4,678 research outputs found

    Exact solution of the zero-range process: fundamental diagram of the corresponding exclusion process

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    In this paper, we propose a general way of computing expectation values in the zero-range process, using an exact form of the partition function. As an example, we provide the fundamental diagram (the flux-density plot) of the asymmetric exclusion process corresponding to the zero-range process.We express the partition function for the steady state by the Lauricella hypergeometric function, and thereby have two exact fundamental diagrams each for the parallel and random sequential update rules. Meanwhile, from the viewpoint of equilibrium statistical mechanics, we work within the canonical ensemble but the result obtained is certainly in agreement with previous works done in the grand canonical ensemble.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Calibration of the Particle Density in Cellular-Automaton Models for Traffic Flow

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    We introduce density dependence of the cell size in cellular-automaton models for traffic flow, which allows a more precise correspondence between real-world phenomena and what observed in simulation. Also, we give an explicit calibration of the particle density particularly for the asymmetric simple exclusion process with some update rules. We thus find that the present method is valid in that it reproduces a realistic flow-density diagram.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic Perceptual Changes in Audiovisual Simultaneity

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    Background: The timing at which sensory input reaches the level of conscious perception is an intriguing question still awaiting an answer. It is often assumed that both visual and auditory percepts have a modality specific processing delay and their difference determines perceptual temporal offset. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we show that the perception of audiovisual simultaneity can change flexibly and fluctuates over a short period of time while subjects observe a constant stimulus. We investigated the mechanisms underlying the spontaneous alternations in this audiovisual illusion and found that attention plays a crucial role. When attention was distracted from the stimulus, the perceptual transitions disappeared. When attention was directed to a visual event, the perceived timing of an auditory event was attracted towards that event. Conclusions/Significance: This multistable display illustrates how flexible perceived timing can be, and at the same time offers a paradigm to dissociate perceptual from stimulus-driven factors in crossmodal feature binding. Our findings suggest that the perception of crossmodal synchrony depends on perceptual binding of audiovisual stimuli as a common event

    Ultra-discrete Optimal Velocity Model: a Cellular-Automaton Model for Traffic Flow and Linear Instability of High-Flux Traffic

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    In this paper, we propose the ultra-discrete optimal velocity model, a cellular-automaton model for traffic flow, by applying the ultra-discrete method for the optimal velocity model. The optimal velocity model, defined by a differential equation, is one of the most important models; in particular, it successfully reproduces the instability of high-flux traffic. It is often pointed out that there is a close relation between the optimal velocity model and the mKdV equation, a soliton equation. Meanwhile, the ultra-discrete method enables one to reduce soliton equations to cellular automata which inherit the solitonic nature, such as an infinite number of conservation laws, and soliton solutions. We find that the theory of soliton equations is available for generic differential equations, and the simulation results reveal that the model obtained reproduces both absolutely unstable and convectively unstable flows as well as the optimal velocity model.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Time dilation in dynamic visual display

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    How does the brain estimate time? This old question has led to many biological and psychological models of time perception (R. A. Block, 1989; P. Fraisse, 1963; J. Gibbon, 1977; D. L. I. Zakay, 1989). Because time cannot be directly measured at a given moment, it has been proposed that the brain estimates time based on the number of changes in an event (S. W. Brown, 1995; P. Fraisse, 1963; W. D. Poynter, 1989). Consistent with this idea, dynamic visual stimuli are known to lengthen perceived time (J. F. Brown, 1931; S. Goldstone & W. T. Lhamon, 1974; W. T. Lhamon & S. Goldstone, 1974, C. O. Z. Roelofs & W. P. C. Zeeman, 1951). However, the kind of information that constitutes the basis for time perception remains unresolved. Here, we show that the temporal frequency of a stimulus serves as the “clock” for perceived duration. Other aspects of changes, such as speed or coherence, were found to be inconsequential. Time dilation saturated at a temporal frequency of 4–8 Hz. These results suggest that the clock governing perceived time has its basis at early processing stages. The possible links between models of time perception and neurophysiological functions of early visual areas are discussed

    Observation of Conduction Band Satellite of Ni Metal by 3p-3d Resonant Inverse Photoemission Study

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    Resonant inverse photoemission spectra of Ni metal have been obtained across the Ni 3pp absorption edge. The intensity of Ni 3dd band just above Fermi edge shows asymmetric Fano-like resonance. Satellite structures are found at about 2.5 and 4.2 eV above Fermi edge, which show resonant enhancement at the absorption edge. The satellite structures are due to a many-body configuration interaction and confirms the existence of 3d8d^8 configuration in the ground state of Ni metal.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter