710 research outputs found

    Analisis Ekonomi Masyarakat Melayu di Dusun Madang Kecamatan Pangkalan Lesung Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the income level of Petalangan Malay community in Madang Village Pangkalan Lesung District. This research conducted by purposive sampling of 20 Petalangan Malay community samples determined using snowball sampling method. The result showed that.The income level of Petalangan Malay community in Madang Village consists of father income, Mother income, Child income. Father income who above regional minimum pay (UMR) as many as 13 respondents from 20 respondents (65.00%). Father livelihood consists of rubber farmer, palm farmer, farmworker, official employee, toke, civil servant and construction worker. Mother income who above regional minimum pay (UMR) as many as 4 respondents from 20 respondents (20.00%). Child income from 20 respondents there were 14 respondents (70.00%) who have not income and 6 respondents (30.00%) who have income under regional minimum pay (UMR), because the childs only working to helped farmers

    Motivasi Peternak Plasma Ayam Broiler dalam Bermitradi Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar (Studi Kasus PT. Pelita Trikencana Bersinar)

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    The purpose of this research is knowing motivation of broiler breeders in partnering and problems in partnership with PT. Pelita Trikencana Bersinar in Kampar Kiri Tengah District, Kampar Regency. Type of research is a descriptive study using quantitative data and qualitative. Data collection was done through interviews with the help of questionnaires. The data analysis used is descriptive statistics analysis tool factors. Descriptive analysis results indicate a partnership is a partnership that is run plasma core system, with the system and partner acceptance procedures are clearly specified in the letter of agreement. In addition, the contract price of feed, DOC, and live shicken price agreed in the contract signed by each production period. The result of factor analysis showed 7 variables qualify resulting in 2 motivation formations. Motivation formation named the main motivation and motivational support. Motivation that encourages breeders in partnership is the main motivation consists of variable control (X2), working conditions (X5), achievement (X6), employment (X8), and material needs (X9). The main motivation have real influence is the motivation broiler breeders in prtnering. While supporting motivation consists of variable interpersonal relationships (X3), and compensation (X4). Motivational support has a role that is lower than the primary motivation. The results of descriptive analysis shows that the dominant problems occur is unilateral cooperation contract, the contract price is the determined unilaterlly sapronak and production, lack of clear quality standars sapronak sent the core, late harvest, the absence of an arbitration body, and the absence of institutional support

    Identifikasi Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Hutan Larangan Adat Rumbio, Kabupaten Kampar terhadap Perlindungan Hutan

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    The aim of the research are 1) to identify local wisdom Rumbio forest communities to the forest protection and forest management, 2) to determine Rumbio communitites strategies on the management of sustainable forest at protected ban forest. This research was conducted at Rumbio village, Kampar regency, Riau Province. The local communities of forest Rumbio subject is to certain characteristics. Major characteristics subject is local communities Rumbio, Kampar. This research was carried out using method survey. Data were taken by using Snowball sampling technique which is nine informant as samples. Data were analyzed using Descriptive Analysis. Result showed that 1) a. local wisdom has been applied in the communities at ban forest and there are some regulation that should follow by communities such as like not to cut trees at ban forest or held and activity that may harm the forest it self, b. local wisdom for asking communities to plant the trees and build houses at appropriate places, 2) Forest protection strategies in ban Rumbio forest are: a) build security posts, established of the Rural Forestry Extension Centers (RFEC), greening, monitoring and sanctions for people who break the rules, b) kind of effort to keep ban forest and sustain the forest is choosing at the forest and communities garden, c) form of socialization customs regulations Rumbio is notification to young children as the next generation of indigenous communities through involvement in the traditional procession, announcements in indigenous associations

    Analisis Kearifan Lokal Tanaman Karet di Kecamatan Logas Tanah Darat Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    The research was conducted in the subdistrict. Logas Tanah Darat. Kuantan Singingi regency the village as a study option that Sikijang Village and the Village Stop area. This study aims to identify local wisdom ever in industry rubber farmer, analyze the application of local wisdom that are still ongoing in rubber farming in the subdistrict Logas Tanah Darat, knowing the application of environmentally friendly local wisdom in the use and management of farming rubber. Benefit in this study are can collect and recalls the old culture that has been lost, and that is still there so it can be used as reference material for the future.Technical sampling in this study using snowball sampling technique or done in sequence to ask for information on people who have been interviewed or contacted earlier, so on. And data collection techniques used in this study are in­depth interviews with key informants and kuesioner. Analysis data using descriptive methods local kualitatif. Wisdom is a form of knowledge, beliefs, rules, customs, and habits conducted by a society that respects the norms and values of the culture that has been there earlier and passed down by ancestors to be passed on to children and nephew in the running of everyday life. In this study there is a local wisdom in the cultivation of rubber, of which 80% of the people are farmers rubber. Case proved that they still run a local wisdom passed down there with them, even though the procedure, the customs and rules is not running as before. Local wisdom rubber plants totaling 81 local knowledge, which is never a farmer and formerly amounted 45 and is done now amounted 4. Local wisdom farmers who never existed and do farmers first, and is still used by farmers are now amouted 32 local wisdom

