44 research outputs found

    Multiple coupling of silanes with imido complexes of Mo

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    The bis(imido) complexes (tBuNv)2Mo(PMe3)(L) (L = PMe3, C2H4) react with up to three equivalents of silane PhSiH3 to give the imido-bridged disilyl silyl Mo(VI) complex (tBuN){μ-tBuN(SiHPh)2}Mo(H)(SiH2Ph)- (PMe3)2 (3) studied by NMR, IR and X-ray diffraction. NMR data supported by DFT calculations show that complex 3 is an unusual example of a silyl hydride of Mo(VI), without significant Si⋯H interaction. Mechanistic NMR studies revealed that silane addition proceeds in a stepwise manner via a series of Si–H⋯M agostic and silanimine complexes whose structures were further elucidated by DFT calculation

    Multiple coupling of silanes with imido complexes of Mo

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    The bis(imido) complexes (tBuNv)2Mo(PMe3)(L) (L = PMe3, C2H4) react with up to three equivalents of silane PhSiH3 to give the imido-bridged disilyl silyl Mo(VI) complex (tBuN){μ-tBuN(SiHPh)2}Mo(H)(SiH2Ph)- (PMe3)2 (3) studied by NMR, IR and X-ray diffraction. NMR data supported by DFT calculations show that complex 3 is an unusual example of a silyl hydride of Mo(VI), without significant Si⋯H interaction. Mechanistic NMR studies revealed that silane addition proceeds in a stepwise manner via a series of Si–H⋯M agostic and silanimine complexes whose structures were further elucidated by DFT calculation

    Analysis of the experience of implementing urban redevelopment projects in Russia

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    The relevance of the study is determined by the identified shortage of the urban environment in Russia, namely those types of buildings that meet modern requirements. In large cities, the only way to change this situation is redevelopment. This article considers options for stimulating the development of urban areas and optimization of their use through redevelopment. The definitions of the concepts of redevelopment, renovation, gentrification, revitalization are delimited. The classification of types of programs according to the level of management is performed. The advantages and disadvantages of the redevelopment process are presented. Based on the analysis of the regulatory and legal framework, the authors revealed that the concept of “redevelopment” is not defined in any way in it. The practical experience of implementing redevelopment projects and programs in Russia, including development projects of the main industrial zones of the city of Moscow, which are inextricably linked with the strategic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the implementation of national projects, is analysed. Special attention is paid to the redevelopment project management issues, proposals are presented to increase the efficiency of program management based on the Japanese P2M project management standard. At the end of the study, the authors revealed the results achieved in the implementation of redevelopment projects and evaluated their effectiveness in terms of various indicators

    The fifth industrial revolution – innovations in the field of biotechnologies and neural networks

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    A comprehensive study of the phenomenon of the fifth industrial revolution is carried out. This topic is relevant due to the rapid development of biotechnologies and neural networks, transforming the environment of industries and society as a whole. Various interpretations of the term “fifth industrial revolution” are considered, and the key characteristics of previous industrial revolutions are identified and analysed. The main content of the research paper is an analysis of the scientific literature, consideration of visions of the fifth industrial revolution, as well as the identification of the main opportunities and threats that manufacturing enterprises, industries and society as a whole will face. The impact of Industry 5.0 on the economic performance of industries while meeting the needs and interests of employees, as well as ensuring environmental sustainability and resource conservation is described. The importance of the readiness of future industries to adapt to changing conditions in key value chains is emphasized. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the authors have revealed that the fifth industrial revolution will be determined by a new and expanded purposefulness, consisting of three basic elements: human orientation, stability and sustainability. Finally, the importance of balancing production through the development of sustainable strategic value chains, adaptable production capacities and flexible business processes was emphasized

    Results of the training program for Russian specialists abroad in 2022 and prospects for Russian-Turkish, Russian-Uzbek, Russian-Iranian economic relations

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    In the article, the authors analyze the results of the training program for Russian specialists abroad in 2022 in the Republic of Turkey, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The purpose of the training program is to create conditions for establishing business contacts between representatives of Russian business with foreign organizations and enterprises. The article presents the results of the training program, as well as the current state of the economy, indicators of trade turnover, ongoing joint projects, prospects and development problems of trade and economic relations between Russia and the countries of training. A practical important aspect for the further development of such programs is the analysis of the goals set by the training participants and the results they have achieved, which represent opportunities for the development of external trade and economic relations of Russia. Further development of the results obtained by the participants of the preparation will allow expanding and improving the trade and economic relations’ efficiency of the Russian Federation


