13 research outputs found

    Geographical and seasonal variability in the development of aphids (Homoptera, Aphidinea)

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    The purpose of the research is to study geographical and seasonal variability of aphids from the Ferghana Range.Materials and methods. The research materials were long-term collections, observations and experiments conducted in various zones of the Ferghana Range (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan) in 2006–2020. The studies used entomological, aphidological and statistical methods. The V. Barov’s psi-square and Student and Fisher’s Z methods were used to compare the samples. Mathematical analysis was performed based on 16 morphometric characteristics from the samples of adult aphids (n = 10).Results and discussion. The morphological features of aphids during divergence are a key factor in their range forage and adaptation to it. Other environmental factors have undoubtedly a direct effect on aphids through forage plants in some cases. The study of morphometric parameters of the samples taken in Mayli-Say and Khanabad showed that the variability of the aphid’s hindleg was zero, and the samples from Mayli-Say differed significantly from the samples from Khanabad (P > 0.01). The study results confirm that the samples from both regions are mainly subject to geographical variability influenced by climatic and other factors, and the confidence level differs in morphometric parameters


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    Objective of research: A study on fauna and biology of birch aphids in Central Asia. Materials and methods. This paper is based on collections, observations and experiments conducted in 1972-2016 in various areas of Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan). Collection and control of birch aphids were performed by common methods; aphids were fixed in test tubes with 96% ethanol. 102 birch aphids were investigated; they were applied for production of 311 total permanent preparations using the method of pre-maceration. The results of morphological changes in aphids were estimated by the common mathematical methods of statistics. Results and discussion. It was found that the fauna of birch aphids in Central Asia consists of 12 species and 1 suborder belonging to 6 genera ( Symydobius Mordvilko, 1894; Euceraphis Walker, 1870; Betulaphis Glendenning, 1926; Callipterinella van der Goot, 1913; Calaphis Walsh 1862; Clethrobius Mordvilko. 1928 ) of the subfamily Myzocallidinae , family Drepanosiphidae. Forage plants of birch aphids ( Semydobius oblongus von Heyd., Betulaphis quadrituberculata Kalt., Callipterinella betularia Kalt., Callipterinella tuberculata von Heyd., Calaphis betuliсola Kalt., Calaphis flava Mord., Clethrobius сomes Walk.) are widespread from temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere to South Kazakhstan. Issyk-Kul region is the southernmost point of the spread of Euceraphis punctipennis and Callipterinella minutissima Str. in Central Asia. Euceraphis pilosa and its subspecies E.pilosa arslanbobica, Betulaphis hissarica and Callipterinella ferganica are natives in the Mountains of Central Asia. As elements of aphid fauna of the Angara region, they were being formed in mountain areas through the development of autochthons as well as conversion of allochthons to native species Among the aphids identified, we have described Callipterinella ferganica Akhmedov et Khusanov 2009 and Euceraphis pilosa arslanbobica Akhmedov et Khusanov ssp.n.Цель исследования - изучение фауны и биологии берёзовых тлей в Центральной Азии. Материалы и методы. Материалом для исследований служили сборы, наблюдения, эксперименты, проведенные в 1972-2016 гг. в различных зонах Центральной Азии (Узбекистан, Кыргызстан). Сборы и обработку тлей осуществляли общепринятым методом, фиксировали в пробирках с 96%-ным спиртом. Исследовано 102 тлей, обитающих на берёзах, из них методом предварительного мацерирования приготовлено 311 тотальных препаратов. Результаты морфологических измерений тлей оценивали общепринятым методом математической статистики. Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что фауна берёзовых тлей Центральной Азии насчитывает 12 видов и один подвид, относящихся к 6 родам ( Symydobius Mordvilko, 1894; Euceraphis Walker, 1870; Betulaphis Glendenning, 1926; Callipterinella Van der Goot, 1913; Calaphis Walsh. 1862; Clethrobius Mordvilko. 1928) подсемейства Myzocallidinae семейства Drepanosiphidae. Кормовые растения берёзовых тлей ( Semydobius oblongus von Heyd., Betulaphis quadrituberculata Kalt., Callipterinella betularia Kalt. , Callipterinella tuberculata von Heyd. , Calaphis betuliсola Kalt. , Calaphis flava Mord. , Clethrobius сomes Walk. ) широко распространены от умеренных областей северного полушарья до Южного Казахстана. Прииссыккулье - самый южный пункт распространения Euceraphis punctipennis Börn. и Callipterinella minutissima Str. в Центральной Азии. Euceraphis pilosa Nevsky и её подвиды E. pilosa arslanbobica , Betulaphis hissarica Narz. и Callipterinella ferganica являются аборигенами горной Центральной Азии. Они как элементы ангарской афидофауны формировались в пределах горных территорий региона путем возникновения автохтонов, а также переработки аллохтонов в местные виды. Среди выявленных тлей описаны Callipterinella ferganica Akhmedov et Khusanov 2009 и Euceraphis pilosa arslanbobica Akhmedov et Khusanov ssp.n

