224 research outputs found

    Technological characteristics of materials based on metal-containing polymeric wastes produced by seam-forming method

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    The technological characteristics of materials based on metal-containing polymeric wastes to calculate and optimize the seam-forming process parameters were defined. According to the method of the disk compression between parallel plates, the parameters of the flow law, consistency coefficient, and the exponent were determined. The data on the conditional yiel d strength, coefficient of friction, diffusivity and shrinkage of compositions based on polymer waste were obtained. The effect of the amount of metal-containing wastes on the technological characteristics of the compositions was determined. The level of viscous properties gives the possibility of processing the compositions by the seam-forming method from metal-containing up to 70% polymer waste. The para meters of the conversion process in the product com-positions based on metal-plastic waste by seam-forming method were estimeted. Depending on the geometry and mass of the resulting products the parameters that determine the performance of the process and selection of basic technological equipment were calculate

    Application potential of mixed polymeric wastes of accumulator batteries for article moulding

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    The composition and properties of mixed polymeric wastes of accumulator batteries have been determined. The possibility of waste processing into moulded articles by pressing with preplastication has been ascertained. Physical and mechanical properties of materials from mixed polymeric wastes have been defined. Recommendations on the regimes of waste processing suitable in terms of their technological and technico-economic parameters have been worked out

    Combining of fiberfill and thermoplastic polymers

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    The article deals with an efficient and economic way of combination of the fiber composition from fiberglass waste and thermoplastic polymers. As the mixer of components the disk-extruder is used. The effectiveness of the proposed solutions was investigated and proved experimentally. The secondary composite materials having higher values of physical mechanical properties and longer fibers in the composition in relation to the analogous materials are gained in the screw extruder


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    In the literature there is a gap of publications about patella fractures management which is due to the absence of serious attention to the injuries of this largest sesamoid bone. In addition, in the world literature there is a lack of monographs and toolkits for the treatment of patients with these injuries, furthermore, in textbooks and traumatology manuals there are only a few template recommendations to the tactics of treating patients with this trauma. Meanwhile, patella fractures represent approximately 0.5-1.5% of all fractures, delayed union, formation of a false joint, and the emergence of patellofemoral arthrosis after these fractures is not uncommon. In the scientific literature on traumatology there is no unified, all-recognized classification of these fractures, which hinders the development of a single algorithm for the treatment of patients with patellar fractures. There are no contradictory views to the treatment of patella fractures without displacement; however, in relation to the treatment of patients with complex patella fractures, there are divergent views between the fracture fragments preservation to partial or even total patellectomy. In connection with the foregoing, We considered the issue of treating patients with patella fractures topical. Based on a thorough analysis of treatment results of 113 patients we provided a working classification based on the number of patellar fracture fragments (two-fragmentary, three-fragmentary, four-fragmentary, multi-fragmentary, upper and lower pole fractures). Based on this classification, traditional, modified and new methods of treating patients with patellar fractures were used. This is described in more detail in the forthcoming article


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    Parameters of high-moment electrical motor working at low-temperatures and high vacuum were investigated. It has been demonstrated that pressure in conspiracy with temperature does not influence starting current of the motor. Temperature reduction from 293 up to 143 K increases starting current at a factor of 3.5. Исследовано влияние вакуума и низких температур на рабочие характеристики высокомоментного электрического двигателя. Установлено, что величина вакуума, в отличие от температуры, не влияет на его пусковые характеристики. Снижение температуры двигателя до 143 К повышает пусковой ток в 3,5 раза от номинального, при этом частота вращения не превышает 100 мин-1, после чего двигатель останавливаетс

