12,950 research outputs found

    Two-fluid model for a rotating trapped Fermi gas in the BCS phase

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    We investigate the dynamical properties of a superfluid gas of trapped fermionic atoms in the BCS phase. As a simple example we consider the reaction of the gas to a slow rotation of the trap. It is shown that the currents generated by the rotation can be understood within a two-fluid model similar to the one used in the theory of superconductors, but with a position dependent ratio of normal and superfluid densities. The rather general result of this paper is that already at very low temperatures, far below the critical one, an important normal-fluid component appears in the outer regions of the gas. This renders the experimental observation of superfluidity effects more difficult and indicates that reliable theoretical predictions concerning other dynamical properties, like the frequencies of collective modes, can only be made by taking into account temperature effects.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    BEC-BCS Crossover and the Liquid-Gas Phase Transition in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter

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    The effect of nucleon-nucleon correlations in symmetric nuclear matter at finite temperature is studied beyond BCS theory. Starting from a Hartree-Fock description of nuclear matter with the Gogny effective interaction, we add correlations corresponding to the formation of preformed pairs and scattering states above the superfluid critical temperature within the in-medium T-matrix approach, which is analogous to the Nozieres-Schmitt-Rink theory. We calculate the critical temperature for a BEC superfluid of deuterons, of a BCS superfluid of nucleons, and in the crossover between these limits. The effect of the correlations on thermodynamic properties (equation of state, energy, entropy) and the liquid-gas phase transition is discussed. Our results show that nucleon-nucleon correlations beyond BCS play an important role for the properties of nuclear matter, especially in the low-density region.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures; v2: minor modifications of the text, references adde

    343. Ocena występowania kserostomii u chorych leczonych teleradioterapią z powodu nowotworów głowy i szyi z uwzględnieniem wartości hemoglobiny

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    CelOcena występowania i nasilenia późnego odczynu popromiennego w obrębie ślinianek, z wykorzystaniem skali LENT-SOMA.Metodyka i materiałGrupę badawczą stanowiło 79 chorych leczonych teleradioterapią, z powodu raka głowy i szyi. Średnia wieku wyniosła 55 lat (SD = 8). 89,7% nowotworów stanowił rak płaskonabłonkowy, 6,4% – rak gruczołowy, 2,6% – acinocarcinoma, 1,3% – rak drobnokomórkowy o pierwotnie innym umiejscowieniu. Średnia dawka na obszar napromieniany wyniosła 62 Gy (SD = 10). Średnia dawka na obszar ślinianek wyniosła 57 Gy (SD = 11). Średni czas obserwacji wyniósł 41 miesięcy. Średni czas do wystąpienia pełnoobjawowej kserostomii wyniósł 8 miesięcy. 9 chorych wymagało stałego leczenia substytucyjnego i farmakologicznego kserostomii. 14 chorych wymagało wyłącznie substytucji śliny. Do oceny późnego odczynu popromiennego użyto skali LENT-SOMA, oceniając obiektywne i subiektywne objawy w czasie 6 do 12 miesięcy od zakończenia leczenia. Do określenia wartości statystycznych użyto testu t dla zmiennych niepowiązanych i testu Wilcoxona.WynikiWykazano wystąpienie późnego odczynu popromiennego w skali LENT-SOMA, w obrębie ślinianek przy dawce podanej na ślinianki o wartości 60 Gy i więcej (p = 0,05). Nasilenie odczynu było częstsze i wyższe u chorych napromienianych dawką frakcyjną 2 Gy (p = 0,009; p = 0,0001). niż u pacientów napromienianych dawką frakcyjną 1,8 G. Stopień nasilenia odczynu w skali LENT-SOMA w stosunku do wysokości podanej dawki nie wykazywał znamienności statystycznej. Wykazano znamienność statystyczną pomiędzy poziomem hemoglobiny a wystąpieniem późnego odczynu popromiennego w obrębie ślinianek (p=0,05). Wartość odciętą stanowił poziom hemoglobiny 13,9 g/dl.WnioskiWystąpienie późnego odczynu popromiennego ślinianek, po napromienianiu nowotworów głowy i szyi, jest zależne od dawki frakcyjnej oraz dawki całkowitej promieniowania podanej w obrębie ślinianek. Występowanie późnego odczynu popromiennego po teleradioterapii jest zależne od poziomu hemoglobiny w osoczu

    Coupling of hydrodynamics and quasiparticle motion in collective modes of superfluid trapped Fermi gases

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    At finite temperature, the hydrodynamic collective modes of superfluid trapped Fermi gases are coupled to the motion of the normal component, which in the BCS limit behaves like a collisionless normal Fermi gas. The coupling between the superfluid and the normal components is treated in the framework of a semiclassical transport theory for the quasiparticle distribution function, combined with a hydrodynamic equation for the collective motion of the superfluid component. We develop a numerical test-particle method for solving these equations in the linear response regime. As a first application we study the temperature dependence of the collective quadrupole mode of a Fermi gas in a spherical trap. The coupling between the superfluid collective motion and the quasiparticles leads to a rather strong damping of the hydrodynamic mode already at very low temperatures. At higher temperatures the spectrum has a two-peak structure, the second peak corresponding to the quadrupole mode in the normal phase.Comment: 14 pages; v2: major changes (effect of Hartree field included

    Improving the Sensitivity of Advanced LIGO Using Noise Subtraction

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    This paper presents an adaptable, parallelizable method for subtracting linearly coupled noise from Advanced LIGO data. We explain the features developed to ensure that the process is robust enough to handle the variability present in Advanced LIGO data. In this work, we target subtraction of noise due to beam jitter, detector calibration lines, and mains power lines. We demonstrate noise subtraction over the entirety of the second observing run, resulting in increases in sensitivity comparable to those reported in previous targeted efforts. Over the course of the second observing run, we see a 30% increase in Advanced LIGO sensitivity to gravitational waves from a broad range of compact binary systems. We expect the use of this method to result in a higher rate of detected gravitational-wave signals in Advanced LIGO data.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Lobster Eye X-ray optics for astrophysics: Recent status