    Особенности географической и сезонной изменчивости в развитии тлей (Homoptera, Aphidinea)

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    The purpose of the research is to study geographical and seasonal variability of aphids from the Ferghana Range.Materials and methods. The research materials were long-term collections, observations and experiments conducted in various zones of the Ferghana Range (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan) in 2006–2020. The studies used entomological, aphidological and statistical methods. The V. Barov’s psi-square and Student and Fisher’s Z methods were used to compare the samples. Mathematical analysis was performed based on 16 morphometric characteristics from the samples of adult aphids (n = 10).Results and discussion. The morphological features of aphids during divergence are a key factor in their range forage and adaptation to it. Other environmental factors have undoubtedly a direct effect on aphids through forage plants in some cases. The study of morphometric parameters of the samples taken in Mayli-Say and Khanabad showed that the variability of the aphid’s hindleg was zero, and the samples from Mayli-Say differed significantly from the samples from Khanabad (P > 0.01). The study results confirm that the samples from both regions are mainly subject to geographical variability influenced by climatic and other factors, and the confidence level differs in morphometric parameters.Цель исследований: изучить особенности географической и сезонной изменчивости тлей Ферганского хребта.Материалы и методы. Материалом для исследований служили многолетние сборы, наблюдения и эксперименты, проведенные в 2006–2020 гг. в различных зонах Ферганского хребта (Узбекистан, Кыргызстан). В исследованиях использовали энтомологические, афидологические и статистические методы. Для сравнения образцов использовали методы пси-квадрат В. Барова, «Z» Стьюдента и Фишера. Был проведен математический анализ на основе 16 морфометрических признаков из образцов взрослых особей тлей (n = 10).Результаты и обсуждение. При дивергенции морфологические особенности тлей являются ключевым фактором в их кормовой растительности и адаптации к ней. Другие факторы окружающей среды в ряде случаев несомненно оказывают прямое воздействие на тлей через кормовые растения. Изучение морфометрических параметров образцов, отобранных в Майлисае и Ханабаде, показало, что вариабельность задней лапы тлей равна нулю, а образцы из Майлисая, значительно отличаются от образцов из Ханабада (P > 0,01). Результаты исследования подтверждают, что образцы из обоих регионов, в основном, подвержены географической изменчивости под влиянием климатических и других факторов, а уровень достоверности различается по морфометр