    Развитие цифровой экономики Казахстана

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    This article considers the concept of «digital economy», which many countries of the world are interested in creating. The characteristics of the digital economy, which is based on trade using the Internet, are clarified. The role of the digital economy as a factor of investment and innovation growth is revealed. Special emphasis is placed on the development of the digital economy of modern Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan’s approaches to the development of the digital economy are identified, and the ways of its creation in Kazakhstan are analyzed. Considerable attention is paid to the study of indicators of the current state of digitalization of Kazakhstan in accordance with the indicators of annual international ratings. The problems hindering the digitalization of the country’s economy are highlighted.Рассматривается понятие «цифровая экономика», интерес созданию которой проявляют многие государства мира. Уточнена характеристика цифровой экономики, основу которой оставляет торговля с помощью Интернета. Выявлено роль цифровой экономика, как фактора инвестиционного и инновационного роста. Особый акцент сделан на развитии цифровой экономики современного Казахстана. Выявлены подходы Казахстана к развитию цифровой экономики, проанализированы пути ее создания в Казахстане. Значительное внимание уделено исследованию показателей современного состояния циф-ровизации Казахстана в соответствии с показателями ежегодных международных рейтингов. Выделены проблемы, препятствующие цифровизации экономики страны

    Aplicarea sistemului de hidrochirurgie și a plasmajetului în debridarea toracoscopică a cavității pleurale la copii cu fibrinotorax

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    Toracoscopia a devenit o modalitate favorizată în tratamentul empiemului pleural la copii. Cu toate acestea, factorii care afectează rezultatul administrării toracoscopice rămân neclari. Scopul studiului este de a demonstra eficiența sistemului de hidrochirurgie "Versajet" și a unității de plasmă "Plasmajet" în tratamentul toracoscopic al copiilor cu complicații pleurale ale pneumoniei. MATERIALE SI METODE. În perioada 2015-2017, la Spitalul de Copii Speransky din Moscova, 377 copii cu pneumonie au fost tratați, la 62 pacienți (16,45%) din 377 am efectuat drenajul cavității pleurale, 14 pacienți cu vârste cuprinse între 1,6 și 15 ani (în medie, 3,2 ± 3,8 ani) cu empiem pleural au fost operați. S-a efectuat decorticarea pulmonară toracoscopică cu sistem de hidrochirurgie (Versajet-2). Sistemul hidrochirurgical este un instrument chirurgical bazat pe impactul jetului de apă de mare viteză asupra țesuturilor necrotice și inflamate, combinând avantajele debridării țesuturilor moi și evacuarea acestora prin pulsarea jetului de apă. Designul tubului de evacuare și apropierea acestuia de jetul lichid creează un vacuum local, care îndepărtează efectiv fibrina și conținutul lichid prin efectul Bernulli. Consimțământul informat a fost obținut de la toți părinții înainte de operare, iar procedura însăși a fost aprobată de comitetul de etică locală. REZULTATE. Recuperarea și reabilitarea fără particularități au fost în 13 cazuri. La un pacient cu empiem al cavității pleurale pe dreapta și leziune organică severă a sistemului nervos central a perioadei postoperatorii după o toracoscopie convențională complicată de recurența empiemului pleural.Retoracoscopia cu debridarea cavității pleurale de către sistemul de hidrochirurgie efectuată la șase zile după operația inițială, a avut rezultate satisfăcătoare. În cazul hemoragiei intraoperatorii, a fost efectuată coagularea plasmei de argon, obținându-se aerostasie completă la 2 pacienți și hemostază - la 1 pacient. Durata medie de funcționare a fost de 90 de minute (± 15 minute). Drenajul cavității pleurale este eliminat în ziua a 3-a sau a 4-a după operație. Copiii externați în ziua a 10-a (± 1,2 zile). Examinarea cu ultrasunete și cu raze X la patru luni după intervenția chirurgicală a confirmat absența inflamației în parenchimul pulmonar și reexpansarea plină pulmonară la toți pacienții. CONCLUZIE. Aplicarea sistemului hidrochirurgical în timpul toracoscopiei asigură o debridare sigură și eficientă a cavității pleurale, decorticările plămânului fiind fără deteriorarea severă a parenchimului pulmonar și crearea condițiilor pentru reabilitarea precoce a plămânilor compromiși.Thoracoscopy became a favored modality in pediatric pleural empyema treatment. However, factors affecting outcome of thoracos- copic management remain unclear. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate efficiency of hydrosurgery system "Versajet" and plasma unit "Plasmajet" in thoracoscopic treatment of children with pleural complications of pneumonia. MATERIALS AND METHODS. During the period of 2015-2017 at the Speransky Children’s Hospital in Moscow 377 children with pneumonia were treated, in 62 patients (16.45%) of 377 we perform drainage of pleural cavity, 14 patients from 1.6 to 15 years of age (on average, 3.2 ± 3.8 years old) with pleural empyema were operated. Thoracoscopic lung decortication with hydrosurgery system (Versajet-2) was performed. Hydrosurgery system is a surgical instrument based on impact of high-speed jet of water on necrotic and inflamed tissues, combining the advantages of soft tissues debridement and evacuation them by pulsating water jet. Design of the evacuation tube and its proximity to liquid jet creates a local vacuum, which effectively removes fibrin and liquid contents by Ber- nulli effect. Informed consent was obtained from all parents before operation, and procedure itself received approval from the local ethics committee. RESULTS. Recovery and rehabilitation was uneventful in 13 cases. In one patient with empyema of right pleural cavity and severe organic lesion of central nervous system postoperative period after conventional toracoscopy complicated by recurrence of pleural empyema. Rethoracoscopy with debridement of pleural cavity by hydrosurgery system performed six days after initial operation, with satisfactory results. In the event of intraoperative air leak or hemorrhage, application of argon plasma coagulation had been performed achieving complete aerostasis in 2 patients and hemostasis - in 1 patient. Average operation time was 90 minutes (± 15 minutes). Drainage of the pleural cavity removed on the 3rd or 4th day after surgery. Children discharged from the hospital on 10th PO day (± 1.2 days). Ultrasound and X-ray examination four months after surgery confirmed the absence of inflammation in the lung parenchyma and full lung reexpansion in all patients. CONCLUSION. Application of hydrosurgycal system during thoracoscopy provides safe and effective debridement of pleural cavity, decortications of the lung without severe damage to the lung parenchyma and create conditions for early rehabilitation of compro- mised lung

