6 research outputs found

    O impacto da abordagem competitiva na motivação dos alunos no esporte

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    This study is devoted to the description of the competitive method as an effective way to increase the motivation of today's students in physical education classes in higher education. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of the competitive method on the level of students' motivation in sports, positive interest for studying the subject. Allocation of types of motivation allowed the author to evaluate and trace the dynamics of changes in the level of motivation to the sport. The level of motivation was determined using the author's methodology, developed on the basis of scientific literature. The basis of the study is the Branch of IUT in the city of Surgut, the department of Natural Science and Humanities, during physical education classes. The researcher has shown that the use of a competitive method in physical education classes can increase motivation, activates the interest of students.Este estudio está dedicado a la descripción del método competitivo como una forma efectiva de aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes de hoy en las clases de educación física en la educación superior. El propósito del estudio es evaluar el impacto del método competitivo en el nivel de motivación de los estudiantes en los deportes, interés positivo para estudiar la materia. La asignación de los tipos de motivación permitió al autor evaluar y rastrear la dinámica de los cambios en el nivel de motivación del deporte. El nivel de motivación se determinó utilizando la metodología del autor, desarrollada sobre la base de la literatura científica. La base del estudio es la Rama de IUT en la ciudad de Surgut, el departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Humanidades, durante las clases de educación física. El investigador ha demostrado que el uso de un método competitivo en las clases de educación física puede aumentar la motivación, activa el interés de los estudiantes.Este estudo é dedicado à descrição do método competitivo como uma forma eficaz de aumentar a motivação dos alunos de hoje em aulas de educação física no ensino superior. O objetivo do estudo é avaliar o impacto do método competitivo sobre o nível de motivação dos alunos em esportes, interesse positivo para estudar o assunto. A alocação de tipos de motivação permitiu ao autor avaliar e traçar a dinâmica de mudanças no nível de motivação para o esporte. O nível de motivação foi determinado usando a metodologia do autor, desenvolvida com base na literatura científica. A base do estudo é a Filial da IUT na cidade de Surgut, departamento de Ciências Naturais e Humanidades, durante as aulas de educação física. O pesquisador mostrou que o uso de um método competitivo nas aulas de educação física pode aumentar a motivação, ativa o interesse dos alunos


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    Developing a Supply Chain Subsystem to Manage the Process of Obstacle Elimination for the Innovative Development of Business Entities

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    Abstract- The negative trend protests in economic development reflect the lack of a systematic approach to innovative development and innovative process management. An important feature of innovative development is to ensure the elimination of obstacles to innovative development, to avoid threats and crisis situations in the activities of business entities. Thus, one of the urgent problems is the prediction of crisis phenomena, events, situations, the search for their elimination or leveling trends, the formation of preventive measures for their prevention and overcoming, the increase of strategic management effectiveness by innovation development in general. The purpose of the article is to develop a supply chain subsystem to manage the process of obstacle elimination for the innovative development of business entities. In order to achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, schematic and graphic representation, modeling and forecasting, formal-logical method. The goal, the properties and the structure of process management supply chain subsystem to eliminate the obstacles to innovative development were substantiated. It was proved that the innovation strategy of economic entities should be subjected to certain adjustments in accordance with the dynamic changes in environmental conditions and the features of business entity functioning in it. They developed the model of innovative development process for an entrepreneurial entity using the removal of obstacles to innovative development, based on creativity, leadership competence, the delegation of managerial powers, the coordination of activities and cooperation. The main characteristics and the obstacles of each stage of the model are substantiated in order to develop appropriate programs and activities for their overcoming. The scientific novelty of the research is the development of the classification set of phenomena, events and situations. These elements create the obstacles to the innovative development of business entities, as well as the ways to overcome the obstacles that threaten innovative development, which contributes to the improvement of the decision-making process in the field of an innovative strategy development for business entities. Keywords: innovative development, supply chain management subsystem, obstacle elimination, business entities, strategic managemen

    Technology for compiling supporting abstracts in the organization of students' independent work

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    In the conditions of modern Russian reality, higher educational institutions are faced with the need to train a highly qualified specialist capable of active independent activity. Speaking about independence, we note that this is one of the main features of a modern student and a future specialist, since the labor market needs employees who are fully prepared to solve professional problems, able to join professional activities immediately after graduation from higher school. Based on this need, higher education institutions try to build a learning process that can form a competent graduate who creatively applies his knowledge in practice. To do this, various innovative methods and tools are introduced into educational process. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of implementing the technology of making reference notes in the organization of independent work of students. The article presents an overview of the concept of "reference abstract" and "independent work", reveals the importance of independent work and features of its organization using reference notes. The study shows the possibilities of reference notes in the process of training students of pedagogical universities. The study revealed the performance of control and experimental groups in a professional course, one of the fundamental in the training of students of pedagogical universities. Using the questionnaire, the students ' assessment of the reference abstract technology influence on the independence was revealed. The implementation of the technology of reference notes in the organization of independent work of students allows you to expand the possibilities of training a modern highly qualified specialist

    Students activities organization technology in environmental communities

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    Environmental education in modern world is becoming an essential element in the harmonious development of society, and each individual in particular. Ecological problems lead to irreversible processes that negatively affect the whole world, therefore, environmental awareness and conscious consumption must be developed already at the college age. The purpose of the article is to study the experience of organizing students' activities in environmental communities to develop an environmental culture and responsibility towards the environment. University is stated to be actively developing in the Ecological Movement field and supports the principles of the “Green” Universities Association in Russia. The article shows a part of students’ survey conducted to identify the level of environmental culture development, the level of consumption awareness; and environmental awareness. The survey was organized in 2016 (before the active students’ involvement in environmental activities) and in 2017 and 2018 (after the students’ environmental movements development). The article considers the results of students’ environmental projects. Discussions, interactive and information technologies that were actively used contributed to the students’ activities improvement. Large-scale discussions were held among all participants to solve common issues. Partially, the discussions were organized with the help of electronic means. As part of the university environmental activities, students made projects that were subsequently presented at the university competition. The analysis of the environmental projects presentations conducted over several years has shown that the number of projects has increased significantly and has reached the regional and national level. The research found the environmental indicators growth from 2016 to 2018


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    Purpose: The article deals with the problems of training, attraction, and retention of teachers of the required qualification in educational institutions. Methodology: This problem is analyzed at the regional level in the context of reforms in the higher education system, the transition to a two-level model in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna process. Result: Based on the analysis of open data in the work it is stated that the shortage of teachers in the region (Samara region) is significant and has a negative impact on the educational process of educational institutions; it cannot be compensated exclusively by bachelors of pedagogical education, issued by pedagogical universities. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of training of pedagogical education masters: practice-oriented model is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner