22,535 research outputs found

    Electron cloud observations at the ISIS Proton Synchrotron

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    The build up of electron clouds inside a particle accelerator vacuum chamber can produce strong transverse and longitudinal beam instabilities which in turn can lead to high levels of beam loss often requiring the accelerator to be run below its design specification. To study the behaviour of electron clouds at the ISIS Proton Synchrotron, a Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) based electron cloud detector has been developed. The detector is based on the Retarding Field Analyser (RFA) design and consists of a retarding grid, which allows energy analysis of the electron signal, and a MCP assembly placed in front of the collector plate. The MCP assembly provides a current gain over the range 300 to 25K, thereby increasing the signal to noise ratio and dynamic range of the measurements. This paper presents the first electron cloud observations at the ISIS Proton Synchrotron. These results are compared against signals from a beam position monitor and a fast beam loss monitor installed at the same location.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to the Joint INFN-CERN-EuCARD-AccNet Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects: ECLOUD'12; 5-9 Jun 2012, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Ital

    New system for bathing bedridden patients

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    Multihead shower facility can be used with minimal patient handling. Waterproof curtain allows patient to bathe with his head out of shower. He can move completely inside shower to wash his face and hair. Main advantage of shower system is time saved in giving bath

    Quadrupole moment of a magnetically confined mountain on an accreting neutron star: effect of the equation of state

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    Magnetically confined mountains on accreting neutron stars are promising sources of continuous-wave gravitational radiation and are currently the targets of directed searches with long-baseline detectors like the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO). In this paper, previous ideal-magnetohydrodynamic models of isothermal mountains are generalized to a range of physically motivated, adiabatic equations of state. It is found that the mass ellipticity drops substantially, from \epsilon ~ 3e-4 (isothermal) to \epsilon ~ 9e-7 (non-relativistic degenerate neutrons), 6e-8 (relativistic degenerate electrons) and 1e-8 (non-relativistic degenerate electrons) (assuming a magnetic field of 3e12 G at birth). The characteristic mass M_{c} at which the magnetic dipole moment halves from its initial value is also modified, from M_{c}/M_{\sun} ~ 5e-4 (isothermal) to M_{c}/M_{\sun} ~ 2e-6, 1e-7, and 3e-8 for the above three equations of state, respectively. Similar results are obtained for a realistic, piecewise-polytropic nuclear equation of state. The adiabatic models are consistent with current LIGO upper limits, unlike the isothermal models. Updated estimates of gravitational-wave detectability are made. Monte Carlo simulations of the spin distribution of accreting millisecond pulsars including gravitational-wave stalling agree better with observations for certain adiabatic equations of state, implying that X-ray spin measurements can probe the equation of state when coupled with magnetic mountain models.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, to be published in MNRA

    Design and flight testing of a nullable compressor face rake

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    A compressor face rake with an internal valve arrangement to permit nulling was designed, constructed, and tested in the laboratory and in flight at the NASA Flight Research Center. When actuated by the pilot in flight, the nullable rake allowed the transducer zero shifts to be determined and then subsequently removed during data reduction. Design details, the fabrication technique, the principle of operation, brief descriptions of associated digital zero-correction programs and the qualification tests, and test results are included. Sample flight data show that the zero shifts were large and unpredictable but could be measured in flight with the rake. The rake functioned reliably and as expected during 25 hours of operation under flight environmental conditions and temperatures from 230 K (-46 F) to greater than 430 K (314 F). The rake was nulled approximately 1000 times. The in-flight zero-shift measurement technique, as well as the rake design, was successful and should be useful in future applications, particularly where accurate measurements of both steady-state and dynamic pressures are required under adverse environmental conditions

    National Newspaper Analysis of the Press Coverage of Jesse Jackson\u27s 1984 Presidential Campaign: The Confirmation of the Candidate

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    Jesse Jackson\u27s 1984 and 1988 presidential campaigns have motivated thousands of citizens throughout America to take a more active role in politics. The 1984 campaign witnessed many previously unregistered Americans actively participating in Jackson\u27s call to join the Rainbow Coalition. Four years later, Jackson once again hit a responsive chord within the American electorate, broadening his support base in his second run for the White House. His vibrant campaigns presented challenges not only to the American system of government, but also to accepted journalistic traditions in campaign reporting. Specifically, the dilemma has been a difficult one for journalists responsible for campaign coverage. How much coverage should a reporter give to Jesse Jackson\u27s campaign? Should he be treated like an Alan Cranston or Gary Hart in 1984, or a Paul Simon or Albert Gore in 1988? Or does the historical impact of his being the first black candidate to make a serious bid for the presidency warrant a different approach to press coverage? Highlighting this dilemma in the 1984 campaign, Dates and Gandy note: Jackson\u27s candidacy was a challenge for the press because on the one hand journalistic traditions would dictate that the ideological orientation of the media organization would constrain its coverage to be consistent with longstanding editorial practice.[1

