9 research outputs found
The changes in the amino and fatty acid profiles in the semifinished foodstuffs based on broiler meat and components of chicken eggs after different types of thermal treatment
The changes in the amino and fatty acid profiles in the semifinished foodstuffs (SFFs) based on broiler meat and coagulated chicken egg melange after different types of thermal treatment (water or steam boiling, braising, baking, frying) were studied. The amino acid profiles were determined on Knauer analyzer; tryptophan by standard method. The biological value of the treated products was assessed using amino acid balance coefficients calculated by the method of N. N. Lipatov. It was found that the changes in the initial amino acid profiles of the SFFs were the least after water and steam boiling; braising and baking were found to increase the contents of the essential amino acids. The amino acid profiles in the treated SFFs were close to the reference values. The best criteria of their biological value (coefficient of rationality of amino acid composition, comparable redundance) were found after water and steam boiling. It was found that all types of thermal treatments insignificantly affected the parameters of fatty acid balance within the SFFs; the changes found were primarily related to slight increase in total content of saturated fatty acids and increase in total content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in compare to initial profiles, by 2.64–3.88% depending on the treatment type. The changes in ω‑6/ω‑3 PUFAs ratios were more substantial especially after braisin
Chicken egg white — characteristics of its properties and the prospects for functional foods development
The overview presents the literature data and the results of our own research on prospects of using the chicken eggs as the basis of functional foods. The composition of chicken eggs and their components, characteristics of egg white proteins properties are presented thereto. The biologically active compounds included into egg composition are analyzed. The data on the biological value of egg white are given. The characteristic of egg white foaming ability is presented. It has been shown that the ability of proteins to form stable intermolecular structures, especially with partially denaturated proteins, allows them forming viscoelastic superficial films that ensure foam stability. The high foaming ability of chicken egg protein macromolecules is directly related to their interphase properties, i. e. the ability to form interphase layers at the “liquid — gas” interface. The foaming properties of the various egg proteins are not equal, and therefore they contribute to foaming properties at various extents. The model of egg white proteins gelation is considered and the factors influencing the gelation process are described. It has been shown that very important changes in proteins properties are caused by denaturation. The proteins lose their ability to hydrate; the protective aqueous shell around the globules disappears, the proteins stick together, grow larger and lose solubility. This process is called coagulation. The influence of denaturation and aggregation on variations of protein properties is described below. Data on protein fortification with functional ingredients (calcium, iodine, plant polyphenols) and creation of functional egg and meat foods are presented here
The changes in the amino and fatty acid profiles in the semifinished foodstuffs based on broiler meat and components of chicken eggs after different types of thermal treatment
The changes in the amino and fatty acid profiles in the semifinished foodstuffs (SFFs) based on broiler meat and coagulated chicken egg melange after different types of thermal treatment (water or steam boiling, braising, baking, frying) were studied. The amino acid profiles were determined on Knauer analyzer; tryptophan by standard method. The biological value of the treated products was assessed using amino acid balance coefficients calculated by the method of N. N. Lipatov. It was found that the changes in the initial amino acid profiles of the SFFs were the least after water and steam boiling; braising and baking were found to increase the contents of the essential amino acids. The amino acid profiles in the treated SFFs were close to the reference values. The best criteria of their biological value (coefficient of rationality of amino acid composition, comparable redundance) were found after water and steam boiling. It was found that all types of thermal treatments insignificantly affected the parameters of fatty acid balance within the SFFs; the changes found were primarily related to slight increase in total content of saturated fatty acids and increase in total content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in compare to initial profiles, by 2.64–3.88% depending on the treatment type. The changes in ω‑6/ω‑3 PUFAs ratios were more substantial especially after braisin
Гистологические исследования тканей, окружающих имплантированные керамические материалы до и после их модификации алмазосодержащим слоем
Мета роботи — гістологічне дослідження тканин, які оточують керамічні імплантати (до та після їх модифікації алмазовмісним шаром). Автори поставили перед собою завдання: дослідити стан тканин, які оточують імплантат, у різні післяопераційні терміни; вивчити характер закріплення керамічних імплантатів; визначити можливості адаптації організму до кераміки до та після її модифікації алмазовмісним шаром.Researshes were carried out on male white rats line Vistar aged 4–5 months, weight 250–300 g. Hystological researches of tissues surrounding ceramic implantants with modificated surface by diamond containing layer, and without modification of surface were made. It has been established that because of this layer there is guaranteed possibility of quicker adaptation of surrounding tissues, and also development of normal tissues, which germinate in porous structure of ceramics.Исследования проводили на белых крысах-самцах линии Вистар возрастом 4–5 мес, весом 250–300 г. Выполнены гистологические исследования тканей, окружающих керамические имплантаты с модифицированной алмазосодержащим слоем поверхностью и без модификации поверхности. Установлено, что благодаря алмазосодержащему слою обеспечивается возможность более быстрой адаптации окружающих тканей, а также развитие соединительных тканей, которые прорастают в пористую структуру керамики
Effective of the drug "Gluthorod" for the treatment of caries of temporary teeth in children
Результати проведених нами досліджень доводять високу клінічну ефективність застосування препарату «Глуфторед» для лікування карієсу тимчасових зубів, що є підставою для його успішного використання в клініці дитячої стоматології; Результаты проведенных нами исследований доказывают высокую клиническую эффективность применения препарата «Глуфторэд» для лечения кариеса временных зубов, что является основанием для его успешного использования в клинике детской стоматологии;The results of our study demonstrate the high clinical effectiveness of "Gluftored" preparation for the treatment of temporary teeth caries. So it can be recommended for the use in pediatric dental clinic