperature, and relative humidity. Additionally, FORTRAN subroutines for each of the models are included

    Non-Linear Beam Splitter in Bose-Einstein Condensate Interferometers

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    A beam splitter is an important component of an atomic/optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Here we study a Bose Einstein Condensate beam splitter, realized with a double well potential of tunable height. We analyze how the sensitivity of a Mach Zehnder interferometer is degraded by the non-linear particle-particle interaction during the splitting dynamics. We distinguish three regimes, Rabi, Josephson and Fock, and associate to them a different scaling of the phase sensitivity with the total number of particles.Comment: draft, 19 pages, 10 figure

    Direct comparison of Viking 2.3-GHz signal phase fluctuation and columnar electron density between 2 and 160 solar radii

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    The relationship between solar wind induced signal phase fluctuation and solar wind columnar electron density has been the subject of intensive analysis during the last two decades. In this article, a sizeable volume of 2.3-GHz signal phase fluctuation and columnar electron density measurements separately and concurrently inferred from Viking spacecraft signals are compared as a function of solar geometry. These data demonstrate that signal phase fluctuation and columnar electron density are proportional over a very wide span of solar elongation angle. A radially dependent electron density model which provides a good fit to the columnar electron density measurements and, when appropriately scaled, to the signal phase fluctuation measurements, is given. This model is also in good agreement with K-coronameter observations at 2 solar radii (2r0), with pulsar time delay measurements at 10r0, and with spacecraft in situ electron density measurements at 1 AU

    Double-Slit Interferometry with a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    A Bose-Einstein "double-slit" interferometer has been recently realized experimentally by (Y. Shin et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 50405 (2004)). We analyze the interferometric steps by solving numerically the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevski equation in three-dimensional space. We focus on the adiabaticity time scales of the problem and on the creation of spurious collective excitations as a possible source of the strong dephasing observed experimentally. The role of quantum fluctuations is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Relaxation and Zeno effect in qubit measurements

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    We consider a qubit interacting with its environment and continuously monitored by a detector represented by a point contact. Bloch-type equations describing the entire system of the qubit, the environment and the detector are derived. Using these equations we evaluate the detector current and its noise spectrum in terms of the decoherence and relaxation rates of the qubit. Simple expressions are obtained that show how these quantities can be accurately measured. We demonstrate that due to interaction with the environment, the measurement can never localize a qubit even for infinite decoherence rate.Comment: some clarifications added, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Sub Shot-Noise Phase Sensitivity with a Bose-Einstein Condensate Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

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    Bose Einstein Condensates, with their coherence properties, have attracted wide interest for their possible application to ultra precise interferometry and ultra weak force sensors. Since condensates, unlike photons, are interacting, they may permit the realization of specific quantum states needed as input of an interferometer to approach the Heisenberg limit, the supposed lower bound to precision phase measurements. To this end, we study the sensitivity to external weak perturbations of a representative matter-wave Mach-Zehnder interferometer whose input are two Bose-Einstein condensates created by splitting a single condensate in two parts. The interferometric phase sensitivity depends on the specific quantum state created with the two condensates, and, therefore, on the time scale of the splitting process. We identify three different regimes, characterized by a phase sensitivity Δθ\Delta \theta scaling with the total number of condensate particles NN as i) the standard quantum limit Δθ∼1/N1/2\Delta \theta \sim 1/N^{1/2}, ii) the sub shot-noise Δθ∼1/N3/4\Delta \theta \sim 1/N^{3/4} and the iii) the Heisenberg limit Δθ∼1/N\Delta \theta \sim 1/N. However, in a realistic dynamical BEC splitting, the 1/N limit requires a long adiabaticity time scale, which is hardly reachable experimentally. On the other hand, the sub shot-noise sensitivity Δθ∼1/N3/4\Delta \theta \sim 1/N^{3/4} can be reached in a realistic experimental setting. We also show that the 1/N3/41/N^{3/4} scaling is a rigorous upper bound in the limit N→∞N \to \infty, while keeping constant all different parameters of the bosonic Mach-Zehnder interferometer.Comment: 4 figure
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