49 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting of Pure K1

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    Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still high. Efforts handling is performed with the frequency of antenatal care visits four times during pregnancy. But the tendency of mothers in antenatal care regularly and on time is still low. This study aims to investigate the influence of age, education, work, knowledge, attitudes, affordability of health facilities, support her husband and family income of the pure K1 and K4 visit in Kanda Health Centre, Jayapura district. This is an observational study with cross sectional design. Samples taken as many as 131 people as respondents. The data collection questionnaire from the interview. Data were analyzed by chi-square test and prevalence ratio. The results showed that age is not a factor affecting to visit pure K1 and K4 in the Kanda health centre, district of Jayapura (p = 1.000; RP = 0.973; 0.390 to 2.292). Education (P = 0.000; RP = 1.963; 1.481 to 2.601), occupation (p = 0.010; RP = 1.753 (1.123 to 2.737), knowledge (p = 0.000; RP = 5.464; 2.715 to 11.000). Attitude (p = 0.000 ; RP = 3.245; 1.886 to 5.584), the support of her husband (p = 0.044; RP = 1.523; 1.016 to 2.285) and the affordability of health facilities (p = 0.000; RP = 3.102; 1.887 to 5.097) as well as income family (p = 0.004; RP = 1.772; 1.186 to 2.647) are factors that influence the pure K1 and K4 visit in Kanda Health Centre, Jayapura district

    The Factors Relate to Fourth Visited Antenatal Care Mother Pregnant at Health Primary Care deiyai Regency Papua Province

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    Background: Antenatal care service by a momentous pregnant mother utuk monitors pregnant mother health and growth and fetus developing. But pregnant mother visit attainment stills low fourth voisited is very risk because constitute last visit to get anticipated deep partus

    Determinants Associated with Pregnancy Complications in Pregnant Women; (Case Study in Abepura, Jayapura City Health Center 2015)

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014, about 800 mothers die worldwide each day from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. Each year approximately 20,000 women in Indonesia die from causes related to pregnancy and labor. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of pregnancy complications determinant in Abepura, Jayapura City Health Center in 2015. This study was an observational study design with "cross-sectional study", which is one type of the analytic study design. The sample in this study is the third trimester pregnant women who visited antenatal at health centers Abepura totaling 155 people using accidental sampling technique. All data in this study were collected through interviews using questionnaires. Analysis of the data in this study include univariate, bivariate (chi square) and multivariate (logistic regression). Chi-square test results demonstrated an association iron tablet intake (p = 0.022; RP = 2), maternal age (p = 0.018; RP = 2.6), parity (p = 0.03; RP = 1.9), a history of pregnancy complications (p = 0.0001; RP = 2.9), and a history of birth complications (p = 0.002; RP = 2.6) and the incidence of pregnancy complications. While the history of infectious disease has no relationship with the incidence of pregnancy complications (p = 0.214; RP = 1.4). Multivariate analysis showed that maternal age and previous pregnancy complications are dominant factors on the incidence of pregnancy complications

    Risk Factors Intra Uterin Fetal Death at Nabire Genaral Hospital Papua Province

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    Perinatal's mortality, child mortality maternal's mortality, and toddler mortality constitute helath situation parameter, midwifery service, and health and reflects economic social situation a state Embryonic mortality in womb at Indonesian unknown for sure since haven't available survey that comprehensive. Embryonic death instance become by RSUD Nabire and has risk of mother data and also mother health history. This research aimed to know the risk facto

    Determinants and Countermeasures Strategy of Stock out High on Drug Use in the Abepura General Hospital

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    This study aims to determine: (1) To determine the level of knowledge and engagement of staffs Abepura hospital pharmacy in the selection process of pharmaceuticals in Abepura IFRS. (2) To determine the level of knowledge and staffs engagement in installation Abepura hospital pharmacy in the planning process of pharmaceuticals in Abepura IFRS. (3) To know level of knowledge and engagement of staffs Abepura hospital pharmacy in the process of procurement of pharmaceuticals in Abepura IFRS. (4) To determine the level of knowledge and staffs engagement Abepura hospital pharmacy distribution process of pharmaceuticals in Abepura IFRS. (5) To determine the level of knowledge and employee involvement Installation Abepura hospital pharmacy in the evaluation process which includes recording and reporting in IFRS Abepura. (6) To know the strengths and weaknesses based on SWOT analysis in Abepura hospital pharmacy installation. (7) To determine the opportunities and threats based on SWOT analysis in Abepura hospital pharmacy installation. This study was conducted installed Abepura Hospital Pharmacy. Data taken with data collection by filling the questionnaire chief clerk pharmaceutical Installation Abepura Hospital, with the data needed for research and observation techniques done by observation and recording with a direct review of the factors internal and external to the Abepura hospital pharmacy installation. Analysis of the data used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the pharmaceutical supply management process involves less labor Pharmacy Installation and knowledge of management of the drug in Abepura IFRS employee is still lacking and SWOT analysis states that the Abepura hospital pharmacy installation has been able to compete in the market competitive rivalry. Based on the SWOT analysis, Abepura Hospital Pharmacy Installation can take advantage of existing strengths and opportunities and minimize weaknesses and threats. Strategies that can be done consists of: (1) Strategy SO (Strength Opportunities) include market share, strengthen cooperation with institutions of health providers and governments. (2) Strategy WO (Weakness Opportunities) that increase customer loyalty and improve product quality and improve service procedures. (3) Strategy ST (Strength Treats) consists of cooperating with other hospitals, define your target market, and improve quality of service. (4) Strategy WT (Weakness Treats) is increasing promotion through various media and establish quality of service to users or BPJS Jamkemas program