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    X-ray optics in Lobster Eye arrangement represent promising complementary device to narrow field X-ray optics in common use. We present briefly recent status of design, developments, and tests of X-ray optics including Lobster Eye modules developed and tested within recent space project

    Anderson impurity model in nonequilibrium: analytical results versus quantum Monte Carlo data

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    We analyze the spectral function of the single-impurity two-terminal Anderson model at finite voltage using the recently developed diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo technique as well as perturbation theory. In the (particle-hole-)symmetric case we find an excellent agreement of the numerical data with the perturbative results of second order up to interaction strengths U/Γ2U/\Gamma \approx 2, where Γ\Gamma is the transparency of the impurity-electrode interface. The analytical results are obtained in form of the nonequilibrium self-energy for which we present explicit formulas in the closed form at arbitrary bias voltage. We observe an increase of the spectral density around zero energy brought about by the Kondo effect. Our analysis suggests that a finite applied voltage VV acts as an effective temperature of the system. We conclude that at voltages significantly larger than the equilibrium Kondo temperature there is a complete suppression of the Kondo effect and no resonance splitting can be observed. We confirm this scenario by comparison of the numerical data with the perturbative results.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Calibration of advanced Virgo and reconstruction of the gravitational wave signal h(t) during the observing run O2

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    In August 2017, advanced Virgo joined advanced LIGO for the end of the O2 run, leading to the first gravitational waves detections with the three-detector network. This paper describes the advanced Virgo calibration and the gravitational wave strain h(t) reconstruction during O2. The methods are the same as the ones developed for the initial Virgo detector and have already been described in previous publications; this paper summarizes the differences and emphasis is put on estimating systematic uncertainties. Three versions of the h(t) signal have been computed for the Virgo O2 run, an online version and two post-run reprocessed versions with improved detector calibration and reconstruction algorithm. A photon calibrator has been used to establish the sign of h(t) and to make an independent partial cross-check of the systematic uncertainties. The uncertainties reached for the latest h(t) version are 5.1% in amplitude, 40 mrad in phase and 20 μs in timing

    On Simulating Concurrent Flame Spread in Reduced Gravity by Reducing Ambient Pressure

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    The flammability of combustible materials in spacecraft environments is of importance for fire safety applications because the environmental conditions can greatly differ from those on earth, and a fire in a spacecraft could be catastrophic. Moreover, experimental testing in spacecraft environments can be difficult and expensive, so using ground-based tests to inform microgravity tests is vital. Reducing buoyancy effects by decreasing ambient pressure is a possible approach to simulate a spacecraft environment on earth. The objective of this work is to study the effect of pressure on material flammability, and by comparison with microgravity data, determine the extent to which reducing pressure can be used to simulate reduced gravity. Specifically, this work studies the effect of pressure and microgravity on upward/concurrent flame spread rates and flame appearance of a burning thin composite fabric made of 75% cotton and 25% fiberglass (Sibal). Experiments in normal gravity were conducted using pressures ranging between 100 and 30 kPa and a forced flow velocity of 20 cm/s. Microgravity experiments were conducted during NASAs Spacecraft Fire Experiment (Saffire), on board of the Orbital Corporation Cygnus spacecraft at 100 kPa and an air flow velocity of 20 cm/s. Results show that reductions of ambient pressure slow the flame spread over the fabric. As pressure is reduced, flame intensity is also reduced. Comparison with the concurrent flame spread rates in microgravity show that similar flame spread rates are obtained at around 30 kPa. The normal gravity and microgravity data is correlated in terms of a mixed convection non-dimensional parameter that describes the heat transferred from the flame to the solid surface. The correlation provides information about the similitudes of the flame spread process in variable pressure and reduced gravity environments, providing guidance for potential on-earth testing for fire safety design in spacecraft and space habitats

    Buoyancy Effects on Concurrent Flame Spread Over Thick PMMA

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    The flammability of combustible materials in a spacecraft is important for fire safety applications because the conditions in spacecraft environments differ from those on earth. Experimental testing in space is difficult and expensive. However, reducing buoyancy by decreasing ambient pressure is a possible approach to simulate on-earth the burning behavior inside spacecraft environments. The objective of this work is to determine that possibility by studying the effect of pressure on concurrent flame spread, and by comparison with microgravity data, observe up to what point low-pressure can be used to replicate flame spread characteristics observed in microgravity. Specifically, this work studies the effect of pressure and microgravity on upward/concurrent flame spread over 10 mm thick polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) slabs. Experiments in normal gravity were conducted over pressures ranging between 100 and 40 kPa and a forced flow velocity of 200 mm/s. Microgravity experiments were conducted during NASAs Spacecraft Fire Experiment (Saffire II), on board the Cygnus spacecraft at 100 kPa with an air flow velocity of 200 mm/s. Results show that reductions of pressure slow down the flame spread over the PMMA surface approaching that in microgravity. The data is correlated in terms of a non-dimensional mixed convection analysis that describes the convective heat transferred from the flame to the solid, and the primary mechanism controlling the spread of the flame. The extrapolation of the correlation to low pressures predicts well the flame spread rate obtained in microgravity in the Saffire II experiments. Similar results were obtained by the authors with similar experiments with a thin composite cotton/fiberglass fabric (published elsewhere). Both results suggest that reduced pressure can be used to approximately replicate flame behavior of untested gravity conditions for the burning of thick and thin solids. This work could provide guidance for potential ground-based testing for fire safety design in spacecraft and space habitats