    Analisis Dinamika Kelompoktani Karet (Hevea Brasiliensis) di Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    This study aimed to analyze the dynamics of a rubber farmer groups in XIII Koto Kampar. The method used in this study was a stratified random sampling method. The sampling was done by purposive, the research area intentionally was determined by the consideration that in XIII Koto Kampar have many rubber farmer groups or a direct appointment of farmers belonging to the largest and smallest farmer groups. Data analysis was performed using a Likert scale. Data collected consist of primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews and from relevant agencies. These results indicated that the dynamics of rubber farmer group in XIII Koto Kampar which was seen from the purposes of the group, the group structures, the group functions, the development and the maintenance of the group, the group atmosphere and the pressure groups were included in the criteria of "average" which was shown by the average score 3.28

    Analisis Kinerja Sosial dan Kinerja Keuangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (Lkm) USAha Ekonomi Desa-simpan Pinjam (Ued-sp) Candi Makmur Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    The purpose of this study to analyze the performance of the social and financial performance over the period 2009-2013 were conducted in rural microfinance institutions (UED-SP) Candi Makmur. Social performance analysis using MIX Market performance indicators, and financial performance analysis method using 17 ratio with Pearls. Social performance analysis show has achieved its mission and social purpose indicated by the indicator development revolving loan volume of 56.37 percent, the development of the highest revolving loan is trade 58.36 percent and the number of poor borrowers 260 people with poor loan growth 116.3 percent. Activity and increased internal system is shown by the staff productivity indicator for the number of borrowers, loan volume and ratio of staff incentives. Increased output and outcome in dicators shown by the borrower based on gender, the ratio of borrowers by business sector and the ratio of the number of poor borrowers. Financial performance analysis shows the ratio of 17 pearls were analyzed, 7 ratio is under ideal conditions the ratio of current assets, loans from the outside, the capital of institutions, non-productive assets, operating costs, asset growth and the growth of outstanding loans. which is not ideal for the ratio is the ratio of the risk reserve fund for loans negligence 1-12 months and over 12 months, outstanding loans, savings shares, non perfoaming loan, income from loans, net income, current assets do not generate, growth stock savings and growth institutional capital

    Motivasi Peternak Plasma Ayam Broiler dalam Bermitra di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar (Studi Kasus PT. Gemilang Unggas Prima)

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    The purpose of this research is knowing the pattern of partnerships run by PT. Gemilang Unggas Prima, also to know the motivation of broiler chicken breedersplasma in partnering, and partnership problems in broiler chickens in Kampar Kiri Tengah District, Kampar Regency. This type research is descriptive quantitative with using quantitative and qualitative data, collecting data is done with interviewing. Data analysis which is used is descriptive statistic with descriptive analysis and factor analysis. Descriptive analysis of patterns of partnerships demonstrate a partnership which is run by PT. Gemilang Unggas Prima is plasma system, with the system and partner acceptance procedures are clearly specified in the letter of agreement. In addition, the contract price of feed, DOC, and live chicken price agreed in the contract signed by each production period. The result of this research show 7 (seven) variable fill requirement so that it results 2 (two) form motivation namely basic and supporting motivation. Basic motivations which support breeder to determine partner are variable material needs, rewards, and achievements. Basic motivations have real influence of breeder to determine partner. Supporting motivations consist of variable jobs, company policies, supervision, and awards. Supporting motivations have smaller function than basic motivation. Descriptive analysis of the problems of partnership shows that the dominant problem is the contract unilaterally, price contract of livestock production facilities and production is determined unilaterally,deposit/guarantee aggravating plasma farmers,lack of clarity in the quality standards of livestock production facilities is given, and absence of supporting institutions

    Analysis of Factors That Affect Work Motivation of Agricultural Extension Agents on Sago Commodity in Meranti Islands Regency

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    The purpose of this research are: (1) Know implementation of extension and work motivational factors that influence agricultural extension on sago commodity in Meranti Islands Regency; (2) Analyze the work motivation level of agricultural extension agents work motivation who looked from internal and external factors and analyze how far the influence of each factors to agricultural extension agents work motivation on sago commodity in Meranti Island Regency. This research was counducted in Meranti Islands Regency. The research method used purposive samling with looked at the extension agents by its region and according to area and sago plantation in Meranti Island Regency. 30 extension agents taken as respondents. The research used validity and reliability analysis. Analysis of data for the first purpose using the Scale Likert summated Rating (SLR), while for the second purpose used multiple regression analysis. Research results showed: (1) The execution of counseling Meranti island Regency is already well underway. (2) extension officers work Motivation on commodity sago Meranti Island Regency are on the category “ Medium” and the factors that affect the motivation of extension officers work on commodity sago Meranti Island Regency personal maturity factor, namely, the desire to work, fatigue and boredom, good supervision, compensation, job satisfaction, and regulations has no effect in real and influential in the real work environment
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