    Работа выхода электрона и физико-механические свойства хромсодержащих ионно-легированных сталей

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    Variation and local surface distribution of electron work function for a number of chromium steels bombarded with high-current density nitrogen ions beam at different temperatures have been investigated. Data obtained are compared with results of chemical composition analysis, analysis of microhardness and microstructure of blocks, data of wear and corrosion tests. Correlation between electron work function, microstructure and physical-mechanical properties of ion implanted surface layers has been established. It has been demonstrated that surface areas with the biggest local value of electron work function reveal the most intensive corrosion rupture. Ion beam induced structural defects create local electrical disturbances, which significantly influence electron work function.Исследовано изменение работы выхода электрона и ее локального распределения по поверхности применительно к ряду хромсодержащих сталей, обработанных концентрированными потоками ионов азота при различных температурах. Полученные результаты сопоставлены с данными исследования химического состава, микроструктуры и микротвердости изучаемых образцов, испытания сталей на износо- и коррозионную стойкость. Обнаружена корреляция изменения значений работы выхода электрона, микроструктуры и физико-механических свойств поверхностных слоев. Показано, в частности, что максимальной скоростью коррозионного разрушения характеризуются участки поверхности с максимальным локальным значением работы выхода электрона. Возникающие при ионно-лучевой обработке дефекты строения создают локальные электрические неоднородности, которые существенно влияют на величину работы выхода электрона