    The Factor Influence a Low Village Range Universal Child Immunization (UCI) in Supiori Regency

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    Range attainment immunizes this have as useful as possible been reached to increase society health for further generation, so officer performance immunizes can increase UCI'S village range. UCI'S Silvan range at Supiori Regency has reached specified target

    Effect of Service Quality Health Outpatient Poly on Patient Satisfaction in Hospital Kwaingga Keerom Regency Papua Province

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    Regional General Hospital Kwaingga in the development of Peskesmas PLUS, which was later increased its status to hospitals with Type D that aims to provide proximity to health services for all communities in Keerom regency, during which this society when severe pain always in reference to the RSU existing City Jayapura and long distance constraint. Spate of treated people in hospitals Kwaingga, the study aims to analyze the influence of the variable quality of service consisting of reliability (reliability), comprehension (responssevenes), assurance (assurance), direct evidence (tangibles) and attention (empathy) to variable poly outpatient patient satisfaction in hospitals Kwaingga Keerom Regency 2016. the object of research is poly outpatient patients in hospitals Kwaingga Keerom Regency with a sample size of 100 people. The research is a survey, data diproleh by questionnaire, were analyzed with multiple linear regression at alpha = 5%. The results showed that partially was no significant effect of variable direct evidence (tangibles) to client satisfaction by 72%. While simultaneously there is significant influence service quality variables, include reliability (reliability), comprehension (responssevenes), assurance (assurance), direct evidence (tangibles) and attention (empathy) to client satisfaction by 96, 1% and the rest oelh influenced by other variables not examined in this study. It is expected that the Regional General Hospital Kwaingga to further improve reliability through service by improving the competence of medical personnel and paramedics as well as the completeness of facilities and infrastructures are still lacking

    Determinants Factors Affecting the Availability of Data Set Priorities in the Department of Health (Study in Four Districts in Papua)

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    Data and information to be important in the era of good governance, in which the performance-based budgeting requires that the money that is required to produce a certain performance targets. The performance evaluation of its success cannot be measured when there is no data, or data that is incomplete or incorrect, or not on time thus impeding progress in terms of health services. The inability to create profiles through the provision of data sets priority districts / cities is a picture of the ignorance of the district / city against environmental conditions. The objective of this study is to know the determinants that affect the availability of Data Set Priority on the district health department / town in the province of Papua. This descriptive research type with chi square analysis techniques. The study was conducted in October 2016-January 2017 in four District Health Office (Merauke, Paniai, Sarmi, Biak Noemfoor). The population of as many as 78 people with a sample of 55 people who have met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study shows the factors that do not affect the availability of data sets priorities, namely the means (?-value = 0.710; RP = 1.625; CI95% = 0.303 to 8.704), rewards (?-value = 0.703; RP = 7.555; CI95% = 0.166 - 3.430), and SOP (?-value = 0.661; RP = 1,357; CI95% = 0.237 to 7.784). Factors that affect the availability of data sets priorities, namely supervision (?-value = 0.000; RP = 2,000; CI95% = 1.290 to 3.100), and the support boss (?-value = 0.000; RP = 3.000; CI95% = 1.467 to 6.137)

    Implementation of Knowledge Against Hearth Mother, Nutrient Intake, Weight Gain and Less Toddler Nutritional Status in Jayapura

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    Growth or nutritional status of children is not only related to the consumption of food but was associated with behavior in this case nutrition parenting, and influenced by the environment

    The Factor Relate to Job Performance of Nurse with Health Nursing Documentation at Paniai General Hospital Papuan Province

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    Background : Nurse as tip of spear in health care at Hospital, having task gives upbringing in to care. Upbringing documentation to care as medium of communication, accountability and takes on sue, statistical information, education medium, observational data source, ministering quality surety, planning data source upbringing to extended care. Data documents helat nursing at Paniai General Hospital upbringing was maximal being done. Goal of research