    Сосущие вредители (Insecta, Homoptera) ивовых юго-востока Центральной Азии

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    The purpose of the research is to study fauna and dispersion of Homoptera attacked Salicaceae at the south-eastern part of Central Asia. Materials and methods. Authors’ longstanding works (during 2008–2018) on research morpho-ecological characteristics of sugescent invaders conducted in different regions of south-eastern part of Central Asia (Andijan, Fergana, Namangan) served as the material for the research.Results and discussion. It has been established that sucking insects (frog-flies, greenflies, coccids) referring to 70 species and 12 families of Homoptera class are attacked Salicaceae at south-eastern part of Central Asia. Potential Salicaceae invaders are greenflies Tuberolachnus salignus, Pemphigus bursarius, P. immunis, P. populinigrae, P. protospirae, P. vesicarius and Chaitophorus pruinosae and coccids Qudraspidiotus slavonicus, Drosicha media, Gossyparia salicicola, Lepidosaphes ulmi, Chionaspis salicis, Diaspidiotus ostreaformis and D. slavonicus. As distinct from leaf gall aphids (pemphigus) pachypleurous nucamentaceons plant galls Pemphigusimmunis and large pouch-like plant galls P. vesicarius forming on poplars branches and shoots remains unchanged also in winter months. Herewith greatly infected shoots become warped, get sleazy appearance and trees lose decorativeness.Цель исследований: изучить фауну и распространение равнокрылых-хоботных насекомых, заселяющих ивовые на юго-востоке Центральной Азии.Материалы и методы. Материалом для исследования служили многолетние работы авторов (2008–2018 гг.) по изучению морфо-экологических особенностей сосущих вредителей, проведенных в различных зонах юго-востока Центральной Азии (Андижан, Фергана, Наманган).Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что ивовые на юго-востоке Центральной Азии заселяют сосущие насекомые (цикадки, тли, кокциды), относящиеся к 70 видам и 12 семействам отряда Равнокрылых. Потенциальными вредителями ивовых считаются тли Tuberolachnussalignus, Pemphigusbursarius, P. immunis, P. populinigrae, P. protospirae, P. vesicarius и Chaitophoruspruinosae, а из кокцид – Qudraspidiotusslavonicus, Drosichamedia, Gossypariasalicicola, Lepidosaphesulmi, Chionaspissalicis, Diaspidiotusostreaformis и D. slavonicus. В отличие от листовых галловых тлей (пемфигов), толстостенно-орешковидные галлы Pemphigusimmunis и крупные мешковидные галлы P. vesicarius, образующиеся на ветвях и побегах тополей, сохраняются и в зимний период. При этом сильно заражённые побеги искривляются, приобретают неприглядный вид, а деревья теряют декоративность

    Mathematical model of plate heat exchanger for utilisation of waste heat from condensable gaseous streams

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    The mathematical model of vapour condensation from the mixture with noncondensing gas in Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) channels is presented. The model accounts for the change of process parameters along the heat transfer surface and local features of heat and mass transfer processes in PHEs channels with plates of different corrugations geometry. It consists of the system of ordinary differential equations with considerably nonlinear right parts. The software for its solution by finite difference method is developed. The validity of the model is confirmed by comparison with the experiment for steam-air mixture condensation in a PHE channel sample

    Mathematical model describing erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Implications for blood viscosity changes in traumatic shock and crush syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a simple and inexpensive laboratory test, which is widespread in clinical practice, for assessing the inflammatory or acute response. This work addresses the theoretical and experimental investigation of sedimentation a single and multiple particles in homogeneous and heterogeneous (multiphase) medium, as it relates to their internal structure (aggregation of solid or deformed particles). METHODS: The equation system has been solved numerically. To choose finite analogs of derivatives we used the schemes of directional differences. RESULTS: (1) Our model takes into account the influence of the vessel wall on group aggregation of particles in tubes as well as the effects of rotation of particles, the constraint coefficient, and viscosity of a mixture as a function of the volume fraction. (2) This model can describe ESR as a function of the velocity of adhesion of erythrocytes; (3) Determination of the ESR is best conducted at certain time intervals, i.e. in a series of periods not exceeding 5 minutes each; (4) Differential diagnosis of various diseases by means of ESR should be performed using the aforementioned timed measurement of ESR; (5) An increase in blood viscosity during trauma results from an increase in rouleaux formation and the time-course method of ESR will be useful in patients with trauma, in particular, with traumatic shock and crush syndrome. CONCLUSION: The mathematical model created in this study used the most fundamental differential equations that have ever been derived to estimate ESR. It may further our understanding of its complex mechanism