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    Purpose. To assess the additional contribution of SPECT/CT, used in conjunction with planar osteoscintigraphy, in bone metastatic disease detection and its effect on the tactics of managing patients with breast cancer and prostate cancer. Materials and methods. The study included 1412 patients with established oncological diagnosis (breast cancer — 844 patients, prostate cancer — 568 patients), to which «whole body» planar osteoscintigraphy, and SPECT/CT were performed. In all patients included in the study, the fact of bone metastatic disease was established by the results of additional imaging techniques and follow up. Results. Bone metastatic disease was detected in 324 (23%) patients and excluded in 1088 (77%). SPECT/CT had higher diagnostic indices than planar osteoscintigraphy. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of bone metastatic disease detection of planar osteoscintigraphy were 91%, 71%, 76%, of SPECT/CT, 97%, 93%, 94%, respectively. The additional use of SPECT/CT in the second stage after the planar osteoscintigraphy in 337 (24%) patients from the general group (n=1412) led to a change in the results of the diagnostic test. Conclusions. The additional use of SPECT / CT in the second stage after the planar osteoscintigraphy allows to change the results of the diagnostic test in the evaluation of bone metastatic disease in patients with breast cancer and PCa, which can significantly affect the management tactics of patients.Цель исследования: оценить дополнительный вклад ОФЭКТ/КТ, используемой в сочетании с планарной остеосцинтиграфией, в выявлении метастатического поражения скелета и его влияние на тактику ведения пациентов, страдающих раком молочной железы и раком предстательной железы. В исследование включены 1412 пациентов с установленным онкологическим диагнозом (рак молочной железы — 844 пациента, рак предстательной железы  — 568 пациента), которым выполнены планарная остеосцинтиграфия в  режиме «все тело», и ОФЭКТ/КТ. У всех пациентов, включенных в исследование, факт метастатического поражения скелета устанавливался по  результатам дополнительных методов визуализации и  динамического наблюдения. Метастатическое поражение скелета выявлено у 324 (23%) пациентов и исключено у 1088 (77%). ОФЭКТ/КТ обладал более высокими диагностическими показателями по сравнению с планарной ОСГ. Чувствительность, специфичность и  точность выявления метастатического поражения скелета при планарной ОСГ составили 91%, 71%, 76%, при ОФЭКТ/КТ  — 97%, 93%, 94% соответственно. Дополнительное применение ОФЭКТ/КТ на втором этапе после планарной ОСГ у 337 (24%) пациентов из общей группы (n=1412) привело к  изменению результатов диагностического теста. Заключение: дополнительное применение ОФЭКТ/КТ на втором этапе после планарной ОСГ позволяет изменить результаты диагностического теста в оценке метастатического поражения скелета у пациентов с РМЖ и РПЖ, что может существенно повлиять на тактику ведения пациентов

    Системы стандартизации оценки изображений при гибридной ПЭТ-визуализации рака предстательной железы с радиомечеными лигандами к простатспецифическому мембранному антигену: сравнительный обзор PROMISE и PSMA-RADS версии 1.0

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    This article provides a comparative review of two systems for standardized evaluation of the results of hybrid PET imaging with radiolabeled PSMA ligands – PROMISE and PSMA-RADS version 1.0. The principles of classification, nomenclature and evaluation algorithms, as well as recommendations for structuring research and conclusion protocols, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed systems, are considered in detail.В настоящей статье приведен сравнительный обзор двух систем для стандартизованной оценки результатов гибридной ПЭТ-визуализации с радиомечеными лигандами к ПСМА – PROMISE и PSMA-RADS версии 1.0. Подробно рассмотрены принципы классификации, номенклатура и алгоритмы оценки изображений с помощью данных систем, а также рекомендации по структурированию протокола исследования и заклю чения, освещены преимущества и недостатки предложенных систем


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    In recent years, there is a steady tendency of increase in the number of minimally invasive, organ safety surgical treatment in thoracic oncology, such as video-assisted thoracoscopic segmentectomy, requiring a maximal information about broncho- and angioarchitectonics in the affected lung segment. The use of multislice computed tomography and postprocessing software packages allows to get highly informative three-dimensional reconstruction of broncho-vascular structures that contribute to safety and individual approach of surgical admission.В последние годы четко прослеживается тенденция к увеличению количества таких малоинвазивных, органосохраняющих оперативных вмешательств в торакальной онкологии, как видеоассистированная торакоскопическая сегментэктомия, требующая максимальной информации о бронхо- и ангиоархитектонике в пораженном сегменте легкого. Применение мультиспиральной рентгеновской компьютерной томографии и программных пакетов постпроцессорной обработки в настоящее время позволяет получать высокоинформативные трехмерные реконструкции бронхососудистых структур, что способствует безопасности и индивидуальному подходу к выполнению операции