23 research outputs found

    Yakut Language in Modern Education System of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Actors, Debates, New Challenges

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    The issues of the Yakut language functioning — the native language of the majority of the Arctic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) inhabitants — in the field of education are considered. The authors proceed from the fact that, being one of the key areas (along with such regulated areas of communication as the sphere of official office work, the media, science, etc.) necessary for the preservation and sustainable development of the language, the education sector is able to reflect the current language situation in the region, identify risks and threats to the existence of a particular language. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that we are on the eve of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022—2032), proclaimed by the UN General Assembly. The results of a comparative analysis of the status of the Yakut language de jure and de facto based on the analysis of relevant legislative acts and the results of surveys among residents of Yakutia in 2021 are presented. It is concluded that the analysis carried out makes it possible to judge the negative dynamics, which manifests itself in a moderate but continuous decrease in linguistic competence among native speakers of the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation. It is noted that this situation at the present stage is noticeable only to experts and philologists, but it poses a certain threat to the existence of the language in the long term

    Combination of CAKUT-syndrome and axial skeletal abnormalities

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    Combined anomalies of the urinary system and axial skeleton, including an L-shaped kidney, obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction (CAKUT syndrome, congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract syndrome) and spinal anomalies, are extremely rare. The clinical case gives a description of a similar combined developmental anomaly

    2020 Clinical practice guidelines for Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Russian Society of Cardiology (RSC)With the participation: Russian Association of Cardiovascular SurgeonsEndorsed by: Research and Practical Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Task Force: Gabrusenko S.A. (Chairman), Gudkova A.Ya.* (Chairman), Koziolova N.A. (Chairman), Alexandrova S.A., Berseneva M.I., Gordeev M.L., Dzemeshkevich S.L., Zaklyazminskaya E.V., Irtyuga O.B., Kaplunova V.Yu., Kostareva A.A., Krutikov A.N., Malenkov D.A., Novikova T.N., Saidova M.A., Sanakoev M.K., Stukalova O.V


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    Ultrasonography (US), computer (CT) and magnetic resonance (MRI) tomography - are the basic tools to identify malformations of the Inferior Vena Cava (IVC), which may be congenital or isolated elements of cardiosplenic syndrome that occurs during embryonic development. These vascular malformations diverse by a variety of pathologically formed architectonics, are rather rare, often asymptomatic, or present as venous thrombosis of the lower body. They can also mimic neoplasms and lymphadenopathy in the examined areas. The advantages and limitations of imaging methods in detecting malformations of the IVC and its tributaries are described with a clinical case example. A novel diagnostic algorithm to assess the structure of the IVC, which is extremely important when planning surgical interventions, endovascular diagnostics and therapeutic procedures, is proposed and justified.Ультразвуковое исследование, рентгеновская компьютерная и магнитно-резонансная томография - основные инструменты выявления аномалий строения нижней полой вены (НПВ), которые могут быть изолированным врожденным пороком или элементом кардиоспленического синдрома, возникающего в процессе эмбрионального развития. Эти мальформации представлены разнообразной патологически сформированной сосудистой архитектоникой, встречаются достаточно редко, зачастую протекает бессимптомно или проявляют себя тромбозом вен нижней части тела. Они также могут имитировать наличие новообразований и лимфаденопатии в исследуемых областях. На примере клинического наблюдения в работе описаны достоинства и ограничения методов медицинской визуализации в распознавании аномалий НПВ и ее притоков. Предложен и обоснован отличный от существующего алгоритм применения этих лучевых модальностей для оценки строения системы нижней полой вены, что чрезвычайно важно при планировании оперативных вмешательств, эндоваскулярных диагностических и лечебных процедур

    Juxtamedullary blood flow pathway

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    Golubev V.Z. created a scientific basis for the study of microangioarchitecture of the kidneys. The principles outlined in his thesis mediated appearance of studies investigating juxtamedullary blood flow and renal blood circulation in normal and pathological conditions.In acute cardiovascular diseases, the value of the juxtamedullary path of the blood flow increases and juxtamedullary shunting is observed. In chronic cardiovascular diseases, the juxtamedullary shunting initially increases and in the later stages of the disease, the sclerosis of the renal medulla causes a reduction and block of the juxtamedullary blood flow both the juxtamellular and the cortical blood flow deteriorating, which leads to a failure of the circulation to the heart flow. Through research Golubeva V.Z. modern information about the pathways of renal blood circulation prepared, allow to explain the mechanism of the development of various pathological conditions: acute blood loss, hydronephrosis, renovascular hypertension, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and another nephrological and urological diseases, cardiogenic shock, cardiorenal syndrome in acute ischemic heart disease, hypertension, sudden coronary death, and others

    Adding ternary complex roles to ALCRP(D)

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    The goal of this paper is to introduce the description logic ALCRP (D). This logic is based on the DL ALCRP(D) extended by a ternary role-forming predicate operator and by inverse roles. In order to be able to define a compositional semantics for ALCRP (D), which supports n-ary relations, we introduce a DLR-style syntax. For simplicity and from the viewpoint of the applicability in practice, only ternary relations will be discussed. The paper discusses syntactic restrictions on concepts and roles to ensure decidability of the language

    Scalable Geo-thematic Query Answering

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    Abstract. First order logic (FOL) rewritability is a desirable feature for query answering over geo-thematic ontologies because in most geoprocessing scenarios one has to cope with large data volumes. Hence, there is a need for combined geo-thematic logics that provide a sufficiently expressive query language allowing for FOL rewritability. The DL-Lite family of description logics is tailored towards FOL rewritability of query answering for unions of conjunctive queries, hence it is a suitable candidate for the thematic component of a combined geo-thematic logic. We show that a weak coupling of DL-Lite with the expressive region connection calculus RCC8 allows for FOL rewritability under a spatial completeness condition for the ABox. Stronger couplings allowing for FOL rewritability are possible only for spatial calculi as weak as the low-resolution calculus RCC2. Already a strong combination of DL-Lite with the low-resolution calculus RCC3 does not allow for FOL rewritability