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    Objective of research: A study on fauna and biology of birch aphids in Central Asia. Materials and methods. This paper is based on collections, observations and experiments conducted in 1972-2016 in various areas of Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan). Collection and control of birch aphids were performed by common methods; aphids were fixed in test tubes with 96% ethanol. 102 birch aphids were investigated; they were applied for production of 311 total permanent preparations using the method of pre-maceration. The results of morphological changes in aphids were estimated by the common mathematical methods of statistics. Results and discussion. It was found that the fauna of birch aphids in Central Asia consists of 12 species and 1 suborder belonging to 6 genera ( Symydobius Mordvilko, 1894; Euceraphis Walker, 1870; Betulaphis Glendenning, 1926; Callipterinella van der Goot, 1913; Calaphis Walsh 1862; Clethrobius Mordvilko. 1928 ) of the subfamily Myzocallidinae , family Drepanosiphidae. Forage plants of birch aphids ( Semydobius oblongus von Heyd., Betulaphis quadrituberculata Kalt., Callipterinella betularia Kalt., Callipterinella tuberculata von Heyd., Calaphis betuliсola Kalt., Calaphis flava Mord., Clethrobius сomes Walk.) are widespread from temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere to South Kazakhstan. Issyk-Kul region is the southernmost point of the spread of Euceraphis punctipennis and Callipterinella minutissima Str. in Central Asia. Euceraphis pilosa and its subspecies E.pilosa arslanbobica, Betulaphis hissarica and Callipterinella ferganica are natives in the Mountains of Central Asia. As elements of aphid fauna of the Angara region, they were being formed in mountain areas through the development of autochthons as well as conversion of allochthons to native species Among the aphids identified, we have described Callipterinella ferganica Akhmedov et Khusanov 2009 and Euceraphis pilosa arslanbobica Akhmedov et Khusanov ssp.n

    Sugescent Salicaceae Invaders (Insecta, Homoptera) of the South-Eastern Part of Central Asia

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    The purpose of the research is to study fauna and dispersion of Homoptera attacked Salicaceae at the south-eastern part of Central Asia. Materials and methods. Authors’ longstanding works (during 2008–2018) on research morpho-ecological characteristics of sugescent invaders conducted in different regions of south-eastern part of Central Asia (Andijan, Fergana, Namangan) served as the material for the research.Results and discussion. It has been established that sucking insects (frog-flies, greenflies, coccids) referring to 70 species and 12 families of Homoptera class are attacked Salicaceae at south-eastern part of Central Asia. Potential Salicaceae invaders are greenflies Tuberolachnus salignus, Pemphigus bursarius, P. immunis, P. populinigrae, P. protospirae, P. vesicarius and Chaitophorus pruinosae and coccids Qudraspidiotus slavonicus, Drosicha media, Gossyparia salicicola, Lepidosaphes ulmi, Chionaspis salicis, Diaspidiotus ostreaformis and D. slavonicus. As distinct from leaf gall aphids (pemphigus) pachypleurous nucamentaceons plant galls Pemphigusimmunis and large pouch-like plant galls P. vesicarius forming on poplars branches and shoots remains unchanged also in winter months. Herewith greatly infected shoots become warped, get sleazy appearance and trees lose decorativeness

    Obtaining manganese silicide films on a silicon substrate by the diffusion method

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    Investigation of auto-oscillation currents in compensated silicon doped with impurity atoms of manganese, zinc, sulphur or selenium can observe several types of current instabilities with different natures and excitation conditions. The boundary regions of auto-oscillation currents such as temperature instabilities, recombination waves and injection instabilities in temperature, electric field, intensity of illumination as well as in resistivity and conductivity type of compensated silicon samples were determined. From the analysis of the obtained results the possibility of using the detected auto-oscillation currents in compensated silicon for creating solid-state generators and sensors of physical quantities is shown. The mechanism of manganese diffusion into silicon leading to the formation of higher manganese silicides on the silicon surface was determined. The X-ray analysis data allowed to find that in the temperature range of thermal annealing T=800÷1100°C, polycrystalline films corresponding to the phases of higher manganese silicides are formed. The possibility of creating the efficient thermopiles based on the obtained structures of the MnxSi1-x – Si-MnxSi1-x type based on silicon, the operating parameters of which are not inferior to existing thermopiles, and sometimes have certain advantages, is shown