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    The correlation between structural-phase transformations and physical-chemical properties of surface layers of hard alloy after ion-beam nitriding (temperature range 670–870 K) was established. The distribution of electron work function on hard-alloy plate surface after ion-beam nitriding was investigated. It is shown, that wear resistance of surface layers of hard alloy after ion-beam nitriding under different temperatures is uniform and has the same intensity for the first 450 m. At later stages of testing, the intensity of wear resistance is markedly different due to the modified layer abrasion. It is shown, that hard alloy ВК6 after ion-beam nitriding in the temperature range 750–790 K has enhanced microhardness, corrosion resistance and decreased up to 3 times mass wear during friction without lubricant, which is associated with carbonitrides formation and their strength increasing due to solid-solution hardening. The high values of the electron work function are characteristic for the surface layer of a hard alloy BК6 after ion-beam nitriding under 750–790 K, which is explained by the electron concentration increase. It is suggested, that ion-beam nitriding under this temperature range increases the corrosion resistance. Установлена взаимосвязь между структурно-фазовыми превращениями, происходящими в поверхностных слоях твердого сплава ВК6 в процессе ионно-лучевого азотирования при различных температурах (670– 870 К), и их физико-химическими свойствами. Исследовано распределение работы выхода электрона по поверхности твердосплавных пластин, обработанных концентрированными потоками ионов азота при различных температурах. Показано, что массовый износ поверхностных слоев, обработанных ионами азота при различных температурах, первые 450 м равномерен и проходит с одинаковой интенсивностью. На более поздних стадиях испытаний интенсивность износа заметно отличается, что связано прежде всего с истиранием модифицированного слоя и выходом в поверхностные слои неимплантированного материала. Также показано, что обработка твердого сплава ВК6 в диапазоне температур 750–790 К приводит к возрастанию его микротвердости и снижению массового износа при трении без смазочного материала до 3 раз, что зависит от образования карбонитридов и увеличения их прочности вследствие твердорастворного упрочнения. Кроме того, для поверхностного слоя сплава ВК6, обработанного ионами азота при 750–790 К, характерны высокие значения работы выхода электрона, что связано с повышением электронной концентрации поверхности насыщенного азотом сплава ввиду образования карбонитридов и твердых растворов азота с кобальтовой матрицей. Полученные при сканировании данные по распределению работы выхода электрона по поверхности образцов позволили предположить, что ионно-лучевое азотирование в данном температурном диапазоне также будет способствовать повышению коррозионной стойкости.


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    The paper considers a new BNTU development that is concrete complexes having modular-block design. The modular-block approach presupposes to divide the whole technological chain for production of concrete and mortar mixes into separate sections (modules), each of which performs specific functions and can be used separately and independently of others. Then it is necessary to select such set of modules that ensure production of concrete and mortars. The paper presents designs of main modules in the technological chain for preparation of concrete mixes: a concrete mixing module, a storage and supply module of inert materials, a storage and supply module of cement and a number of additional auxiliary modules (a concrete supply module, a module for preparation of chemical additives, an operator module and a module for preparation and supply of air).Two main modifications of ready mix concrete stations developed on the basis of modular-block principle using basic modules are given in the paper. The first modification is a stationary concrete-mortar complex characterized by high productivity, large reserves of aggregates and cement, ability to be operated in winter due to heat insulation and water heating system and inert materials. The second modification is a transportable option that permits to transport the station from place to place due to reduction of time required for its installation and removal and execute production of concrete mixtures in the vicinity of the object construction. This options provides the possibility to reduce expenses on concrete transportation to the place of its deposit and decrease the probability of deterioration of consumer properties of the concrete mix that in its turn entails reduction in final cost of the object construction and improves quality of the construction.Рассмотрена новая разработка БНТУ – растворобетонные комплексы блочно-модульной конструкции. Блочномодульный принцип состоит в том, чтобы разбить всю технологическую цепочку по производству бетонных и растворных смесей на отдельные участки (модули), каждый из которых выполняет отдельные функции и может использоваться независимо от других. Далее набирают комплект таких модулей для обеспечения производства бетонов и растворов. Представлены конструкции основных модулей технологической цепочки по приготовлению бетонных смесей: бетоносмесительный модуль, модуль хранения и подачи инертных материалов, модуль хранения и подачи цемента, а также ряд дополнительных вспомогательных модулей (подачи бетона, приготовления химических добавок, операторской, подготовки и подачи воздуха).Приведены две основные модификации растворобетонных узлов, разработанных по блочно-модульному принципу с использованием основных модулей. Одна является стационарным вариантом растворобетонного комплекса, обладающего высокой производительностью, значительными запасами инертных материалов и цемента, возможностью работы в зимний период за счет утепления и системы подогрева воды и инертных материалов. Вторая – это перебазируемый вариант, позволяющий перевозить установку с места на место за счет сокращения времени монтажа и демонтажа и наладить производство бетонных смесей в непосредственной близости к объекту строительства. Это дает возможность сократить расходы на транспортирование бетона к месту укладки, а также уменьшить вероятность ухудшения потребительских свойств бетонной смеси, что в свою очередь снижает окончательную стоимость и повышает качество объекта строительства