    Illumination waveform optimization for time-of-flight range imaging cameras

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    Time-of-flight range imaging sensors acquire an image of a scene, where in addition to standard intensity information, the range (or distance) is also measured concurrently by each pixel. Range is measured using a correlation technique, where an amplitude modulated light source illuminates the scene and the reflected light is sampled by a gain modulated image sensor. Typically the illumination source and image sensor are amplitude modulated with square waves, leading to a range measurement linearity error caused by aliased harmonic components within the correlation waveform. A simple method to improve measurement linearity by reducing the duty cycle of the illumination waveform to suppress problematic aliased harmonic components is demonstrated. If the total optical power is kept constant, the measured correlation waveform amplitude also increases at these reduced illumination duty cycles. Measurement performance is evaluated over a range of illumination duty cycles, both for a standard range imaging camera configuration, and also using a more complicated phase encoding method that is designed to cancel aliased harmonics during the sampling process. The standard configuration benefits from improved measurement linearity for illumination duty cycles around 30%, while the measured amplitude, hence range precision, is increased for both methods as the duty cycle is reduced below 50% (while maintaining constant optical power)

    Gravitational waves from an accreting neutron star with a magnetic mountain

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    We calculate the amplitude of gravitational waves from a neutron star accreting symmetrically at its magnetic poles. The magnetic field, which is compressed into an equatorial belt during accretion, confines accreted matter in a mountain at the magnetic pole, producing gravitational waves. We compute hydromagnetic equilibria and the corresponding quadrupole moment as a function of the accreted mass, Ma, finding the polarization- and orientation- averaged wave strain at Earth to be h_c = 6.3 × 10^(–25)(M_a/10^(–5)M_☉)(ƒ/0.6kHz)^2(d/1kpc)^(–1) for a range of conditions, where ƒ is the wave frequency and d is the distance to the source. This is ~ 10^2 times greater than previous estimates, which failed to treat the mass-flux distribution self-consistently with respect to flux-freezin

    Characterization of modulated time-of-flight range image sensors

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    A number of full field image sensors have been developed that are capable of simultaneously measuring intensity and distance (range) for every pixel in a given scene using an indirect time-of-flight measurement technique. A light source is intensity modulated at a frequency between 10–100 MHz, and an image sensor is modulated at the same frequency, synchronously sampling light reflected from objects in the scene (homodyne detection). The time of flight is manifested as a phase shift in the illumination modulation envelope, which can be determined from the sampled data simultaneously for each pixel in the scene. This paper presents a method of characterizing the high frequency modulation response of these image sensors, using a pico-second laser pulser. The characterization results allow the optimal operating parameters, such as the modulation frequency, to be identified in order to maximize the range measurement precision for a given sensor. A number of potential sources of error exist when using these sensors, including deficiencies in the modulation waveform shape, duty cycle, or phase, resulting in contamination of the resultant range data. From the characterization data these parameters can be identified and compensated for by modifying the sensor hardware or through post processing of the acquired range measurements

    Characterizing an image intensifier in an full-field range image system

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    We are developing a high precision full-field range imaging system. An integral component in this system is an image intensifier, which is modulated at frequencies up to 100 MHz. The range measurement precision is dictated by the image intensifier performance, in particular, the achievable modulation frequency, modulation depth, and waveform shape. By characterizing the image intensifier response, undesirable effects can be observed and quantified with regards to the consequence on the resulting range measurements, and the optimal operating conditions can be selected to minimize these disturbances. The characterization process utilizes a pulsed laser source to temporally probe the gain of the image intensifier. The laser is pulsed at a repetition rate slightly different to the image intensifier modulation frequency, producing a continuous phase shift between the two signals. A charge coupled device samples the image intensifier output, capturing the response over a complete modulation period. Deficiencies in our measured response are clearly identifiable and simple modifications to the configuration of our electrical driver circuit improve the modulation performance