19 research outputs found

    The usage of the railroad terminal resources

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    With the growth of freight transportation by rail the main attention should be focused on the function of railway terminal activities and optimization, where the arriving trains are disbanded and new trains are arranged according to the train formation plan A loading process is analyzed. Functional structure of terminals is defined by a technological process. The dynamic tasks of management of trains flows are formulated. The efficiency of railway terminal activities should depend on the optimization of the process of growth of freight transportation

    Optimisation of technological processes in terminals

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    In this article technological processes in transport terminals are analysed. A technological scheme of the transport terminal is analysed graphically reflecting the sequence of working operations with regard to aerial location, necessary equipment, outfit and workers. A technological graph chart reflecting the technological acceptability and time normatives of technological operations of a transport process is present. The estimation and adaption of models in transport terminals are presented. A dynamic model serving the development of general transport capacities was elaboated for process modeling of transport terminals

    The solution of customs posts management problems at railway border stations

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    The identification and solution of transportation problems related to customs posts at railway border stations enable successful functioning of international freight transport, thus guaranteeing its reliability, punctuality and high quality. Perfection of the complex work is necessary in order to meet the requirements as well as to preserve goods during their transportation process. For the solution of the problems at the stations it is important to analyse fundamental principles, to assess an environmental impact, to formulate and evaluate the issues of wagon management by means of complicated technical systems, and to optimise the process of problems on the basis of research methods

    Research on model application to restructuring the railway transport sector in Lithuania

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    There is no economic grounding and estimation of costs incurred to the State by the establishment and operation of the railway infrastructure management enterprise. In this regard, the article deals with the evaluation of reforming the railway transport sector in other countries and analyses the comparison of restructuring models according to the experience of the EU member states as well as evaluates the selection of models proposed by foreign theoreticians and from an economic point of view justifies the most relevant model of reforming Lithuanian railway transport sector

    Analysis of the transport flows service time of the vehicles and the assessment of the ideterminancy of external impact

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    To increase the attraction of Lithuania as a transit country striving to promote carriers' border crossing activities and facilitate customs clearance procedures as well as freight delivery to clients it is necessary to identify the main obstacles, to analyse them and to select adequate measures and means for their elimination. Therefore, on the basis of the analysis of the transport flows service time, as well as basing on the assessment of indeterminacy of external impacts, it would be possible to deduce the main causes of idle time of transport means at customs, to estimate the dependence of service time in proportion to transport flows. Basing on theoretical estimation in this article the estimation of service time of international transport and the management of transport flows are described

    Research into intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies and efficiency

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    Intelligent Transport Systems work with information and control technologies which provide the core of ITS functions. Some of these technologies, like loop detectors, are well known to transportation professionals. However, there are a number of less familiar technologies and system concepts that are the key to ITS functions. The technical core of ITS is information and control technologies, but human factors are also vitally important, and potentially very complex. This paper introduces the main ITS enabling technologies and explains why transport professionals should involve human factor experts at an early stage of design of ITS equipment and facilities

    Presented Habilitation

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    Information about defended Habilitation is presented. Scientific work (research field - transport engineering) is defended in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

    Improvement of road safety using passive and active intelligent vehicle safety systems

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    Following the measures foreseen in the Transport White Paper 2001, situation of road safety has improved. Road fatalities have declined by more than 17 % since 2001 in the EU. However, with around 41 600 deaths and more than 1.7 million injured in 2005, road remains the least safe mode of transport and objectives to halve the number of fatalities on road by 2010 is most likely not feasible to achieve. Therefore a need for the intelligent vehicle safety systems, that enable to raise the level of road safety, is much higher than ever before. The Intelligent Vehicle Safety Systems ensure a superior safety on road would it be vehicle-based or infrastructure-related systems. These can be divided into passive and active safety applications where the former help people stay alive and uninjured in a crash, while the latter help drivers to avoid accidents. Some of the most promising (e-call) and the most used (ABS, ESP) systems are analised more specifi cally in the paper. Possible solutions to deploying intelligent transport systems in Lithuania are also introduced

    Statistical probability evaluation of operating ITS

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    Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) work with information and control technologies providing the core of ITS functions. Some of these technologies like loop detectors are well known to transportation professionals. However, there are a number of less familiar technologies and system concepts that are keys to ITS functions. Although information and control technologies act as a technical core of ITS, human factors also remain vitally important and potentially very complex issues. The process of operating ITS is influenced by a number of random factors. Along with an assessment of dependence upon separate random factors, the classification of those in the whole hierarchical structure of operating ITS is presented. Statistical information on operating ITS is renewed and replenished in the course of time. With the growth of information amounts, the costs of storing them also increase. Therefore, the article presents relevant algorithms for obtaining required statistical assessments with the least statistical information. It is deduced that while modelling the process of operating ITS, an analytical description of random factors applying non-parametric assessment is suitable

    Analysis of clusterization and networking processes in developing intermodal transportation

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    By analysing the processes of clusterization and networking, attention is drawn to the necessity of integration of railway transport into the intermodal or multimodal transport chain. One of the most widespread methods of combined transport is interoperability of railway and road transport. The objective is to create an uninterrupted transport chain in combining several modes of transport. The aim of this is to save energy resources, to form an effective, competitive, attractive to the client and safe and environmentally friendly transport system (Vasiliauskas, 2004). Under the modern conditions of globalization and integration into the European Union, the processes of networking are becoming increasingly more important, as perspective processes and the ones meeting the modern trends of development in various areas. In the context of intensive changes in the life of the society and business development processes, networking processes inevitably make influence on intermodal transportation. Therefore, the processes of clusterization, networking and integration have a significant impact on international economic area, including the development of a single social, scientific and technological advance, information and transport system